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Fallout Wiki
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(Bemerkungen: Benötigt etwas Übersetzung, bitte Vorlage nach Beendigung entfernen.)

Das Das Haus der Smiths ist ein Ort in Fallout 3. Es ist das Zuhause von Jack, Linda und Junior Smith in Andale in 2277.


Das Haus der Smiths[]

The layout of this house is the standard model of house in the Ödland der Hauptstadt. It is a 2 floor domicile with a living room and connected kitchen, a staircase in the living room, and 2 bedrooms; one for children and one for adults.

Keller im Haus der Smiths[]

The house also contains a basement, the door of which requires a Lockpick skill of 100 or the key (found in the master bedroom) to enter. Counters line the walls of the small, gruesome room at the bottom of the stairs. The tables in the middle of the room are littered with the remains of the family's victims.

Bemerkenswerte Beute[]

Verwandte Quests[]


  • If you console-resurrect the three dead watelanders in the basement, they will have the dialogue of a Little Lamplighter.
  • When you first enter the basement, you may hear a loud splatter sound. This is caused by a script that spawns the three wastelanders and kills them.


Das Haus der Smiths kommt nur in Fallout 3 vor.

