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Fallout Wiki

Hear there's a belltower and church to the North... filled with Ghost people.

Das Campanas del Sol ist ein Ort im Sierra Madre.


Before the Great War, it held the church, a morgue and many homes of the casino staff.


Campanas del Sol is comprised of a large courtyard surrounded by labyrinthine hallways and rooms, along with home-like rooms and a morgue. A large amount of ghost people reside in the area.

Bemerkenswerte Beute[]

  • Embalming fluid - four jars can be found in a room next to a staircase leading to the lower levels.
  • Vending machine code - "Super stimpak" inside the bell tower.
  • Vending machine code for Holorifle focus optics inside the bell tower.

Verwandte Quests[]

  • Trigger the Gala Event


The Campanas del Sol appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on, Dead Money.

Hinter den Kulissen[]

Campanas del Sol roughly translates into "bells of the Sun" from Spanish.

