Monthly Archives: August 2007

A full-time job?

Just writing this post tells me that I’m getting way too old… Anyhow, I graduate from the University of Waterloo around April/May, and had a vague idea that I should probably get a job sometime after that. Although I do … Continue reading

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Kirix Strata: Access and Manipulate Data from the Web

Kirix Strata: Access and Manipulate Data from the Web – this is quite cool, and it’s great to see a lot of data/stats/visualization stuff coming to the web these days. For their specific app though, it seems like it would … Continue reading

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DeWitt Clinton » Blog Archive » Yelp search API

DeWitt Clinton » Blog Archive » Yelp search API – yesterday I decided I didn’t have the time to read through the whole Yelp spec and make my suggestions on how they be using OpenSearch. So naturally, DeWitt (independently) did … Continue reading

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