This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

WP Flash News Notification


WP Post Notification allow use to display the blog recent post on your website in a smart way. By shortcode you can display blog recent post anywhere on your website. And this plugin allow you to add flash news with floating sidebar as well.

Note : please don’t forget to leave your valuable feedback and suggestions for make my plugin much more better compare to other plugins.


  • Display latest post by shortcode
  • Display post as flash news with floating sidebar
  • An option to allow number of posts
  • An option to hide flash news sidebar on home/tags/category/search/archive pages
  • An option to hide flash news sidebar for specific custom post type
  • An option to hide flash news sidebar for specific custom taxonomy type

عکس‌های صفحه

  • Settings page
  • Front-end Preview


Installing the plugin:

  1. Unzip the plugin’s directory into wp-content/plugins.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. The plugin will be available under Tools -> WP Post Notification on
    WordPress administration page.

سوالات متداول

Can I add recent post on my any CMS page??

Yes, You can dispaly the recent post on any page using shortcode

Can I display recent posts as flash news?

Yes, You can dispaly recent posts as flash news

نقد و بررسی‌ها

نقد و بررسی‌ای برای این افزونه یافت نشد.

توسعه دهندگان و همکاران

“WP Flash News Notification” نرم افزار متن باز است. افراد زیر در این افزونه مشارکت کرده‌اند.

مشارکت کنندگان

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گزارش تغییرات


First release