
Health Systems in Action insights

The Health Systems in Action insights series, co-produced by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, supports Member States in the WHO European Region that are not in the European Union.

The Insights for each country are intended to:

  • provide core information and data on health systems succinctly and accessibly;
  • outline the country health system context in which WHO Europe’s Programme of Work (EPW) is set;
  • flag key concerns, progress and challenges health system by health system; and
  • build a baseline for comparisons, so that member states can see how their health systems develop over time and in relation to other countries.

The series draws on the knowledge and understanding of the WHO Country Offices and of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems (CPS), the WHO Barcelona Office for Health Systems Financing and other WHO/Europe technical programmes; as well as the Health in Transition series and the work of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The Insights follow a common template that provides detailed guidance and allows comparison across countries.

2022 Health Systems in Action insights

See 2021 HSiA insights >
Health systems in action: Armenia

Armenia has a decentralized health system, with the Ministry of Health acting as the single payer for publicly funded health services. The country is taking...

Health systems in action: Serbia

The Serbian health system is based on compulsory health insurance, and payroll contributions are the main source of public financing. The main purchaser...

Health systems in action: Montenegro

Montenegro has recently made a major change to its system of health financing, switching to a fully tax-funded health insurance system in 2022. Population...

Health systems in action: Republic of Moldova

The Republic of Moldova has mandatory health insurance that covered approximately 88% of the population in 2021. The benefits package is relatively broad...

Health systems in action: Israel

Israel has a national health insurance system that covers all residents of the country. The system is centralized under the Ministry of Health, with four...

Health systems in action: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of two entities (the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska) and one autonomous district (the Brčko...

Health systems in action: Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan’s health system provides a state-guaranteed package of services but there are major gaps in population coverage and the scope of publicly...

Health systems in action: Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s health system provides a publicly financed package of services, but, for most of the population, many health services (including a large...

Health systems in action: Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has recently established a mandatory health insurance system, with the Social Health Insurance Fund becoming the purchaser of publicly paid...

Health systems in action: Tajikistan

Tajikistan’s health system is centrally organized and ownership and administration of the majority of health facilities have remained almost exclusively...

Health systems in action: Georgia

Since 2013, Georgia has been striving to provide universal health coverage through a package of publicly funded benefits and increased public investment...

Health systems in action: North Macedonia

North Macedonia’s health system provides a relatively comprehensive basic benefits package, with about 90% of the population being covered under...

Health systems in action: Türkiye

Türkiye introduced a social health insurance scheme in 2006 with a single public payer, the Social Security Institution (SSI), merging five existing...

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