Oh, what news:

We’re excited to announce that we’ve expanded book distribution globally — which means it’ll be even easier for you to buy A Book Apart books around the world, wherever you’re based.

By expanding our distribution, ABA books will now be available through thousands of retailers (including your local independent bookstore), libraries, schools, and universities — in the US, UK, India, Japan, Germany, Australia, Brazil, and beyond.

This sounds like a small thing, but it extremely isn’t.

Maybe you know this part, but: A Book Apart (ABA) is an independent publishing house; they’re also the publisher of my two books. Up until now, if you wanted to purchase those books, you could only buy them through A Book Apart’s website. Which, hey, look: that’s a good thing! Direct sales are good! You’re supporting independent businesses! But I’m told that the shipping costs for international buyers could get pricey. What’s more, if you ever saw an ABA book on, say, Amazon, you were seeing a resold copy. (At a downright wild markup, naturally.)

No longer. ABA’s dramatically opened up their distribution, which means you’ve got — and I apologize for the term of art here — mad options for buying their books. I mean, you can still order your favorite ABA books direct from their website, but now you also can:

Heck, I even submitted a request to my local library, suggesting they pick up a few copies of my favorite ABA books. That’s another cool thing this distribution change has unlocked.

Here’s the thing: I’m incredibly proud to be a small part of A Book Apart’s lineup. That was true when Responsive Web Design was first published; it was true when my second book was released. But ever since, the lineup’s only gotten better with each new title. And maybe it’s just me, but I’m excited to see ABA making those titles more readily accessible.

Luke Wroblewski, Aarron Walter, Ethan Marcotte, Erin Kissane, Dan Cederholm, and Jeremy Keith sit on a gray fabric couch together, each of them using one hand to forming the number of their respective A Book Apart books.
A Book Apart authors, 1–6”, by Jason Santa Maria

  1. I realize this might make me a horrible person, but I confess I am a little excited to see an author page on Bookshop.org with my name on it. Okay thanks