A visit to the Hepworth Gallery

Today I went to the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield to have a poke around the Martin Parr exhibition The Rhubarb Triangle and Other Stories.

Now, try as I might, I just don’t ‘get’ Parr’s photography. There are over 370 of Parr’s photos on show, covering a 40 year period of his work. I spent a good while wandering the galleries and the photos, whilst expressive, just didn’t really click for me. They seemed slightly… joyless and deadpan, with hardly a smile in sight, especially the rhubarb collection. I know that a great many people do love his photographs though, and am more than happy to be in the minority. Each to his own, and all that.

I do adore the Hepworth Gallery though, and it’s full of lovely art that I did like. The Barbara Hepworth sculptures are simply stunning and well worth the trip to see.

winged figure ~ Barbara Hepworth
winged figure ~ Barbara Hepworth
winged figure ~ Barbara Hepworth
winged figure ~ Barbara Hepworth
Spring, 1966, plaster with strings

Having given up (reluctantly) on Parr, I took to mooching around making some of my own photographs (hurrah for galleries and museums where photography is permitted!).


works of art are fragi
do not touch the fragi art
empty chair
one of these things is not like the others

It might not be art (or is it?, but I know what I like. And that’s good enough for me.

Author: dave

Book reviewer, occasional writer, photographer, coffee-lover, cyclist, spoon carver and stationery geek.

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