WP Accessibility Helper (WAH)


WordPress Accessibility made easy!

Web accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, all users have equal access to information and functionality.

WP Accessibility Helper helps solve accessibility problems like font size, contrast, titles and aria-label tags, images alt and more.

Web oficial





Política de privacidad

  • La versión gratuita de WAH utiliza cookies para guardar los colores de variación de contraste seleccionados por el usuario

  • Utilizamos cookies solo para uso interno y nunca compartiremos estos datos con terceros


  • WP Accessibility Helper – Settings Page ( screenshot #1 )

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Settings Page – part 2 ( screenshot #1 )

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Front-end opened sidebar ( screenshot #3 )

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Attachments control center (admin-side) ( screenshot #4 )

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Landmark control center (admin-side) ( screenshot #5 )

  • WP Accessibility Helper con el tema «Rowling» para WordPress (captura de pantalla #6)

  • WP Accessibility Helper – widgets ordenables (arrastrar y soltar)

  • WP Accessibility Helper – variaciones de contraste personalizado

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Lights Off mode

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Posición personalizada del logo

  • WP Accessibility Helper – Font reset button when script base option selected

  • WP Accessibility Helper – admin area

  • WP Accessibility Helper – admin area

  • WP Accessibility Helper – admin area

  • WP Accessibility Helper – admin area


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/wp-accessibility-helper directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

  2. Activa el plugin desde la pantalla «Plugins» en WordPress

  3. Use the Accessibility screen to configure the plugin

  4. Accessibility admin menu – the main plugin options

  5. Attachments Control – allows you control all images uploaded to media

  6. Landmark & CSS – ARIA, HTML5 and custom CSS properties

  7. Contribuir – Contribuye =)


I can not see the accessibility icon. What shoud I do?

  1. Please open console log and check if you have errors out there
  2. Please verify that your WordPress theme has: `

    and your body tag has

Font Settings

  1. You should use REM units resize, only when your theme is built with REM units, not in PX (pixels).
  2. Zoom in/out page will be useful for websites with unclear html/css standards, a website that was overridden and fixed several times. For example, one part of a code was written in REM units, and the second part – in pixels or percents…
  3. Script base resize option will be useful for… everyone =) This script calculates font size for the next HTML tags: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,a

Lista completa de las características del plugin (versión gratuita):

  1. Skip links menu

  2. Reset font size button added ( when script base font resize option selected )

  3. Skip link inside accessibility sidebar

  4. Font resize (REM or ZOOM or SCRIPT)

  5. DOM Scanner – comprueba páginas y avisa de errores de accesibilidad como: atributo alt, títulos y rol de enlaces y mucho más.

  6. Colores personalizados para el modo contraste

  7. Lights Off mode

  8. Actions & Filters Hooks was added (please read FAQ section)

  9. Posición personalizada del logo

  10. Modo contraste (color gamma)

  11. Desactivar archivos CSS (mostrar página en HTML puro)

  12. Subrayar todos los enlaces

  13. Resaltar todos los links

  14. Attachments control center with ability add/edit images titles and alt tags ( screenshot #4 )

  15. Alt+Zabre barra lateral de accesibilidad

  16. Alt+Xclose accessibility sidebar

  17. more info about accesskeys HERE

  18. Control all attachments images from one place with AJAX functions

  19. role="link" para cada etiqueta a

  20. Eliminar atributo de título de los enlaces

  21. HTML5 Landmark control center ( screenshot #5 )

  22. Save contrast mode with user cookies

  23. Vaciar selección de las cookies

  24. Ocultar para dispositivos móviles

  25. Posición de la barra lateral (izquierda o derecha)

  26. Greyscale images controls

  27. Dark & Light Themes controls

  28. Font family controls (CSS Web Safe Font Combinations)

  29. Invertir modo de colores e imágenes

  30. Eliminar la opción de Animaciones CSS

  31. Readable Font option (quick swtich to Arial font family)

  32. Widgets ordenables (arrastrar y soltar)

¡Introduce Visual DOM Scanner! Documentación aquí.



Acerca del autor del plugin:

Sugerencias e ideas

  • Ideas o sugerencias de nuevas característicasAQUÍ


Pantalla de control de adjuntos de WP Accessibility Helper


Live demo here

Demostración de la versión PRO

Donar y documentación

Donaciones y documentación aquí

¡Aviso importante!

WP Accessibility Helper hace posible mejorar la accesibilidad en tu web, pero en cualquier caso no garantiza un resultado al 100% (en cualquier nivel: A, AA, AAA). Para que tu sitio sea 100% accesible para personas con discapacidad, consulta a un experto.

Aquí puedes encontrar más información sobre «¿qué es la accesibilidad web?»:


In any case, it all depends on the quality of the code of your website =)Official WP Accessibility Helper Documentation here: WAH Docs


22 de diciembre de 2022 1 respuesta
Plugin v0.6.2.4 using WordPress 6.1.1 First, let me compliment on creating a plugin that does not create any warnings or errors in the hosting error log. Always a «touch of class» when that happens. With that said, and correct me if I’m wrong, although the free version does allow for some options to carry over from page to page, Text resizing does not. For that reason I cannot use it as it would be too frustrating for visitors. I know the Pro version provides for it but I cannot justify the cost of it.
21 de diciembre de 2022
I’ve used some accessibility widgets for the web site I am developing but this is the best. It works perfect with screen readers and it zooms in a lot. It is the best for helping sites to meet some of the WCAG 2.2 criteria. Note: I have low vision (blindness)
28 de octubre de 2021
I bought this plug. The author of this plugin is rude. He does not reply to the e-mail! When he writes back, it is in one sentence. As if he didn’t feel like it. He does not check the advice he gives to the client. The plugin slows down the WP backend a lot! To avoid
20 de abril de 2021 1 respuesta
I can only say: Thank you for your great work!
30 de marzo de 2021 9 respuestas
Warning for people wanting to buy this plugin. The author is unresponsive. He will not respond to your emails even though you pay for support. It’s been 5 days so far. Will keep updating my experience so others don’t have to go through the same thing.
Leer todas las 57 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«WP Accessibility Helper (WAH)» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


«WP Accessibility Helper (WAH)» está traducido en 6 idiomas. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.

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¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios – [15 Mar 2024]

  • Security update – [12 Mar 2024]

  • Security update
  • Broken Access Control vulnerability fixes – [08 Mar 2024]

  • Security update
  • Broken Access Control vulnerability fixes – [08 Aug 2023]

  • Security update
  • Broken Access Control vulnerability fix – [25 Jun 2022]

  • Security update – [21 Jun 2022]

  • Unused files and folders has been removed

0.6.1 – [21 Jun 2022]

  • Security updates release

  • WAH Contribute admin page has been removed

  • Unused files and scripts has been removed

  • WP Coding standards approved

  • Plugin optimization – [20 Jun 2022]

  • Security updates release

  • WAH Dom scanner has been removed because of reported security issue

  • Code optimization – [04 Jul 2021]

  • Update broken links

  • Optimize PHP files

  • Update string translation – [27 Feb 2021]

  • PHP bug fixed – [26 Feb 2021]

  • Fix ‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’ – [24 Feb 2021]

  • Load plugin assets on the plugin admin pages only – [24 Feb 2021]

  • SVG file missing fixed

0.6 – [12 Jan 2021]

  • PHP code optimization

  • WAH credits added – [14 Dec 2020]

  • jQuery «load» fixed – [11 Dec 2020]

  • Jquery conflict bug fixes – [09 Dec 2020]

  • Security release

  • Code and perfomance optimization – [22 Mar 2019]

  • Custom logo position bug fixes – [03 Mar 2019]

  • Custom contrast buttons screen reader text fix

0.5.9 – [06 Feb 2019]

  • Custom contrast variations: new title field added to improve button accessibility standards

  • CSS & JS improvements – [15 Jul 2018]

  • JS error fixes and js code optimization – [15 Jul 2018]

  • Mejoras de PHP y corrección de fallos

  • Foundation tabs JS conflict has been fixed – [28 Mar 2018]

  • Mejoras de PHP y corrección de fallos

  • Corrección de errores del panel de administración en móviles – [10 Jan 2017]

  • Mejoras de PHP y corrección de fallos

  • Optimización del tiempo de carga – [30 Oct 2017]

  • CSS/SASS front & admin optimization

  • Change default WAH color to more darken, new WAH color now pass Color Contrast Checker Validation at contrast ratio 7.03:1

  • WAH color now pass WCAG AAA standarts! – [12 Aug 2017]

  • Admin layout changes

  • Set ‘script base’ font resize option by default

  • PHP code optimization – [15 Jun 2017]

  • Bug fixes

  • Plugin speed optimization

  • Admin layout changes – [7 Jun 2017]

  • Bug fixes

  • Actualizar enlaces del administrador

0.5.8 – [5 Apr 2017]

  • Custom contrast variations bugs fixed (reported by @chaosyer and @angieweatherhead)

  • Custom contrast links switched to buttons

  • Optimización de scripts en el panel de administración y en portada

  • Mejoras en el tiempo de carga del plugin – [9 Mar 2017]

  • Admin accessibility improvements, focus on elements added

  • Admin share buttons added – [8 Mar 2017]

  • Bug fixes – [5 Mar 2017]

  • Skip links menu added

  • Mejoras de accesibilidad en el panel de administración

  • Optimizaciones y corrección de errores – [25 Feb – 2 Mar 2017]

  • Font reset button added when script base option selected

  • Código optimizado

  • Contrast colors JS improvements

  • Colors links switched to button element – [23 Feb 2017]

  • Folder structure changed – images, css, js folders moved to assets folder

  • Added skip link to sidebar before exit

  • Code optimization – [22 Feb 2017]

  • Many accessibility bugs fixed

  • Moved from css to scss

  • From now loading only 1 javascript file (in previous versions was 2)

  • Code optimization – [19 Feb 2017]

  • Open & closed buttons switched from a tag to button tag

  • Removed unused css files – [11 Feb 2017]

  • HTML & CSS optimization – [9 Jan 2017]

  • New filter added (look FAQ section) – [13 Dec 2016]

  • Optimization & Bug fixes

  • New feature added – 3 options of font resize functionality. Now user can choice between REM, Zoom and Script based options.

  • Added new filter to «remove animations button» with accesskey «a». Alt+A = toggle remove animation functionality. – [25 Nov 2016]

  • Optimization & Bug fixes

  • New Actions & Filters was added – [21 Nov 2016]

  • Introduce Visual DOM Scanner – [21 Oct 2016]

  • Admin UI updates

  • Font size title issue fixed – [21 Oct 2016]

  • JS files minified for better PageSpeed Insights score

  • Russian & Hebrew tranlsations was updated

  • Admin UI optimizations

  • Now you can toggle admin sections – [16 Oct 2016]

  • Admin UI updates

  • Introduced «Lights Off» mode

  • Code optiomization – [15 Oct 2016]

  • Custom contrast color variations

  • Admin UI fixes

  • CSS & JS bug fixes

  • Optimization – [8 Oct 2016]

  • Adding drag and drop sortable widgets

  • DOM Scanner improvements

  • Optimization

  • Bug Fixes – [27 Sep 2016]

  • PHP Bug fixes

  • RTL admin layout bug fixes – [24 Sep 2016]

  • Bug fixes

  • Optimizations

  • Introduce «DOM Scanner» in beta stage – [4 Sep 2016]

  • Bug fixes

  • Add back «Remove styles» mode – [2 Sep 2016]

  • Add «Keyboard navigation» mode

  • Remove unused titles from admin & front-end

  • Perfomance approved & bug fixes

  • Uninstall.php file updates

0.5.5 – [26 Aug 2016]

  • JS issues fixed – [25 Aug 2016]

  • Mobile CSS improvement

  • Admin page settings improvements

  • Added readable font mode

  • CSS & JS improvements

  • Firefox Greyscale bug fixed

  • Added new feature – Remove CSS Animations

  • Current selected button css style added

  • Admin UI (css) fixes

  • Added new feature – Invert colors & images mode

  • Font family controls added

  • Highlight links mode added + minify images & icons

  • Javascripts fixes

  • Minified version JS & CSS

  • Dark theme css issues fixed

  • Body classes bug fixes

  • Firefox zoom bug fixes

  • Bug fixes

  • Hardcoded string in the php

  • Checkbox is not implemented for images greyscale mode

  • POT file update

  • Dark & Light themes added

  • Images greyscale controls

  • Sidebar position (left or right) has been added

  • String translation updates

  • Bug fixes

  • Mobile Bug fixes

  • Admin UI fixes

  • Added new admin fields: On/Off – title, Choose color button – title

  • Bug fixes

  • Optimizations

  • UI fixes


  • Adding contribute information [new admin page]

  • Updated Hebrew translations


  • Hide for mobile screens


  • Optiization & Bug fixes

  • CSS UI fixes

  • Save contrast mode with user cookies


  • Font resize fix

  • Adding pagination to Image Control Center


  • Admin UI fixes

  • Front-end css fixes

  • Added custom css controls


  • Bug fixes

  • Optimizations

  • Added Landmark control center


  • Bug fixes

  • Optimizations

  • Added remove title attributes from links


  • Add role=»link» to each a tag

0.3.5 & 0.3.6

  • Bug fixes and improvements

  • Optimizations

  • Added ajax to atachments control center screen


  • Bug fixes and improvements

  • Optimizations


  • Added attachments control panel, with option to add/edit attachments titles and alts

  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added contrast mode colors variations

  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added icon upload


  • First plugin release