Accesibilidad Web por accessiBe


Accessible, automatic, and affordable: Make your website accessible

accessiBe is the market leader in web accessibility solutions and services.

Our AI-powered solution, accessWidget, maintains ADA and WCAG compliance and enhances the usability of any website. It could boost your brand perception, reach new customers by opening your website to 15% of the world’s population with a disability, and is trusted to mitigate legal risk for tens of thousands of businesses and industry leaders alike.

accessiBe’s free WordPress plugin helps connect to our solution for simpler installation and configuration. The accessiBe plugin for WordPress also helps to seamlessly connect to accessiBe’s AI solution without the need to touch code.

Try the leading WordPress accessibility solution today with a 7-day free trial; no credit card required. Read the accessiBe reviews and visit to learn more.

How accessiBe’s solution can help you help your customers

Open your website to the world!

Navigating the internet is a daily challenge for 15% of the world’s population. That’s the percentage of people with disabilities in the world today, and they experience limitations when navigating your website. accessiBe’s solution coupled with our WordPress accessibility plugin enables a wide array of people with disabilities to use your website effectively, boosting your market reach.

To make websites accessible, accessWidget service utilizes two applications that run together. The AI-powered background process handles optimizations for the more complex requirements like screen-reader and keyboard navigation adjustments, while the accessibility interface handles UI and design-related adjustments.

How the AI-Powered process works:

Using contextual understanding and image recognition, accessWidget’s AI scans and analyzes websites to learn what elements and functionality they include, adjusting them to your users’ screen-readers. Automatic screen-reader adjustments include:
– Alt Tags
– State Controls
– ARIA Attributes
– Icons & Buttons
– Roles & Landmarks
– Forms & Validations

accessWidget’s AI learns and understands the structures and behaviors of your website’s elements on-the-fly, adding keyboard-only functionality to each of them. Automatic keyboard navigation adjustments include:
– Dropdowns
– Menus
– Popups
– Forms
– Skip Links
– Buttons

An accessibility interface for customized accessibility
accessWidget’s interface provides an optimal online experience tailored to every user’s individual needs. There’s a range of seamless customization options that support multiple UI and design adjustments from content to display and more.

«Cuando una web tiene accessiBe, puedo leer fácilmente lo que quiera o acceder y comprar lo que necesite sin ningún problema.»
Sisi, usuaria ciega

“Many of our clients were being hit with frivolous lawsuits. accessiBe solved many of these.”
Joe P, G2 Crowd

How does accessiBe work? Automatically

After installing the accessiBe plugin and registering for an account on our site (service), you’ll automatically enable around-the-clock, 24/7 compliance. accessWidget’s AI technology automatically scans for new and revised content every 24 hours.

«accessiBe es una solución excepcional que ayuda a nuestros clientes a generar más ingresos y lograr el cumplimiento con costos y esfuerzos mínimos.»
Tara, Directora de Atención al Cliente en SellSide Media

Developed Side-By-Side with People with Disabilities

accessWidget’s first stable version took 18 months of daily development to collaborate with people with disabilities that continue today. Blind people, motor and visually impaired people, people with epilepsy, and others are vital parts of our research & development.

«Desarrollar accessiBe codo con codo con las personas que lo utilizan a diario es el ingrediente secreto de nuestro éxito.»
Shir Ekerling, CEO de accesiBe.


  • Configura fácilmente todas las opciones de accesibilidad


¿Se adhiere accessiBe a las WCAG (Pautas de Accesibilidad para Contenido Web)?

Yes! accessiBe’s solution adheres to the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) version 2.1 at the AA level success criteria, and level AAA in certain areas, the highest WCAG level.

¿Puedo usar el servicio de accessiBe sin usar el plugin accessiBe?

Sí, es posible, aunque no lo recomendamos. La accesibilidad de tu web mejorará al usar nuestro servicio, pero tendrás que añadir manualmente nuestro código JS a tu tema y configurarlo. ¿Para qué trastear con el código si puedes instalar nuestro plugin? 😉

¿Puedo usar el plugin accessiBe sin usar la solución de accessiBe?

Lo siento. Eso no es posible. Nuestro servicio de IA (SaaS) se encarga del «trabajo pesado». El plugin accessiBe te ayuda a conectarte a nuestro servicio y a configurarlo para que no tengas que modificar ningún archivo de tema y trastear con el código.

What website platforms does the accessiBe solution support?

Con accessiBe, no estás limitado a la accesibilidad de WordPress. accessiBe es una plataforma agnóstica y puede integrarse en cualquier CMS y plataforma de creación de webs. Algunas de ellas son Joomla, Squarespace Shopify, WiX, BigCommerce, Volusion, Magento, Concrete 5, Weebly, y más.

How much does accessWidget cost?

We aim to enable complete web and WordPress accessibility for everyone on the internet. accessWidget starts from $49 a month.

Does the accessiBe plugin or solution affect loading speed?

Absolutely not! accessWidget loads asynchronously with your website. Meaning, that the browser loads your website in parallel with accessWidget, and does not wait for it to load or process anything.

Are the accessiBe plugin and solution GDPR & CCPA compliant?

Yes, the accessiBe plugin is GDPR & CCPA compliant as it does not collect any data from the visitors. The accessiBe solution complies with all major data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. Moreover, accessWidget does not collect any personal or identifiable data, only structure, and behavior. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.

Can I customize accessWidget’s design?

Yes! accessWidget is fully customizable and can easily match your website’s design. You can choose your preferred color pallets, positions, icons, sizing, and even the accessibility button placement. All that can be achieved from the plugin.


30 de abril de 2024
Though pricey, we feel like this plugin is well done and it helps us create a website that is truly more accessible for all users.
10 de septiembre de 2023
I didn’t see a previous review from months ago warning that this plugin does not have something «free», which – no matter what the author may say to camouflage the idea – it should be very clear that they are promoting/providing a plugin simply to connect to a paid service.
22 de noviembre de 2022
Devs fall for their marketing and then find out client is really in trouble, It makes sites worse. Many articles telling the truth because they do not. Businesses still getting letters and lawsuits with this on the site. All marketing and not truth. They posted many fake positive reviews, and when WordPress found out, the reviews were removed. Do not trust.
7 de marzo de 2022
An excellent plugin, worth downloading and using makes the job easier and allows a lot of things in the field of accessibility
7 de marzo de 2022
Easy and quick to install! And now we are accessible to people with disabilities. Fast and amazing service thank you!!!
Leer todas las 30 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios


  • 19-01-2020
  • Actualización del archivo «readme»


  • 19-01-2020
  • Actualización del archivo «readme»


  • 13-01-2020
  • Nueva interfaz


  • 18-06-2020
  • Versión inicial