Redux Framework


Redux was built by developers for developers. We save you months if not years in your development time. Everything we do is to help innovation in the industry.

♥️ What the Plugin does?

Redux is a simple, genuinely extensible, and fully responsive options framework for WordPress themes and plugins. Built on the WordPress Settings API; Redux supports many field types, custom error handling, custom fields & validation types, and import/export functionality.

But what does Redux actually DO? We don’t believe that theme and plugin developers should have to reinvent the wheel every time they start work on a project. Redux simplifies the development cycle by providing a streamlined, extensible framework for developers to build on. Through a simple, well-documented config file, third-party developers can build out an options panel limited only by their imagination in a fraction of the time it would take to build from the ground up!

🚀 What fields does Redux offer?

  • Accordion
  • ACE Editor
  • Background
  • Border
  • Box Shadow
  • Button Set
  • Checkbox / Multi-Check
  • Color (WordPress Native)
  • Color Gradient
  • Color Palette
  • Color RGBA
  • Color Scheme
  • Content
  • Custom Fonts
  • Customizer
  • Date
  • Date/Time
  • Dimensions (Height/Width)
  • Divide (Divider)
  • Editor (WordPress Native)
  • Gallery (WordPress Native)
  • Google Maps
  • Icon Select
  • Image Select (Patterns/Presets)
  • Import/Export
  • Info (Header/Notice)
  • JS Button
  • Color de Links
  • Media (WordPress Native)
  • Metaboxes
  • Multi Media
  • Multi-Text
  • Palette
  • Password
  • Radio (w/ WordPress Data)
  • Raw (HTML/PHP/MarkDown)
  • Repeater
  • Section (Indent and Group Fields)
  • Select (Select/Multi-Select w/ Select2 & WordPress Data)
  • Select Image
  • Slider (Drag a Handle)
  • Slides (Multiple Images, Titles, and Descriptions)
  • Social Profiles
  • Sortable (Drag/Drop Checkbox/Input Fields)
  • Sorter (Drag/Drop Manager – Works great for content blocks)
  • Spacing (Margin/Padding/Absolute)
  • Spinner
  • Switch
  • Tabbed
  • Taxonomy Metaboxes
  • Text
  • Textarea
  • Typography
  • User Profile Metaboxes
  • * The most advanced typography module complete with preview, Google fonts, and auto-css output!

  • User Profile Metaboxes
  • Widget Areas (Classic Widgets only)

🎉Additional Features

  • Full value escaping
  • Required – Link visibility from parent fields. Set this to affect the visibility of the field on the parent’s value. Fully nested with multiple required parents possible.
  • Output CSS Automatically – Redux generates CSS and the appropriate Google Fonts stylesheets for you on select fields. You need to only specify the CSS selector to apply the CSS to (limited to certain fields).
  • Compiler integration! A custom hook runs when any fields with the argument `compile => true` are changed.
  • Field validation and sanitization
  • Field and section disabling
  • Oh, and did we mention a fully integrated Google Fonts setup that will make you so happy you’ll want to cry?


If you want to help with translations, go to the Translation Portal at

You can also contribute code via our GitHub Repository. Be sure to use our develop branch to submit pull requests.

📝 Documentation and Support

  • We have extremely extensive docs. Please visit []( If that doesn’t solve your issue, search [the issue tracker on GitHub]( If you can’t locate any topics that pertain to your particular problem, [post a new issue]( for it. Before you submit an issue, please read [our contributing requirements]( We build on the dev version and push it to when we confirm Redux is stable and ready for release.
  • If you have additional questions, reach out to us at

⚡ Like the Redux Plugin?

🔐 Privacy

Redux does not interact with end users on your website. If a product is using Redux, the option panel will cease to function without Redux.

For more details on our privacy policy:
For more details on our terms and conditions:

NOTE: Redux is not intended to be used on its own. It requires a config file provided by a third-party theme or plugin developer to actually do anything cool!


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


Why doesn’t this plugin do anything?

Redux is an option framework… in other words, it’s not designed to do anything on its own! You can, however, activate a demo mode to see how it works.

How can I learn more about Redux?

Visit our website at



27 de noviembre de 2023
an okay
25 de julio de 2023
I don’t use a lot of plugins, beyond the ones that are mandatory for a theme. The “less is more and safer” approach seems increasingly prudent from a Cybersecurity standpoint. Consequently, I almost never require support for a plugin. However, a recent version of Redux Framework caused a site I manage to display improperly. The issue stemmed solely from how the Theme Developer implemented Redux Framework, but Kev Provance, from Team Redux, quickly realized the problem and graciously provided a fix within one (1) day. Not only is the plugin highly regarded, but the support is exemplary.
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Registro de cambios


  • Fixed: #4006: XSS fix in ‘color_scheme’ import.
  • Updated: Font Awesome 6.6.0
  • Release date: July 19, 2024


  • Fixed: social_profiles in customizer.
  • Fixed: Section divide returning null, which caused a PHP warning.
  • Fixed: Undefined index in tabbed when resetting settings.
  • Release date: May 23, 2024


  • Modified: Temporarily disable social_profiles and color_scheme from customizer. They don’t work.
  • Removed: Finished removing Redux Pro support.
  • Removed: Extendify plugin banner at first launch.
  • Updated: Font Awesome 6.5.2
  • Release date: April 27, 2024


  • Fixed: spacing, dimension, and border fields not saving changed values.
  • Fixed: switch and button_set not saving within tabbed interface.
  • Release date: March 22, 2024


  • Fixed: “No Field ID is set” message causing jumbled backend layout.
  • New: Content Field
  • Updated: Bring inputs up to W3C standards.
  • Updated: First round of PHP 8.3 compatibility.
  • Release date: March 14, 2024


  • Fixed: color_scheme crashing WordPress with ‘critical error’ for users still using PHP 7.1.
  • Added: Filter to disable Google Font updates: "redux/{opt_name}/field/typography/google_font_update". Return false to disable.
  • Added: WordPress 6.5 compatibility.
  • Release date: February 13, 2024


  • New: Color Schemes Extension
  • Fixed: PHP Error when color_scheme data doesn’t exist.
  • Fixed: custom_fonts not importing original font on conversion failure.
  • Fixed: Remove debug info from JS. FA version change.
  • Fixed: #3988 – Warning/error count displayed NaN on color field validation.
  • Fixed: Erroneous error in color_scheme when saved scheme array was blank (string).
  • Fixed: Color schemes would not switch via select box after saving a new scheme.
  • Fixed: typography sunset dropdown not rendering select2 styling.
  • Fixed: Efficiency for extension loading improved.
  • Removed: Redux Pro support. It’s no longer required as all Pro features are now part of Redux.
  • Release date: February 12, 2024


  • Fixed: Cosmetic box_shadow fix.
  • Fixed: Required not hiding linked fields in customizer.
  • Fixed: tabbed and repeater fields not resetting when using Section Reset.
  • Fixed: #3983 – Continued damage done by WP Filesystem PR
  • Updated: Font Awesome 6.5.1
  • Release date: December 18, 2023


  • New: Tabbed Extension
  • Modified: Typography preview background will shift to black when lighter font colors are selected. Thanks, @herculesdesign
  • Modified: Additional rollback changes made to the filesystem class causing false file permission issue messages.
  • Fixed: Errant spaces in ACE Editor field.
  • Fixed: Array check in color validation to avoid errors. It works ONLY with the color field. Nothing else.
  • Improved: Filesystem killswitch logic.
  • Release date: December 05, 2023


  • Modified: Rollback changes made to the filesystem class causing false file permission issue messages.
  • Release date: October 26, 2023


  • Modified: Additional safeguards against read-only filesystems. Thanks @cezarpopa-cognita.
  • Fixed: #3970 – Added is_string check to WordPress data callback argument.
  • Removed: Unused code for Support Ticket Submission feature that was never finished.
  • Fixed: Removed extra spaces from textarea.
  • Added: WordPress 6.4 compatibility.
  • Release date: October 17, 2023


  • Removed: CDN vendor support for ace_editor. Devs won’t update their code, leaving us no choice. Use the redux/<opt_name>/fields/ace/script filter to enqueue a local ACE Editor script if needed.
  • Fixed: Redux template PHP not autoloading.
  • Release date: September 14, 2023


  • New: Global arg fontawesome_frontend to enqueue the internal Font Awesome CSS on the front end.
  • New: Taxonomy Metaboxes Extension
  • Fixed: Font Awesome not enqueueing on the frontend for social_profiles field.
  • Fixed: HTML Output for User Profile Metaboxes.
  • Fixed: Admin panel CSS.
  • Fixed: Adjusted translation for Google Font update message.
  • Fixed: Continuing effort to combat old CDN code because some devs aren’t updating their code.
  • Release date: September 13, 2023


  • Fixed: Redux catches error when Google Fonts JSON cannot be read/written due to server misconfiguration.
  • Fixed: Output HTML in the admin panel now complies with W3C standards.
  • Fixed: typography letter-spacing and word-spacing stuck on zero value.
  • Fixed: Field classes were disregarded when using hidden or disable arguments.
  • Fixed: Added class alias for the old version of Redux Vendor Support so Redux doesn’t crash.
  • Fixed: Added additional shim to fix Vendor Support code embedded by themes that are doing it incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Add wp-util dependency to icon_select since, in some cases, WordPress does not.
  • Added: Error trapping for panel template loading for missing or unreadable files to avoid crashing the site.
  • Updated: Default Google Fonts.
  • Updated: Font Awesome 6.4.2
  • Release date: August 07, 2023


  • Fixed: Revert redux-admin CSS handle to previous handle.
  • Fixed: color_rgba field not rendering properly due to misspelled CSS enqueue handle.
  • Fixed: jQuery deprecation notices in typography JavaScript.
  • Fixed: Error in connection banner on first-time activation.
  • Fixed: Missing redux-banner-admin.min.js file.
  • Fixed: Added extra check for the existence of the function name with callbacks. Some themes are not doing it correctly and crashing WordPress.
  • Release date: July 02, 2023


  • Fixed: Typo in JavaScript enqueue handle broke typography and slider fields.
  • Release date: June 29, 2023


  • New: Icon Select Extension. Please review notes in
  • Added: init_empty argument for repeater field.
  • Added: Class alias for customizer extension for Redux 3.x backward compatibility.
  • Modified: Unused code cleanup.
  • Modified: Moved font-display to Google font API enqueue and out of output CSS string.
  • Updated: Default Google font list.
  • Updated: ACE Editor 1.23.0
  • Fixed: jQuery deprecation notices in typography field.
  • Fixed: Special characters validation not catching special characters.
  • Fixed: Validation routines not working complete with multiple metaboxes
  • Improved: Redux no longer enqueues resources for each field instance.
  • Release date: June 29, 2023


  • New: User Metaboxes Extensions
  • Fixed: Multiple multi_media fields in the same section not respecting max_upload_count.
  • Fixed: Glitch in validation causing color pickers to fail in rare use case.
  • Fixed: Google Maps JavaScript.
  • Updated: Minimum WordPress version to 5.0
  • Release date: April 26, 2023


  • Fixed: Invalid argument error inside custom_fonts on certain setups.
  • Fixed: Deprecated Google Map API broke google_maps extension.
  • Removed: Extendify Template Library
  • Added: Connection banner to display Extendify removal notice with a plugin download option.
  • Release date: March 29, 2023


  • Modified: Empty custom_font list no longer creates empty fonts.css file.
  • Release date: February 02, 2023


  • Modified: Reworked directory enumeration for custom_fonts to avoid potential fatal errors.


  • Additional work to make custom_fonts override old standalone extension version.
  • Release date: January 20, 2023


  • Tweaked Custom Fonts extension to avoid conflicts with the older standalone extension.
  • Update: Extendify Library 1.2.4
  • Release date: January 20, 2023


  • Added: Custom Fonts extension
  • Fixed: Metaboxes post_format selections not responding to clicks when Gutenberg is active due to class name changes.
  • Fixed: Custom font data added via filter would trigger a warning if not an array.
  • Update: Extendify Library 1.2.3
  • Release date: January 19, 2023


  • Added: Google Maps extension.
  • Fixed: Widget area UI improperly aligned when dev_mode set to false.
  • Fixed: spinner field not outputting output data.
  • Fixed: Metaboxes CSS causing layout issues when dev_mode set to false.
  • Update: Extendify Library 1.2.1
  • Update: Font Awesome 6.2.1
  • Release date: December 05, 2022


  • Added: Widget Areas extension (for use with Classic Widgets only).
  • Fixed: spinner field returning JavaScript error.
  • Fixed: required not working outside a repeater when repeater field is loaded somewhere in the project.
  • Fixed: JS error when typography font-style set to false.
  • Updated: Removed registration verbiage from Google Fonts update notice.
  • Updated: Extendify Library 1.0.1
  • Release date: November 2, 2022


  • Fixed: Extendify menu item appearing when it should not.
  • Fixed: Blank page template would cause a fatal error.
  • Release date: September 30, 2022


  • New: Typography weights argument to override standard default weights.
  • Updated Extendify Library 0.10.2
  • Updated: Font Awesome 6.2.0
  • Modified: Attempt to override old theme embedded extensions that use the 3.x loading method.
  • Fixed: Social Profiles in metaboxes, hopefully.
  • Fixed: slides field not showing image upon select. Thanks, @animeiswrong
  • Removed: Social Profiles Widget (use the shortcode in HTML widget instead. See docs).
  • Removed: Redux template library (use Extendify template library instead).
  • Removed: Appsero registration for Redux Pro.
  • Modified: Cleanup of old or outdated code.
  • Release date: September 26, 2022





  • New: typography field supports individual unit types for subfields that support them (font-size, line-height, etc.) See:
  • Fixed: Redux installed via TGMPA failing with “This plugin does not have a valid header.”
  • Updated: Extendify Library.
  • Release date: May 19, 2022


  • Fixed: Work for required functionality within the repeater field.
  • Fixed: Filter out bad default values for color_rgba field.
  • Fixed: jQuery deprecation notice.
  • Fixed: Type error in import_export field. Additional repeater JS fix.
  • Fixed: required functionality within the repeater field.
  • Modified: Additional sanitizing on color hex values.
  • Modified: Customizer code to eliminate init() error.
  • Updated: Extendify Library.
  • Release date: May 05, 2022


  • Updated: Vendor libraries.
  • Updated: Extendify Library.
  • Fixed: jQuery deprecation notices.
  • Fixed: Filesystem class error.
  • Fixed: Customizer not saving data for sections not shown in the customizer.
  • Fixed: Fix deprecation errors in customizer.
  • Fixed: Fix core deprecation notices in metaboxes.
  • Release date: March 08, 2022


  • Added: Advanced Customizer!
  • Added: Font Awesome 6 Library for future extensions.
  • Modified: Enforcing deprecation notices for deprecated functions. Developers: Please update your code as necessary.
  • Modified: Connection banner to meet library standards.
  • Updated: Extendify Library.
  • Release date: February 23, 2022


  • Added: Repeater field for beta testing.
  • Modified: Background field will now show background styling options even if background-image is not set.
  • Modified: Connection banner now promotes Extendify plugin with download/activate option.
  • Updated: Extendify Library.
  • Release date: February 09, 2022


  • Fixed: Extendify Library JavaScript error.
  • Release date: January 26, 2022


  • Fixed: Spacing field defaults to px if no default is set.
  • Fixed: Remove plugin.php hack in Appsero SDK.
  • Updated: Default Google Fonts list brought up to current release
  • Updated: Extendify Library.
  • Release date: January 25, 2022


  • Fixed: Incorrect global variable assignment. Thanks, @webbudesign.
  • Release date: January 11, 2022


  • Modified: Update to the Extendify Library.
  • Modified: Moved Extendify and Redux templates libraries back to root folder.
  • Modified: Removed “Gutenberg is currently disabled” notice when the Classic Editor plugin is active.
  • Fixed: date shortcode without attributes producing error.
  • Fixed: Various jQuery deprecation fixes.
  • Release date: January 11, 2022


  • Added: Add former premium feature: Option panel Search Bar. See Sample demo or the docs site.
  • Added: Add former premium feature: Shortcodes. See Sample demo or the docs site.
  • Fixed: Editor in metaboxes not saving HTML. WIll now save the same HTML posts/pages allows.
  • Fixed: Front end formatting issue with the Extendify template library.
  • Release date: December 01, 2021


  • Fixed: CSS and JS not loading when embedding Redux due to a malformed path.
  • Modified: Update to the Extendify template library.
  • Release date: November, 24 2021


  • Modified: Move template libraries to redux-core directory.
  • Modified: Update to the Extendify template library.
  • Release date: November 16, 2021


  • Added: Metaboxes!
  • Fixed: Incorrect return type in Options Constructor.
  • Modified: Prefixed Browser class to avoid conflict with older versions in other projects.
  • Release date: November 11, 2021


  • Fixed: wp_mail has been declared by another process or plugin message.
  • Fixed: Malformed README wouldn’t allow clicking of some support links.
  • Release date: September 22, 2021


  • Added: Gutenberg Template Library updated to the new Extendify library. See more information here about this upgrade and how to access the legacy library:
  • Added: Option to enable/disable Template libraries. Found under Settings > Redux > Templates
  • Added: Redux debug data moved to WordPress Site Health Info screen.
  • Removed: Redux Framework Health Screen.
  • Modified: Tools > Redux Framework screen moved to Settings > Redux
  • Modified: Redux Templates disabled by default.
  • Release date: September 21, 2021

** For a full changelog, see **