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InFunding – Plugin for Charity & Crowdfunding Website

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InFunding – Plugin for Charity & Crowdfunding Website



InFunding is a WordPress plugin to create charitable program and appeal for donation through Paypal or bank transfer.
With this plugin, you easily create and manage all charity programs, donors and donations.

Useful links

Demo link:

Documentation: Crowdfunding manual

Premium theme: InCharity – WordPress theme for Charity / Fundraising / Non-profit organization


  1. Charity program management

    • Create and manage charity campaigns
    • Manage donations (donates) and donors
    • Manage volunteer: Allow volunteer register for a charity campaign.
    • Offer many easy-to-use shortcodes
    • Provide logging system to control system and situation of donates
  2. Flexibility

    • Responsive: Support responsive template
    • Customizable: Template design allows to overwrite for easy displayed layout customization
    • Flexible: A lot of shortcodes support many styles and parameters to create and customize content easily


  • Campaign manage
  • Plugin settings: General setting
  • Plugin settings: Registration form – Make custom form field for member.
  • Plugin settings: Payment setting
  • Plugin settings: Email template
  • Campaign listing page – Grid view
  • Campaign listing page – List view
  • Campaign detail


System requirement

  • Server requirements
  • PHP 5.0 or above
  • MySQL 5.0 or above
  • WordPress 4.3.x or above;
  • Client requirements Firefox 3.5.x, Internet Explorer 7 or above…

Install Steps

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Click “Plugins” > “Add New” in the WordPress admin menu.
  2. Search for “InFunding”.
  3. Click “Install Now”.
  4. Click “Activate Plugin”.

Alternatively, you can manually upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins directory.

Setup PayPal IPN for the plugin

You need setting IPN for your paypal account to make system automatic update campaign status.

  1. Log in to your PayPal business account at
  2. Click the profile icon Profile menu on the top right side of the page. From the Business Profile menu, select Profile and Settings, then select My selling tools.
    > Note: If you do not see the profile icon on the top right, navigate to My Account > Profile > My Selling Tools.
  3. Click the Update link in the Instant payment notifications row, in the Getting paid and managing my risk section.
  4. Click Choose IPN Settings to specify your listener’s URL and activate the listener. The following page opens:
  5. Specify the URL for your listener in the Notification URL field.
  6. Click Receive IPN messages (Enabled) to enable your listener.
  7. Click Save. The following page opens:
  8. Click Back to Profile Summary to return to the Profile after activating your listener. You also can click Edit settings to modify your notification URL or disable your listener. You can click Turn Off IPN to reset your IPN preferences.

You IPN url is: http://your_site_url/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=infPaymentNotice

Preguntas frecuentes

Google Map don’t work on charity detail

You should provide Google API in plugin Settings follow path Crowdfunding > Settings > General


7 de febrero de 2017
This plugin excels in out of the box layout. The donation pages look great. It is a bit feature poor and buggy with payment integration. The filter features in the campaign lists are also buggy as is the map shortcode. I think in a few upgrades it will be world class.
Leer todas las 3 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

“InFunding – Plugin for Charity & Crowdfunding Website” es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


Registro de cambios


  • Initial release