
Empowering creators to thrive

Celebrating with authors as part of the Envato Worldwide global event showcase.There's always plenty to smile about at Envato HQ.All smiles at Envato Mexico.

We believe in providing genuine opportunities to create, earn and grow for creators around the world, and strive to make creative success accessible and achievable for all, both independently and as part of a global community.

Committed to balancing purpose and profit, we support our customers, authors, people, society and shareholders to achieve success. It's why we're a passionate B Corp, ensuring the work we do has a positive impact on the world around us.
Our valuesEnvato’s values drive our creative mission
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Build our Future

We acknowledge the past while we build our future and seize opportunities to evolve and disrupt.

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Community Spirit

We give considered thought to our whole community in our decisions, our actions, and desired outcomes. Our sense of community underpins everything.

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Embrace Diversity

We thrive when we embrace diversity and inclusion, ensuring we cultivate a feeling of equity and belonging and acting with respect at all times.

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Make Envato Proud

We work together to bring out the best in ourselves and each other. We aspire for quality in everything we do, learn from our failures, and celebrate our successes. We’ll make the Envato team proud.

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Make It Happen

We maximise the impact of our performance and take accountability for what we say we’ll do. We act fast and make it happen.

Purpose and positivityA certified B-CorpEnvato is part of a growing community of businesses who are committed to balancing profit with a positive purpose. Our B-Corp certification recognises that we help lead the way in using business as a force for good in society.
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Certified B-Corp logo
Purpose and ProfitSupporting our community to fulfil their ambitionsAt Envato, our goal is to put more earnings into the hands of our creative community. Want proof? We've paid more than $1 billion USD in total community earnings since we were founded.
Diversity and Inclusion

Everyone thrives if we champion diversity and inclusion

Being ‘you’ and bringing your whole self to work shouldn’t be stressful. That’s why we’re committed to supporting inclusion at every level of Envato, from your first interview to your first day at work and beyond.

  • Men 57%
  • Women 42%
  • Non-Binary <1%
  • Not Disclosed <1%
A fully inclusive workplaceEveryone has the right to feel welcomed, included and respectedDiversity and inclusion go beyond gender. We support the LGBTI community and positive mental health practices.
Rainbow Envato logo


Out@Envato improves visibility, understanding and safety for gender and sexually diverse people at Envato and in the larger tech community, from ally training and learning opportunities to events and advocacy.
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Envato staff celebrate Trans Awareness Week

Mindful Inclusion

Our Mental Health Inclusion Group educates and creates awareness around mental health and neurodiversity at Envato, supported by our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), as well as a network of contact officers and peers trained in mental health first aid.
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The murals in the Envato Mexico office provide a colourful backdrop to our health and wellbeing program

Growing the future

Every year we run a Developer Apprentice Program which provides aspiring female developers in Australia with a dedicated training and mentorship program over 9 months.
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The team behind the inaugural Developer Apprentice Program
Diversity, equity & inclusionEnvato’s partnerships encourage and support diversity & inclusion activities across Australia

Tech Leading Ladies

We're a proud partner of Tech Leading Ladies, a meetup and coaching group designed to break down the barriers to promotion for women in Tech.

Visit Tech Leading Ladies

Event Partnerships

Envato supports organisations and gatherings that connect with our values, from the GoGirl technology career showcase to events run by Girls in Tech Australia.

Visit Girls in Tech AustraliaVisit GoGirl4IT


We've partnered with Melbourne-based startup Equidi to help us with our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts by providing real-time intelligence on gender and pay.

Visit Equidi

Gender Pay Gap Statement

We appreciate the opportunity to transparently share our commitment to fostering gender equality at Envato through our statement.

Our Gender Pay Gap Statement
Tech Leading LadiesGirls In TechEquidiWomen In Tech Australia
Read our statementsWe publish an annual record of our achievements and ambitions, so our entire community can share in our journey together
envato annual public impact statement

Read our latest Public Impact Statement

envato diversity and inclusion report

Read our efforts to grow a more inclusive and diverse Envato

Recipients of Yalari scholarships at their 2019 Orientation Camp, one of our Envato Foundation partners.
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A different future

The Envato Foundation supports charitable organizations that focus on opportunity creation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly through the development and education of children and youth.
Visit Envato Foundation
Cres Estipac

Transforming Education

In Mexico, we support Cres Estipac, a high school focussed on educating Indigenous youth in a way that will assist them to support and transform their communities.

Visit Cres Estipac
Cres Estipac is the chosen Envato charity in Mexico. Some of our team are shown with members of Cres Estipac
Transforming Education
Cres Estipac is the chosen Envato charity in Mexico. Some of our team are shown with members of Cres Estipac