A Trip Through English History

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


"Then I said to her: “My lady, these examples show that long ago, the wise were honored more than they are now and the sciences were held in greater esteem. But regarding your words about women who are expert in the art of painting, I know a woman right now by the name of Anastasia who is so talented and skilled in painting decorative borders on manuscripts and landscape backgrounds that one cannot find an artisan to equal her in the whole city of Paris, where the best in the world are found.

She so excels at painting flower motifs in the most exquisite detail and is so highly esteemed that she is entrusted with the richest and most valuable manuscripts. I know this from my own experience, because she has done work for me that is considered exceptional among the decorations created by other great artisans."

Christine de Pizan (1364-1430), The Book of the City of Ladies (finished c. 1405)



Portrait of Christine de Pizan at work in her 1405 Advision Christine, bordered with decorative filigree matching the description of work by Anastasia.

hooray for lady artists and lady authors and ladies manuscript literary ladies art history 15th century it was probably a different artist who made the miniature but props to them for all that wood grain


A dog named Jerry peaking through a window somewhere in the English countryside, circa 1920.


Some more Jerry...


This photo album identifies all the humans with only initials, but all the pets have full names.

The black cat in the second photo was named Bungie.

I was able to identify (via hours of wandering around on Google Maps) the location of the last photograph as Instow Beach in Devon, only to find that one of the posted images for this exact location was of a boat called The Salty Dog, featuring a dog that could well-be Jerry's descendant.


(I tried unsuccessfully for 15 minutes to link to the image, but tumblr's not letting me so here's a screenshot.)

priorities sorted doggos film history

Working out some kind of quasi-historical outfit for my first LARP event; what do we think?


Option 1

Option 2

the idea is kind of wild pre-Norman warrior queen I know the sword is too big but I got it free at work and can't really justify the expense of a new one if nothing else I learned how to do a celtic knot and a six-strand braid for the headband and bracelets also cut up and painted the overskirt on the second one The idea was no underskirt and just leggings but it felt too underdressed for me also this is my face