Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks


CoBlocks is the most innovative collection of page building WordPress blocks for the new Gutenberg WordPress block editor.

With additional blocks and true row and column building, CoBlocks gives you a true page builder experience for Gutenberg.

CoBlocks is powerful but lightweight: it adds functionality to the WordPress editor without bloat. This is the plugin you’ve been waiting for, and it will make you rethink what WordPress is capable of.

Make Beautiful Web Pages With Gutenberg & CoBlocks

CoBlocks is the last page builder you’ll ever need: you get a winning mix of additional WordPress blocks, and page builder functionality. With CoBlocks you have everything you need to make beautiful web pages with the new block editor:

  • Accordion Block
  • Alert Block
  • Author Profile Block
  • Carousel Gallery Block
  • Click to Tweet Block
  • Collage Gallery Block
  • Counter Block (New!)
  • Dynamic Separator Block
  • Events Block
  • FAQ Block
  • Features Block
  • Food & Drinks Block
  • Form Block
  • Gif Block
  • GitHub Gist Block
  • Hero Block
  • Highlight Block
  • Icon Block
  • Logos & Badges Block
  • Map Block
  • Masonry Gallery Block
  • Media Card Block
  • Offset Gallery Block
  • OpenTable Reservations Block
  • Post Carousel Block
  • Posts Block
  • Pricing Table Block
  • Resizable Row/Columns Blocks
  • Services Block
  • Shape Divider Block
  • Social Profiles Block
  • Social Sharing Block
  • Stacked Gallery Block

Breakthrough Page Builder System

CoBlocks features an innovative block system that allows you to create stunning web pages, and even entire websites, with the new WordPress editor.

You get the extra blocks you need and the layout and design functionality for a true page builder experience.

Use the exceptional Row and Columns blocks to add dynamically generated content areas with specific responsive margin and padding settings that only CoBlocks provides.

Style these with innovative new blocks such as the Shape Divider, which lets you split up your content with beautiful dividers.

Each of the WordPress blocks within CoBlocks have been precisely fined tuned to offer a familiar, yet powerful, customization experience. Tailor each block to your taste using our custom controls and settings. Change fonts, set margin and padding, pick colors and more.

Custom Typography Controls

The breakthrough Typography Control Panel within CoBlocks lets you design web pages with alluring typographic elements. Set fonts, sizes, weights, transformations and more, in our CoBlocks blocks, and in core WordPress blocks.

Free Companion Theme

CoBlocks is built to show off the best of Gutenberg, but it requires a Gutenberg-first theme to unlock its full potential. We also created the free Go theme in the WordPress theme repository as the perfect companion for CoBlocks.

Going Beyond Gutenberg Blocks

The vision for CoBlocks is to create a suite of Gutenberg blocks to help folks make beautiful websites easily. These newest releases of CoBlocks is the ultimate expression of that vision.

Built With Developers in Mind

Extensible, adaptable, and open source — CoBlocks is created with theme and plugin developers in mind. If you’re interested to jump in the project, there are opportunities for developers at all levels to get involved. Contribute to CoBlocks on GitHub and join the party. 🎉

Register Custom Block Patterns

Create your own Block Pattern (Appearance > Block Patterns). Seelect the top-most block, Block Toolbar Options, Add Design Pattern to register your Block Pattern and specify which category to assign it to.


  • Make beautiful websites with CoBlocks
  • Build modular grid systems with the CoBlocks Row and Columns blocks
  • Drag to resize and then nest CoBlocks Row blocks


This plugin provides 54 blocks.

  • Shape Divider Add a shape divider to visually distinguish page sections.
  • Click to Tweet Add a quote for readers to tweet via Twitter.
  • Form Add a contact form to your page.
  • Dynamic Separator Add a resizable spacer between other blocks.
  • Row Add a structured wrapper for column blocks, then add content blocks you’d like to the columns.
  • Icon Add a stylized graphic symbol to communicate something more.
  • Counter Utilize the CoBlocks Counter block to highlight your company statistics and milestones.
  • Social Profiles Grow your audience with links to social media profiles.
  • FAQ Add a list of questions and answers.
  • Logos Add logos, badges, or certifications to build credibility.
  • Author
  • Alert
  • Highlight Draw attention and emphasize important narrative.
  • Gist Embed a GitHub Gist.
  • Events Add a list of events or display events from a public calendar.
  • Offset Display images in an offset brick pattern gallery.
  • Share Add social sharing links to help you get likes and shares.
  • Carousel Display multiple images in a beautiful carousel gallery.
  • Post Carousel (CoBlocks) Display posts or an external blog feed as a carousel.
  • Hero An introductory area of a page accompanied by a small amount of text and a call to action.
  • Media Card Add an image or video with an offset card side-by-side.
  • Services Add up to four columns of services to display.
  • Gif Pick a gif, any gif.
  • Features Add up to four columns of small notes for your product or service.
  • Pricing Table Add pricing tables to help visitors compare products and plans.
  • Stacked Display multiple images in a single column stacked gallery.
  • Posts Display posts or an RSS feed as stacked or horizontal cards.
  • Testimonials Utilize the CoBlocks Testimonials block to display customer feedbacks.
  • Collage Assemble images into a beautiful collage gallery.
  • Accordion Organize content within collapsable accordion items.
  • OpenTable Embed an OpenTable Reservations Widget.
  • Map Add an address or location to drop a pin on a Google map.
  • Gallery Masonry
  • Food & Drink Display a menu or price list.
  • Phone A text field for collecting a phone number.
  • Website A text field for collecting a URL.
  • Text A text box for custom responses.
  • Select A dropdown field with multiple options where only one choice can be made.
  • Email A field for collecting a validated email address.
  • Submit A button for submitting form data.
  • Textarea A text box for longer responses.
  • Hidden A hidden text field for collecting additional data.
  • Date A field for requesting date selections with a date picker.
  • Checkbox A checkbox field with multiple options where multiple choices can be made.
  • Radio A field with multiple options where only one choice can be made.
  • Name A text field for collecting the first and last names.
  • Column An immediate child of a row.
  • FAQ Item A question/answer within the FAQ block.
  • Event Item An event within the events block.
  • Service A single service item within a services block.
  • Feature A singular child column within a parent features block.
  • Pricing Table Item A pricing table to help visitors compare products and plans.
  • Accordion Item Add collapsable accordion items to accordions.
  • Food Item A food and drink item within the Food & Drinks block.


  1. Upload the coblocks folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory or alternatively upload the file via the plugin page of WordPress by clicking ‘Add New’ and selecting the zip from your computer.
  2. Install and activate the Gutenberg WordPress plugin.
  3. Activate the CoBlocks WordPress plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Use CoBlocks blocks on your next page or post.


Is CoBlocks free?

Yes! CoBlocks is 100% free and always will be.

How do I start using Gutenberg?

To get the full experience of the next-generation WordPress block editor, it helps to have a properly Gutenberg-optizied WordPress theme, like this one and install WordPress 5.0 or higher.

How do I use my first CoBlocks Gutenberg blocks?

CoBlocks adds its Gutenberg blocks to the new WordPress editor, so you can use them exactly how you would any other WordPress blocks. Once the plugin is installed, create or edit a WordPress page or post, add a new block using the plus icon, and you’ll find all of CoBlocks’ WordPress blocks available.

How do I create a custom Block Pattern?

CoBlocks enables you to create your own Block Patterns.
1. Select all blocks that belong together for your pattern
2. Under the kebab (3 dots) menu, select Add Design Pattern
3. Name your block and select a category
4. Save Pattern

What WordPress themes work with CoBlocks?

Any properly developed WordPress theme will work with CoBlocks, though if you’re looking for an exceptional free theme, check out Go.

Developers can also apply minor style touch-ups to their themes if necessary. If you’re a developer and you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out.

What version of WordPress does CoBlocks work on?

CoBlocks is designed to support the last two major versions of WordPress that are currently released. If you’re using one of these versions, you’re all set to enjoy everything CoBlocks has to offer!


31 August 2023
Prbably the best Gutenberg extention which is available, but some error occours after the last update and there is absolutly no support by GoDaddy. Therefor only 3 of 5#changed to 5 stars 31.08.2023#Well, it seems that all our notices were heared and the Plugin got an update. now everthing is working smooth agein and yes, it the best Gutenberg Plugin which is available for free!
20 May 2023
Among all the freemium and false free builder it’s really cool to find a good builder. Simple yet effective. The support is great. Maybe a little more options can be added to some blocks. But i’m sure the plugin will evolve. Highly recommended if you want something simple (yet powerfull) and that works!
20 May 2023
Used it several times, very convenient and fast. You can see the result right away. Good work.
Read all 100 reviews

Contributors and Developers

“Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks” has been translated into 31 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.

Change Log

3.1.13 / 2024-07-25

Bug fix

  • Fix block migration error without dependency #2619
  • Fix unescaped excerpts in Posts Blocks – Thank you CleanTalk and Dmitrii Ignatyev #2618

3.1.12 / 2024-06-24


  • Use wp_safe_remote_get() to retreive remote .ics data #2614

3.1.11 / 2024-06-13

Bug fix

  • Fix disappearing buttons in Services block #2613

3.1.10 / 2024-05-30

Bug fix

  • Fix a possible XSS vector #2612

3.1.9 / 2024-04-30

Bug fix

  • Prevent local URLs from loading with events block #2607
  • Fix Site Content extension loading outside of editor #2609
  • Fix Site Design extension failing dom operations #2610

3.1.8 / 2024-04-02


  • Introduce WP 6.5 compatibility #2601
  • Introduce PHP 8.3 compatibility #2600

Bug fix

  • Fix bug around CoBlocks patterns #2599


  • Improve tests for WP 6.5 #2597
  • Improve CICD logic for WP 6.5 #2590

3.1.7 / 2024-03-11

Bug Fix

  • Security issue patched #2594

3.1.6 / 2024-02-28


  • Introduce a blueprint for WordPress preview #2580

Bug fix

  • Load extension styles for core blocks #2591
  • Fix Lightbox for all CoBlocks galleries #2589
  • Fix Lightbox with A3 Lazy Loading plugin #2588


  • Encode URI component in Typography settings #2584

3.1.5 / 2023-11-06


  • Compatibility changes for WP 6.4 #2568

Bug fix

  • Fix performance around superfluous data-store selectors #2575
  • Fix missing animation scripts in some cases #2576
  • Fix php warning occurring in some cases #2572

3.1.4 / 2023-09-07

  • Fix missing registered scripts #2566

3.1.3 / 2023-08-28

Bug fix

  • Fix text formatting bug #2563
  • Fix Lightbox for Masonry block #2565


  • Set supported version to 6.1 #2564

3.1.2 / 2023-08-10

Bug fix

  • Resolve Shape Divider bug #2553
  • Resolve Form Label warnings #2555
  • Resolve Form Array condition #2557
  • Fix Form name content order #2558

3.1.1 / 2023-08-09

Bug fix

  • Correct Requires at least value to 6.2 #2552

3.1.0 / 2023-08-08


  • Register all blocks in PHP #2521

Bug fix

  • Fix captions RichText controls across all galleries #2545
  • Fix form block test automation with WP 6.3 #2546
  • Fix form block saving with WP 6.3 #2543
  • Fix blocks for WP 6.3 compatibility #2538
  • Fix PHP Unit tests & update to WP-ENV 8.1.1 #2544

3.0.4 / 2023-06-22

Bug fix

  • Validate Site Design nonce and capabilities #2535


  • Fix Typo in lightbox code and resolve CI issues #2534
  • Update wp-env package #2532