I wrote:

For example, in most shopping websites (the) price and shipping details fields are in a product's information and can be used to identify a product item.

Do I need "the" before price? why? I think as each product has one price then I must use "the". Right?

  • What do you think, Ahmad?
    – BillJ
    Commented Nov 12, 2016 at 9:30
  • @billj I modified the question.
    – Ahmad
    Commented Nov 12, 2016 at 10:09
  • The usual preposition is "on websites".
    – TimR
    Commented Nov 12, 2016 at 12:25

2 Answers 2


When referring to a property that is always present as property that is always present (i.e. generically), no article is required but neither is it wrong to use one:

When filling out a bill of lading, be sure to provide dimensions and weight.

When selecting your curtains, remember to specify color and thread-count.

When ordering paint, you can choose not only color but finish.

Auto-tune can modulate not only pitch but timbre.

You can order pizza with this app. There's a multi-select checklist for toppings and a radio-button group for size.

But when referring to the property not in generic terms but in specific terms, we use the article:

I do not like the color of the paint we chose, now that I see it against the carpet.

The weight I provided when filling out the bill of lading was incorrect.

I really like the timbre of her voice.

We should have ordered the large size. This pizza won't be enough for all of us.


It is quite common to drop the "the" (particularly in American parlance, not sure about UK). Either way, it does not impair understanding and none of the options does feel wrong to me. I do think however that in more classical English literature it might not be dropped.

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