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Bonnie Gurry • New York City, NY

Renewable Energy Investment Database for Individual Investors

Project Description

Creation of a public database of renewable energy investment opportunities available to individual investors. This will reduce the amount of effort for someone who is looking for a sensible way to put their money to work while supporting the environment. If more people invest in renewable energy projects and companies, not only will the cost of capital for these projects go down, but more people will be inherently supportive of clean energy on a political and cultural level. This will in turn increase governmental and community clout for this industry while growing the economy and reducing carbon and methane emissions.

Project Goals

To make it easier for anyone to invest in renewable energy projects and as a result increase the number of investors and total capital invested in this industry.

Additional Materials

Visit GreenPortfolio to learn more.

Social Media

If you are interested in contacting this Fellow, please email Gail Parson, Director of Membership & Engagement, at

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