Since its inception in 2007, the Mountain West chapter has advocated for smart clean energy policies in Colorado and, more recently, expanded its reach to Nevada. The chapters works supporting renewable energy and clean transportation initiatives, including extensions to the nation’s first voter-approved Renewable Portfolio Standard (originally passed in 2004), more recently, in 2017 HB-1227 to extend Xcel Energy’s electrical Demand-Side Management program, in 2018 SB-009 to allow electric utility customers install energy storage equipment, and in 2019, SB-077, an electric vehicle infrastructure bill, one example of the many bills the Rockies chapter supported during the legislative session.

Chapter Leadership

Whitney Painter

Whitney Painter


Whitney Painter

E2 Chapter Director

Whitney Painter spent a decade in Washington DC, and was fortunate to gain experience from a variety of angles--CNN, the U.S. Senate and a range of environmental and women's issues organizations. It was a great experience and she gained a genuine appreciation for the idea that each of us should participate in the policy process--from the most local to the broadest national issues--because these things truly affect our daily lives. We may not always get the outcome we seek, but every once in a while it's possible to make an essential change or difference, and this makes the entire effort worthwhile. Currently, Whitney Painter and Bart Sheldrake are co-owners of Buglet Solar Electric, based in Golden, Colorado. As a small, community-based business, Buglet Solar has been installing residential and commercial photovoltaic (PV) solar systems, since 2006, throughout the Front Range and other areas of Colorado. Bart & Whitney are invested in Colorado, and in utilizing our planet’s natural resources in the most efficient ways possible. There also is a strong connection between the Buglet Solar’s name and mission to improve the human condition through renewable energy. Because our planet’s precious bug populations underpin their ecosystems, the welfare of bugs provides a barometer of ecological health. Buglet Solar is always striving to install enough solar energy to make more bugs—and along with them, our entire community—a little more happy and healthy.
Kevin Morse

Kevin Morse


Kevin Morse

E2 Chapter Director

Kevin Morse is Vice President of Business Development for Lever Energy Capital. He is responsible for overseeing business development activities, including expanding Lever's network of partners and developing origination opportunities. Kevin has ten years of experience in renewable energy, helping to grow innovative companies in the solar and biomass fields.  His work has focused on providing low-cost, or no-cost, renewable power solutions to commercial customers across the country – governments, businesses, and non-profits – enabling them to reduce energy expenses and achieve their sustainability goals.  Formerly serving as Vice President of Sales at Clean Energy Collective, Kevin launched his cleantech career by leveraging the skills and experience gained from his 21-year career as an executive in the capital markets and banking industry. In capital markets and banking, he specialized in structuring and delivering innovative financial solutions customized to meet his commercial clients’ needs. His experience includes positions as Vice President of Financial Products at Wells Fargo Bank and Senior Vice President of the Interest Rate Risk Management Group at Key Bank. Kevin earned his Master of Business Administration from Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from DePauw University.
Michael Rucker

Michael Rucker


Michael Rucker

E2 Chapter Director

Michael Rucker is Founder and CEO of Scout Clean Energy a developer-owner-operator of utility scale wind projects in the US, and Co-founder of Harvest Energy Services, a wind energy independent service provider for construction management and O&M services. Michael has over 20 years of renewable energy management experience. He was CEO of Juwi Wind North America, a leading renewable energy developer and operator headquartered in Boulder, CO. Michael also served as VP of Business Development at Clipper Windpower Development, and as the Western Region Commercial Director at GE Energy. Michael’s experience also includes pioneering work in power market operations and REC trading at Automated Power Exchange, Inc., and significant policy and programmatic work in renewable energy and climate change at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Energy Technology and R&D program. Michael started his energy career as a Manager at the Edison Electric Institute, the Washington, DC based trade association for US investor-owned utilities. He has a M.A. degree in International Economics from the energy and environment program of the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), and a BA degree in International Relations from Pomona College in Claremont,

Our Issues

  • Advance Electric and Multi-modal Transportation
  • Improve Energy Efficiency, including Building Electrification
  • Support Economy-Wide Carbon Emissions Reduction Targets
  • Expand Renewable Energy and in Colorado ensure all utilities are on the path to 100% clean energy standard by 2040

Our Work

  • In September 2019, E2 released Clean Jobs Colorado, a report that details the growth of jobs in fields such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, and clean vehicles across the Centennial State
  • In April 2019, E2 released Clean Jobs Nevada, showing the state was #1 in the nation for clean jobs growth – 32.4%
  • E2 works with broad coalitions in Colorado and Nevada to increase our power and voice.

Recent Success

  • In partnership with a broad coalition in Colorado, E2 advocated for the new Zero Emission Vehicle program adopted August 2019, that adds to the Low Emission Vehicle program adopted November 2018.
  • In Nevada, E2 supported SB-358, which doubles the state’s renewable portfolio standard to 50% by 2030 and require 100% carbon-free emissions by 2050, and passed with 100% bi-partisan support in the legislature.
  • In 2019, E2 worked to pass four new laws in Colorado that encourage the adoption of electric vehicles.


Interested in learning more? Want to help us advance our climate and clean energy goals throughout the Mountain West and across the country?

Reach out to Mountain West Advocate Susan Nedell to begin receiving updates about supporting E2’s policy efforts in your area – including attending upcoming events, participating in advocacy campaigns, receiving our email newsletters, and more!

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