
Email Marketing for Bloggers

Write and automate emails that engage readers, build brand loyalty and optimize conversions for sales and site traffic. My emails and resources will equip you with email marketing strategies, copywriting tips and automation how-tos!

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Jason boosted site traffic by 35,000+ with this email strategy 🤯

Hey Reader, You know when you buy something just to “have it on hand,” just in case? In my case, it’s every time I see a nice blouse or dress in a store. I’m rarely LOOKING for new clothes, but dang, if I see something I actually like — because I hate most of 2023 fashion, let’s be honest — I snatch it up. I don’t know exactly when I’ll wear this new piece, but I know I want it in my closet and it WILL get worn. Why is this my strategy? Because the alternative — needing to shop for something...

Hey Reader, If you’re remotely close to the food blogging community, you’ve heard of this strategy for lead generation lately — and not only am I sharing it with you as a surefire way to boost subscribers, I’m going to show you HOW. What is it? It’s a “Save this Recipe” form that you add to every blog post. You can even use this strategy for non-food blogs, of course, like a “Save this Post” form instead. See if it could work for your business — I may even use it on the Duett blog soon! It...

Hey Reader, Okay, I’m a NERD about systems and organization. You’ve probably learned that from me by now. (If not, this blog post will catch you up to speed. 😂) And what’s ONE thing that everyone — I promise, everyone — gets befuddled about that I would LOVE to help you with? It’s getting your email service platform (ESP) cleaned up and organized! Why? Because if you don’t know how your ESP is set up, what freebies are sending and when — or, like many people, you have too many unused forms...

💬 Soooo, this email got a lot longer than I expected (happy little typy-hands!), so if you prefer to read it on the Duett site or share it with a friend that way, come on over here to the blog. Hey Reader, couple weeks ago, I shared how I grew my email list using the ConvertKit Creator Network by over 22%! If you’re not familiar with the Creator Network yet, I suggest you watch this 2-minute video. However, if you’re like Rachael who replied to my email about the Creator Network, you may have...

Hey Reader, I’ll keep this short because there’s a whole dang article about it over on — but when I talk about how the ConvertKit Creator Network can help you grow your email list, I mean it. I had fewer than 900 subscribers in December 2022, and now, 8 months later (I’m literally checking the numbers at this moment) — my list has grown to 1,398. Of those, 385 of those subscribers came directly through the Creator Network and my Creator Profile. That’s nearly 50 new subscribers...

Hey Reader, We are over the moon thankful for all of the amazing feedback and excitement about our new website launch. Pinch me (It only took me nearly 5 years in business to hire a professional. ha!) If you haven’t already checked it out, our new website went officially LIVE earlier this week! 🎉🎉🎉 Over here at Duett we put humans first, always. It’s at the heart of what we do and the reason we have been able to connect with so many of our amazing clients and, of course, YOU too! I hope you...

Soooo, what is an email nurture sequence?Friend, you're not alone — a lot of people have this question… What is an email nurture sequence? An email nurture sequence is a series of automated emails that are meant to help you build long-lasting relationships with your subscribers over time. Nurture sequences can be used as a tool to not only engage subscribers but to ultimately spark their interest in your content — leading them to explore your website, browse your services, buy a product,...

Hey there Reader, I’ve got another super fun podcast episode for you to check out over at Food Blogger Pro (yes, this is my third time on the podcast with Bjork, if you’re counting lol). In this one, we dive into the value in knowing who the heck is even ON your email list — and how to discover what they want most. Specifically, Bjork and I chat about the importance of surveying your audience (stay with me, it’s cool, I promise!!) in order to deliver quality content that provides major value....

Quick link for you — if you want to learn more about why I choose ConvertKit over Mailchimp, read this blog post! It's what's in this email + more. Hey Reader, Raise your hand if the only email platform you knew about when you started your blog was MailChimp. Um, me too. Pretty sure that MailChimp, Emma and Constant Contact were the only platforms that I knew existed when I graduated from college in 2012. BUT, there are better options for you. I get it, people start with Mailchimp because...

Hey there Reader, There are solid ways to grow your list — through offering an incentive, going on podcasts and promoting your freebies, and making sure your opt-ins are clearly on your site. But if you are… Looking for NEW opportunities to grow your list Want to connect and cross-promote with other creators (heyooo, we love collaboration!) Otherwise discouraged that "growing" your list has become another time-consuming task Well today, I have a new strategy to share with you — and it’s brand...