Dragon Ball Wiki
This article is about Fused Zamasu. For other incarnations of Zamasu, see Zamasu (disambiguation).

"My form is justice. And my form is the world. Worship me. Give praise unto me. Me, the beautiful, the sublime... Me, the invincible, the almighty and divine... All hail Zamasu."
— Fused Zamasu upon his birth in "Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!"

Fused Zamasu (がったいザマス Gattai Zamasu), (known as Merged Zamasu in the anime and God Zamas in the Viz manga) usually just referred to as Zamasu (ザマス Zamasu), is a Potara fusion born of the union between Goku Black (the original present Zamasu in the original present Goku's body) and Future Zamasu. He is the final antagonist of the "Future" Trunks Saga.


Fusion Zamasu Full Body

Fused Zamasu's first appearance

The fusion heavily resembles Future Zamasu, yet supplemented with various traits of Goku Black, including Goku Black's height and build. He possesses Future Zamasu's green skin, gray irises, and white hair; however, his face has more of Goku Black's jawline. He has Future Zamasu's eye shape, but with dark lines under the bottom eyelids and somewhat smaller ears. The fusion's hairstyle looks mostly like Goku Black's as Super Saiyan Rosé (Fused Zamasu himself is in the Super Saiyan Rosé form in all of his appearances in all Dragon Ball media, with the exception of his Infinite Zamasu form in the Dragon Ball Super anime), but with a long protruding bang over the right side of his face, representing Zamasu's mohawk.

He wears the original present Gowasu's green Potara earrings on both ears and Supreme Kai's clothing that is nearly identical to Future Zamasu's, but with Goku Black's color-scheme, undershirt and red sash. He also wears a Time Ring (in the anime only) on his right index finger.

With his fused body being an unbalanced mix, while his semi-immortal body struggles to properly heal from damage, his body's damaged sections mutate into a purple and slimy substance, which happened to the entire right half of his body. It also caused the sclera of his right eye to turn yellow and his pupil to turn purplish red. When Fused Zamasu used Light of Divine Justice, it caused his right arm to grow massive.

Mecha Zamasu

Fused Zamasu as a Core Area Warrior

In Dragon Ball Heroes, as a Core Area Warrior, Fused Zamasu's clothing was damaged on the right side and so wore gear similar to the other warriors, including an eye patch over his right eye.


"You mortals are all alike, led astray by your ignorance. You think that's a revelation, that Goku's body will always be a part of me? Of course he will, such was my desire! You are mortals, Saiyans, yet you've gained divine power. You're stronger than most deities now. Thus those who created this cosmos have made something they could not control. And if one can't control a world, one can't be called a god of it, making Saiyans the ultimate symbol of the failure of the Kais. And so, by incorporating Goku's flesh into my being, I have assumed both the sins of mortal kind and the failure of divinity so they may never be repeated! That is the duty of a true god."
— Fused Zamasu to Vegito Blue in "Showdown! The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors"

Retaining the arrogance and self-entitlement of Goku Black and Future Zamasu, this fusion believes himself to be the embodiment of justice. Reveling in his power, Zamasu openly declared himself the supreme god upon his emergence, repeatedly and consistently vocalizing his divine brilliance and absolute authority. His ego is displayed by how he refuses to even defend himself against Goku and Vegeta (which continues to some extent until Goku blasts off half of his face during a beam struggle), his tendency to hover high over the battlefield to "look down" on everyone both figuratively and literally, and his use of "divine" terms (such as "holy", "judgement", and "absolution") to name his special techniques.

However, beneath his calm exterior, Fused Zamasu is just as unstable as his components, if not more so; according to Gowasu, this is the result of Zamasu's obsession and hatred with the contradiction between gods and mortals. He immediately flies into an overwhelming fury when Trunks and Vegeta briefly overpower him in their beam struggle, despite suffering no damage from the deflected attack, and his rage only grows when Goku manages to actually harm him with God Kamehameha and Kaio-ken. After having the right half of his body harmed, and being mutated by the Light of Justice, Fused Zamasu becomes more unhinged and maniacal, prone of furious outbursts. This is due to the fact that his physical body is deteriorating and the conflicting of the souls of the immortal Future Zamasu and mortal Goku Black that make up his form. By the time he engages Vegito and Future Trunks, Fused Zamasu is reduced to insane and enraged screaming and furious declarations of godhood, ironically becoming just as destructive and violent as the mortals he wishes to exterminate. In the manga, however, he retains his arrogance, openly gloating and overjoyed at his power. Although he does get angry at Gowasu for neglecting to mention that a permanent fusion can only be achieved by those officially designated as Supreme Kais. Similarly, upon Vegito defusing, he also calls Goku and Vegeta out for using the sacred treasure of the Gods.

Fusion Zamasu Crying

Fused Zamasu believing his "justice" is for the greater good of the universe

Interestingly, Fused Zamasu is well aware of his own hypocrisy in taking on mortal elements by using Goku Black as a fusee. He views this as a necessary sacrifice to truly create his new world; by using Goku's body as part of his being, he intends to never forget the "sins" of mortals and the "failures" of the gods. He also states that his actions are for the greater good of the universe, even crying at its thought, and metaphorically described his tears as purifying the world. Similarly, he also stated when demanding the Light of Divine Justice strike him that a weak god who cannot destroy evil is "worthless", implying that he can only find value in his existence by being powerful and more importantly, being capable of vanquishing what he considers evil. In the manga, however, once Zamasu's insanity gets the better of him, he drops all pretenses of justice and declares that all the gods are unnecessary and that he will kill every life form in all realities that is not a version of himself.

In the Universal Conflict Saga, it is shown that Fused Zamasu is willing to work with others even if he dislikes them, as he was angered by Hearts noting that Fused Zamasu too was a mortal, but still agreed to follow him. However, his disdain for mortals and his ambition to eradicate them often resurfaced, and in the manga, he tried to betray Hearts and to take the power of the Universe Seed for himself, before being foiled by Lagss. In the anime, he was able to tolerate Hearts, in the hopes that Project Zero Mortals would be able to continue after the Zenos had been obliterated, with the Universe Seed's power under Hearts's command. However, Fused Zamasu was stunned when Godslayer Hearts turned on him and reminded him of his own god-killing ambition, and he was swiftly obliterated by Hearts.


Dragon Ball Super

"Future" Trunks Saga


Fused Zamasu makes his debut

In the anime, Future Trunks uses the Evil Containment Wave on Future Zamasu after Bulma distracts him, to seal him away in a vase, with Future Mai closing it with the lid. Unfortunately, Goku forgot to bring the talisman made by Master Roshi, allowing Zamasu to break free. However, he is left weakened by the effort of escaping and was left deeply shocked that his enemies had discovered a means of actually neutralizing him despite his immortality. When Black arrived, having sensed Zamasu's ki decreasing, the latter informs his counterpart that they could no longer afford to underestimate the mortals.

Declaring that they would display the true power of gods, Zamasu and Black stand beside each other in the sky, with the former taking his Potara earring from his left ear and attaching it to his right ear. This initiates an explosive Potara Fusion between the two villains, creating Fused Zamasu. Upon his birth, he declares his new form to be the embodiment of justice and the world. He orders everyone to revere and praise him, calling himself "The Supreme God".

FZ 1

Fused Zamasu overwhelms both Goku and Vegeta

As he manifests a halo of light, Fused Zamasu proclaims his body's abilities, before attacking the Saiyan duo with lightning. Vowing to show them the power of a god, Fused Zamasu launches exploding blades at Goku and Vegeta. After the pair recovers, Zamasu tells them the Project Zero Mortals will be completed, follows it by attacking with lightning again, and withstanding Vegeta's attack. Deciding to unleash his godly might, Zamasu emits a bird-like ki figure, which repels the Saiyan's, damaging them to such a degree that they revert to their base forms. Overlooking the defeated pair, Zamasu directs his attention to Earth and unleashes his power in an attempt to clean the planet of its filth. However, Vegeta and Goku recover and attack, destroying Zamasu's bird-like ki technique in the process. When they attack Zamasu himself, he blocks their attack and follows it by attacking with his exploding blades again.

FZ 2

Fused Zamasu clashes with Future Trunks

When Future Trunks arrives, the two briefly fight, leading to Trunks being repelled to the ground. Insulting the mortal, Zamasu attacks with Holy Wrath, which clashes with Trunks' Galick Gun. As Zamasu's attack overpowers Trunks', Vegeta joins his son and the two-launch a combined Galick Gun, which pushes Zamasu's attack back to him, but causes little to no damage at all. Frustrated at their resistance, Zamasu attempts to attack Trunks but attacks Vegeta instead when he steps in front of the attack. Afterward, Goku approaches Zamasu and fires his God Kamehameha, which clashes with Zamasu's Holy Wrath.

Light of Justice power

Fused Zamasu after asking Light of Justice to strike him

Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body greatly damaged, excreting a purple like substance (presumably his blood). Goku then attacks Zamasu at close range, but Zamasu grabs him by the leg; Goku then enhances his physical attack by combining his Super Saiyan Blue form with Kaio-Ken, and kicks him to the ground, managing to destroy the halo in the process. Goku ends up too exhausted to attack further and collapses afterward. Zamasu then screams Goku's name in anger and hate, charging up by calling upon the Light of Divine Justice to spread his mutilated arm. The light would augment his arm, morphing it into a far more monstrous arm.

Grotesque zamasu 1

Fused Zamasu vs. Vegito Blue

As Vegeta and Goku manage to fuse into Vegito, Zamasu wonders to himself why mortals would try and imitate the gods, declaring it sinful. He is interrupted by Vegito's punch square in the face because of getting tired of his talk. Vegito ascends into Vegito Blue, and the two begin their battle, and at first, Vegito seems to have the upper hand. Vegito mocks Zamasu, asking if this is really the power of a god. Zamasu angrily knocks Vegito to the ground. Zamasu then attempts to finish off his opponent with his ki blade, but Vegito counters with one of his own. After Vegito explains that Zamasu is technically also mortal due to fusing with Goku's body, Zamasu proclaims that's what his desire was; by obtaining the power of Goku, who surpassed the gods despite being mortal, he symbolized all the failures the gods have made, atoning for the sins of mortals and the mistakes of the gods.

"Mortals, you must be expunged. A pure and perfect multiverse. MADE CLEAN BY ZAMASU'S HAND!!!"
— Fused Zamasu's emotions getting the better of him in "Showdown! The Miraculous Power of Unyielding Warriors"

Grotesque Zamasu punching Goku into Vegeta

Fused Zamasu defeats Goku and Vegeta after they defuse

Zamasu cries (much to Vegito's disbelief), saying that his tears will purify the world, before powering up, resulting in him growing larger and his right side becoming more grotesque. As the two resume their fight, Vegito taunts Zamasu for not being able to keep up with his speed and fires his Final Kamehameha, but Zamasu emerges unscathed. As Vegito used up all his power to sustain his fusion into his Final Kamehameha, the fusion time runs out and Vegito defuses back into Goku and Vegeta, leading to Zamasu attacking the pair and defeating them effortlessly. Before he could kill the two, Trunks arrives and blocks Zamasu's attack.

Grotesque Zamasu being sliced in half by Future Trunks

Fused Zamasu defeated by Future Trunks

Fused Zamasu, whose mind had by this point completely succumbed to hatred and insanity, then fights Trunks, accusing the mortal of being weak, and mockingly asks where he will seek help from next. Trunks responds by saying that he is not ashamed of his "mortal weakness". As Trunks holds out against Zamasu, he unconsciously gathers ki from Earth's inhabitants. Upon noticing this, Goku and Vegeta contribute their ki too, and with everyone's power channelled into his sword, Trunks charges at Zamasu. Unable to defend himself from Trunks' enhanced sword technique, Zamasu is stabbed. While in disbelief of mortals retaliating against him and his "justice", and also asking Trunks if he'd dared to go against the "justice" of a god, Trunks declares his "justice" meaningless, before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. However, Fused Zamasu's will lived on, destroying his own physical body in the process to "cast away his mortal shell," only to be erased later by Future Zeno.


In the manga after Black has been beaten down by Vegeta, and Future Zamasu has given up due to Goku, Black reminds Future Zamasu of their trump card, and they utilize the Potara Earrings to merge into Fused Zamasu. Fused Zamasu quickly attacks Super Saiyan Gods Vegeta and Goku immediately after fusing, incapacitating them. The two try and fight him individually in their Super Saiyan Blue forms but find that they cannot defeat him. When Goku faces him, he blows a hole through him, however, Fused Zamasu's immortality allows him to quickly regenerate - to which Fused Zamasu is overjoyed that his immortality is still completely intact following the fusion.

Vegito vs

Fused Zamasu battles against Vegito Blue

Realizing that there is no other way to win but to fuse Goku and Vegeta utilize the Potara to merge into Vegito. Vegito transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue, proclaiming that he is not a true god and is simply a mortal like him due to never officially having become a Supreme Kai - also boasting that Fused Zamasu's fusion will wear off in an hour too. Fused Zamasu angrily curses Gowasu for never telling him about the time limit of fusion.

The two begin to fight but Vegito easily decimates Fused Zamasu, at one point slicing Fused Zamasu's hands off so fast that he does not notice. Fused Zamasu materializes many cubes of Katchin and throws them at Vegito, while at the same time Vegito prepares his Final Kamehameha in order to finish off Fused Zamasu, however before he can fire the fusion unexpectedly wears off and Fused Zamasu's Katchin hits Goku and Vegeta, knocking them to the ground.

Goku vs Fused Zamasu

Fused Zamasu faces off with Completed Super Saiyan Blue Goku

Fused Zamasu knocks Vegeta way and then proceeds to torture Goku using numerous portals. Vegeta saves Goku and so Fused Zamasu brutally beats down Vegeta, before he can kill Vegeta however, Goku steps in and reveals his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form, Fused Zamasu and Goku begin to fight on even grounds, with Fused Zamasu unleashing a barrage of punches via portals and Goku dodging and attacking Fused Zamasu when he has the opportunity, Fused Zamasu then utilizes his Holy Wrath but Goku manages to toss it away after a struggle, and then knocks Fused Zamasu into a building. Fused Zamasu rises from the rubble and proclaims that Goku's overconfidence is a weakness, and he will defeat him. By this time, he has 20 minutes left before defusing.

Black and Zamasu split

Black and Zamasu are split in half by Future Trunks as they defuse

Fused Zamasu and Goku continue to fight, Fused Zamasu threatens to destroy the entire galaxy by further increasing his own power. When Goku tries to kill him with Hakai, Zamasu opens a portal that brings Future Mai in front of him, forcing Goku to stop. Eventually, Fused Zamasu's fusion time runs out, but Future Zamasu's immortality will not allow Fused Zamasu to defuse, and he takes on a half-Goku Black half-Future Zamasu state, though Future Trunks immediately cuts him in half.

However, this results in unforeseen consequences, where Future Zamasu's immortality had merged Black and Future Zamasu on a cellular level, resulting in a mutation/evolution. This made Zamasu stronger than he was before. However, this evolution was ultimately erased by Future Zeno.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Prison Planet Saga


Fused Zamasu appears

Though thought to have been erased, Fused Zamasu was somehow brought back by Fu (possibly due to the latter's manipulation of the timeline), captured and sent to the Prison Planet, and interned within the Core Area.[1] He joins the Core Area Warriors, seeking to continue Project Zero Mortals as well as see Zeno destroyed.

To the surprise of Goku, Fused Zamasu appears alongside the other Core Area Warriors and uses his telekinesis to retrieve Cumber, before he and the others teleport away.

Universal Conflict Saga

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Fused Zamasu talks with Hearts

In the anime, Fused Zamasu appears along with Hearts and watches his allies, Oren and Kamin, battle against Vegeta and Future Trunks. Hearts tells him that they hadn't planned on dealing with those from Universe 7 until a later time and asks Fused Zamasu to refrain from getting involved until after Zeno has been defeated. Fused Zamasu goes along with Hearts to Sadala and when Hearts mentions going to the next Universe, Fused Zamasu warns him not to order him around.


Fused Zamasu vs. Jiren

Nevertheless, Fused Zamasu goes with Hearts and the other Core Area Warriors to Universe 11, confronting Jiren after Super Saiyan 3 Full Power Cumber and Super Oren fail to deal even a speck of real damage. Both fighters initially dodge each other's attacks, but Fused Zamasu grows angry when Jiren scrapes Zamasu's hair, berating him as a mortal for daring to lay hands on a deity. Their fight is interrupted by the arrival of Goku, who Zamasu is shocked to see accompanied by the Grand Minister. Zamasu is further astounded by Goku's effortless usage of Ultra Instinct, and despite making a beeline for the Saiyan, is easily punched away Jiren, who reveals his superior strength by knocking him into a rock wall and blasting him repeatedly. Fused Zamasu regenerates, boasting that he can recover from any damage, leading to Jiren wondering what the extent of his invincibility is. After Shin appears and teleports the Saiyans away, Zamasu recognizes the Supreme Kai.


Zamasu taunts Trunks

Fused Zamasu, along with the other members of the Core Area Warriors, head to Universe 7, where they confront the Dragon Team. Zamasu soon finds himself in the midst of battle against Super Saiyan Future Trunks and shortly after Super Saiyan Vegeta as well. Trunks asks him why after previously trying to exterminate all mortals before, would he now team up with one, but Zamasu refuses to answer him. Later on, he watches as Goku battles and kills Kamioren and after Hearts takes the now completed Universe Seed from them and becomes one with it, Zamasu remarks that he was eagerly waiting for that moment.


Zamasu moments before disintegrating

While Hearts is merging with the Universe Seed, Zamasu claims that no one will be able to stop Project Zero Mortals after Hearts destroys Zeno, and he defends Hearts from the members of the Dragon Team, taking each down with a single blow except for Goku. Goku then attacks Zamasu; however, Zamasu quickly overpowers Goku and puts him into a painful body lock. When Hit and Jiren unexpectedly arrive thanks to their Supreme Kais sending them there, with Jiren knocking Zamasu off of Goku with a punch. Zamasu then prepares to battle the Dragon Team and their allies. However, when Ultimate Hearts emerges, he paralyzes Zamasu with his telekinesis, before encasing him within an energy cube, reminding the seemingly immortal Kai that his plan was to destroy all the gods. Hearts proceeds to shrink the gravity cube down into nothingness and disintegrates Zamasu completely, and Zamasu becomes his first victim.

In the manga, following the defeat of Kamioren at the hands of Jiren, Fused Zamasu heads to the now completed Universe Seed to get its power for himself. However, he is suddenly turned into glass by Lagss for his treachery and then sliced in half by Future Trunks. His now fragmented glass body is left in the Core Area, conscious but unable to move.

Other Dragon Ball stories

Dragon Ball Fusions

Fusion Zamasu and his clones

Fused Zamasu and his alternate counterparts in Dragon Ball Fusions

During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. Upon being forced into battle with Tekka's team and Future Trunks, Zamasu and Goku Black fuse together into Fused Zamasu (named Fused Zamas in the game). It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. Fused Zamasu then summons his comrades - four other Zamasus from other Timespaces - two of which are Goku Blacks. The group realizes that the Zamasus are linked to Fused Zamasu, and that is how they are able to stay in this Timespace, and so decide they must defeat him. The two Goku Blacks turn Super Saiyan Rosé, and the battle begins. Fused Zamasu is defeated in the end.

Xenoverse 2

During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, when Goku Black and Future Zamasu fuse into Fused Zamasu, Chronoa finds out that Goku dropped the button to call Future Zeno, knowing that he's the only hope to stop Zamasu. When Fused Zamasu gets struck by the Light of Divine Justice, he tells the Future Warriors that after he's done with Future Trunks' timeline, he plans to go to the Time Nest to destroy the remaining gods. After hearing this, Chronoa tells the 1st Future Warrior to return immediately to give him a new mission to give the Zeno button to Goku and tells the 2nd Future Warrior to distract Zamasu while Goku And Vegeta fuse into Vegito. When Super Saiyan Blue Vegito tries to deliver the finishing blow, the Potara Fusion wears off and Future Trunks comes to the rescue.

Trunks vs

Fused Zamasu and Future Trunks clash

Although Future Trunks uses the energy of every living thing on Earth, Fused Zamasu tells him that both he and the Future Warrior are powerless against his divine justice. Future Trunks then asks everyone to give him more power to defeat Fused Zamasu. Through the Time Rift, Gohan, Piccolo, Pan (GT), Trunks (GT), Goku (GT), a young Future Trunks, Future Gohan, and Trunks: Xeno give him the energy to create the Sword of Hope, finishing Fused Zamasu once and for all. Infinite Zamasu is then born only to be erased by Future Zeno as history recorded it.


"Behold this ultimate vessel. The sword and shield made one. Its strength knows no limits. The power coursing through me is exceptional, glorious, absolute. Stare in awe, I AM JUSTICE INCARNATE!!!"
— Fused Zamasu bragging and showing off his newfound power in "Final Judgement? The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God"

Fused Zamasu is one of the most powerful fusions in the series alongside Vegito, Kefla, and Gogeta, possessing the combined powers of Goku Black and Future Zamasu.


This fusion is shown to be able to fend off the combined efforts of Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, and Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks with ease.

Gowasu notes that Black and Zamasu's fusion has expanded their combined power to no visible end. In addition, Fused Zamasu possesses Future Zamasu's immortality and Goku Black's limitless potential growth, making him a near-perfect entity. These facts cause Shin to note that Fused Zamasu's standing as a god is beyond even their understanding.

Fused Zamasu is also able to singlehandedly overwhelm Goku and Vegeta, nearly crushing their hands simultaneously, and also nearly killing Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta in one blast. However, when he engages in a beam struggle with both Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks and Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta at the same time, Fused Zamasu is overwhelmed. Super Saiyan Blue Goku at full power also manages to hold his own against him, defeat him in a beam struggle (though the amount of power Goku used damaged his arms) and successfully engage him in combat, breaking his wall of light with the Kaio-ken.

Against Vegito Blue, Grotesque Fused Zamasu proved able to make the mighty fused foe fight seriously and rival even him in terms of power. As such, many of Fused Zamasu's attacks forced Vegito to dodge, which still caused considerable damage to the area from the sheer force of his blows.

According to Gowasu, Fused Zamasu's body is unstable due to one fusee being immortal and the other fusee being mortal. This caused Fused Zamasu's body to fluctuate, creating mutations in his body that multiplied his size and power, but left his body completely unstable and no longer completely immortal, although he did retain a tremendous amount of durability and a potent healing factor. In his Mutated state, Fused Zamasu is able to fight with Vegito Blue, with neither fighter being able to land a decisive blow, though Vegito was overwhelming Fused Zamasu.[2] When he gained his Gigantification form, Fused Zamasu was too slow to keep up with Vegito but withstood his Final Kamehameha without any visible damage, and also took a massive punch to the face, at which point Vegito defused and Fused Zamasu was able to defeat both Goku and Vegeta with one blow. Ultimately, however, his new instability proved to be his undoing, which ultimately led to his death at the blade of Future Trunks, who had absorbed a Spirit Bomb.


It is stated that due to being a sync up of two versions of Zamasu, Fused Zamasu's fighting skill is far greater than before. He even shows off speed greater than any character in Dragon Ball prior to this to take down Super Saiyan God Goku and Vegeta. Later, Super Saiyan Blue Goku manages to hold his own against Fused Zamasu in one on one (though Fused Zamasu has a large advantage) and even blasts a hole through Fused Zamasu with a God Kamehameha, however, the fusion simply regenerated and takes down Goku by hitting him with many blocks of Katchin.

Fused Zamasu had his entire side blown off by base Vegito (though it was a surprise attack) and was shown to have a great disadvantage against Vegito Blue, who was noted by Shin to have power potentially surpassing Beerus, with Fused Zamasu being unable to track Vegito Blue's movements at one point, allowing the fused Saiyan to cut off his hands without him noticing.

After Vegito defuses, Fused Zamasu faces off against Goku, who reveals his mastery of Super Saiyan Blue that he had been hiding. Fused Zamasu is a match for Goku in this state, which possesses the true full power of Super Saiyan Blue at all times and manages to hold the edge over Goku thanks to his immortality. Vegeta states that using completed Super Saiyan Blue, Goku can fight evenly with Fused Zamasu. When enraged at Goku's continued resistance, Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight is over.

Super Dragon Ball Heroes

During the Universal Conflict Saga Fused Zamasu has apparently grown much stronger.

In the anime, he proved able to hold his own against Jiren, the strongest mortal in all the multiverse. Able to keep up with the beyond-Destroyer foe, Zamasu even belittled Jiren after their exchange, finding Jiren as beneath him. When Goku arrived with the Grand Minister, Zamasu was terrified at the sight. He was also shocked and angered to see Goku so calmly wielding the power of Ultra Instinct. While wanting to face Goku's new power, Jiren interfered, overwhelming the rogue Kai. Fused Zamasu is no match for Jiren and is easily beaten around but withstands everything thanks to his immortality and continues fighting. Fused Zamasu goes on to battle evenly with Vegeta and Future Trunks in their Super Saiyan forms.

Later, while protecting the Universe Seed's development, he proved able to overwhelm the combined team of Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Piccolo, and Android 17. When facing off against Jiren again, he was able to calmly repel all of Jiren's blast through his Energy Blade. However, he was utterly helpless as Hearts surrounds him with his energy cubes and shrinks him down, actually killing the immortal foe.

In the manga, Fused Zamasu battles Hit and manages to take a heavy uppercut from him with no damage.

In the game, he is able to fight evenly against Super Saiyan 2 Kefla, until he gets serious and outmatches her. However, when he teams up with Oren and Kamin to battle Vegeta and Hit, he and the two Tuffles prove to be on the losing end of their battle. He is able to defeat Dyspo and God of Destruction Mode Top by battling them until they run out of power.

Statements by guidebooks and authors

According to the Dragon Ball Super rival danger scale, Super Saiyan Rosé Fused Zamasu ranks as a twelve out of twelve, with it noting that he is so strong that others cannot even approach him.[3]

In Toriyama's original draft, while Fused Zamasu is immortal, two Super Saiyan Blues together would be able to defeat him.[4]

Video games

In Dragon Ball Legends, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito considers Fused Zamasu's power to be a pathetic display. During the Tournament of Time, Fused Zamasu in his Half-Corrupted form easily bests Nuova Shenron, Super Saiyan 4 Goku, and Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta.


As a fusion of Future Zamasu and Goku Black, Fused Zamasu possesses all the techniques and abilities of his fusion components and more:
  • Flight - Fused Zamasu is capable of flight using his ki.
  • Continuous Energy Bullet - Fused Zamasu can unleash this attack from a single hand. Appears in Xenoverse 2 it appears as Fused Zamasu's unique Strong Attack.
  • Immortality – The ability to remain unchanged by the passage of time, unable to die, and simply live forever. This power was obtained from Future Zamasu, who wished for it through the Super Dragon Balls. In the anime, as a result of Goku Black's presence within his being, Fused Zamasu is not completely immortal; only ageless and possessed an enhanced durability with high tolerance for pain and damage. While his semi-immortal body can be destroyed, Fused Zamasu can still live on in a bodiless state that has assimilated with the very universe itself, unless every single trace of him is gone. In the manga Fused Zamasu's immortality is fully intact, and likewise allows him to maintain an edge over Goku's Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form. In Dragon Ball Heroes it is implied by Fused Zamasu that his immortality allowed him to survive Future Zeno's attempt to erase him.
  • Saiyan Power - Obtained from Goku Black, Fusion Zamasu is able to become considerably stronger after recovering from damage he sustains from his enemies.
  • Alteration-type ki manipulation technique - A special ability used to extend and form ki into various shapes as well as change its properties. Products used as part of his standard combos and Super Attacks in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
    • Barrier of Light - In the anime, Fused Zamasu creates a white halo of light around his body, which acts like a barrier.
      • Wall of Light – Fused Zamasu emits a powerful purple bird-like structure of enormous energy which eliminates all that it touches.
      • Absolute Lightning - Fused Zamasu fires a purple-colored lightning blast from his ring of light, or the body of his Wall of Light.
      • Blades of Judgement - From his halo, Fused Zamasu fires a barrage of red energy blades that can strike the opponent. If the blades make contact with the earth, they will burst in a destructive explosion.
    • Hammer of Judgement - A modified version of Fused Zamasu's Blades of Judgement attack, in which he fires a hail of powerful red energy blasts from the sky to strike his opponents. Zamasu used this attack as a Core Area Warrior.
    • Violent Fierce God Slicer - Fused Zamasu can create a purple blade of ki which emanates from his hand.
  • Holy Light Grenade - A more powerful version of the Black Power Ball, being larger and orange or purple in appearance.
    • Human Extinction Attack - An energy barrage version of the Holy Light Grenade. In the manga, Fused Zamasu used this technique in an attempt to kill Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Shin, and Gowasu.
    • Divine Wrath - A variation of Fused Zamasu's Holy Light Grenade where radiates his halo and from his hand, he releases a purple energy blast, that obliterates his opponents. One of his unique Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Holy Wrath - Fused Zamasu creates a sun-like energy sphere that combines Black Power Ball with God Splitter and tosses it at his opponent, expanding it to a large size. In Dragon Ball Super it is Fused Zamasu's ultimate attack, though in Xenoverse 2 it is a Super Skill and is depicted as a weaker version of Divine Wrath: Purification.
  • Energy Blade - A blade made of ki. One of Fused Zamasu's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Super Energy Blade - A stronger version of Energy Blade and one of Fused Zamasu's learnable Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Spirit Blade - A variation of the Energy Blade which differs in both size and color. Can be learned as a Special Move by Fused Zamasu after reaching Lv. 36 in Dragon Ball Fusions.
      • Super Spirit Blade - A stronger version of Spirit Blade which can be learned by Fused Zamasu as a Special Move in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Divine Hammer - An attack/fighting style used by Grotesque Fused Zamasu where he punches his foe and swings his arm to create wind slashes as well as hurricanes.
    • Sacred Wave - With his arm severely mutated by his Light of Divine Justice, Fused Zamasu creates shockwaves from his attacks.
    • Spiral of Condemnation - A variant of the Divine Hammer hurricane attack except Fused Zamasu uses ki to amplify his whirlwinds he creates when using Divine Hammer.
  • Light of Divine Justice - A powerful, self-harmed thunderstorm-like energy wave attack that powers Fused Zamasu up. This is what caused him to further mutate his arm and gain his full Mutation. This technique also appears in Xenoverse 2 as an eye blast Super Attack exclusive to Half-Corrupted Zamasu.
  • Flames of Retribution - Zamasu shines red and bursts out ki from all over his body, starting from his right eye.
  • Magic Materialization - In the manga, Fused Zamasu is able to use magic materialization in order to create blocks of Katchin. He is also able to restore his damaged clothing.
  • Supernatural Abilities - Fused Zamasu summons forth a block (or multiple blocks) of Katchin and tosses it at his opponent.
  • Telekinesis - In the manga, Fused Zamasu uses telekinesis to manipulate blocks of Katchin to throw at his foes.
    • Choke - In the manga, Fused Zamasu uses telekinesis to choke both Goku and Vegeta
  • Portal Opening - In the manga Fused Zamasu possess the ability to open dark portals.
    • Illusion Smash - Through his ability to open portals, Fused Zamasu is able to open a portal near himself and near his opponent so he can punch them from a distance.
  • Kiai - A technique where the user affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent. Used by Fused Zamasu as part of his combos in Xenoverse 2.
    • Invisible Eye Blast - A technique involving the user to shoot a kiai out from their eyes. Used by Fused Zamasu in the manga.
  • Summoning - In Dragon Ball Fusions, Fused Zamasu has the ability to summon incarnations of himself from different time-spaces, however, if he is defeated, they will disappear, as he is their link to that time-space.
  • Black Kamehameha - Goku Black's Kamehameha technique. One of Fused Zamasu's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Magical Thunder - Fires a bolt of magical energy from his finger. One of Fused Zamasu's Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Psychic Thunder - A stronger version of Magical Thunder that appears as one of Fused Zamasu's learnable Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
      • Illusion Thunder - A version of Magical Thunder that is even stronger than Psychic Thunder that appears as one of Fused Zamasu's learnable Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
  • Energy Charge - A ki charging technique used by Fused Zamasu as one of his Special Moves in Dragon Ball Fusions.
    • Divinity Unleashed - A ki charging technique used by Fused Zamasu to combine the two sources of his power into himself which gives him the power to create the Barrier of Light in Dragon Ball Super. Was named in Xenoverse 2 where it appears as one of Fused Zamasu's Super Skills. It can be used as a variant of the Full Power Charge for the Future Warrior.
  • Break Strike - An explosive wave that launches nearby opponents upward. Used by Fused Zamasu in Xenoverse 2 as Fused Zamasu's Evasive Skill.
  • Electric Shock - Fused Zamasu grabs his opponent and uses his ki to electrocute them, causing them debilitating pain. This is his unique grab animation in Xenoverse 2.

Super Saiyan Rosé
Fusion Zamasu Aura

Fused Zamasu's Super Saiyan Rosé state

As the Potara Fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu was performed while Black was still in his Super Saiyan Rosé state, Fused Zamasu is constantly and permanently in the Super Saiyan Rosé form. Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. While this would normally cause a significant strain on the fusion's body and shorten his lifespan, the immortality from Future Zamasu, to an extent, eliminates this problem despite the "unstable" fusion affected by Goku Black (as his body isn't immortal). In the manga, he also retains his hour limitation for staying fused due to not being a true Supreme Kai. However, he was able to stay fused for the full hour, despite Super Saiyan Rosé being a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form; with its equivalent Super Saiyan Blue causing Vegito to defuse faster than originally estimated. Even when the fusion ran out, the fact that the two Zamasus were the same person resulted in them rejecting this, resulting in a new combined state.

Fused Zamasu's physical appearance in the Super Saiyan Rosé form is that of a standard Super Saiyan with white hair and grey eyes. The white hair and grey eyes were presumably inherited from Future Zamasu, however, Fused Zamasu's eye color could possibly be inherited from the Super Saiyan Rosé form as well. Furthermore, Fused Zamasu possesses a bright, colorful white aura while in the Super Saiyan Rosé form in the anime, while he lacks an aura in the manga. Fused Zamasu remains in the Super Saiyan Rosé form throughout all of his appearances in all Dragon Ball media, except as Infinite Zamasu in the anime.

Full Power
Fused Zamasu power up too much

Fused Zamasu takes on a Powerhouse state

In the manga, Fused Zamasu can push his power in this form to the point where his body cannot handle it, with Future Trunks being amazed at the extent of the power he unleashed. Vegeta likens this state to Goku's usage of Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, stating that Fused Zamasu's body will be damaged from the overflowing power even despite his immortality.

When using this power up, Fused Zamasu manifests his Super Saiyan Rosé aura whereas he had none before.

Barrier of Light

Barrier of Light

In the anime, by creating the Barrier of Light, Fused Zamasu takes on his "Haloed"[5] state. In this form Fused Zamasu is capable of utilizing his Halo for numerous purposes, but its primary function is defense - though it can be destroyed by a powerful attack and when this happens Fused Zamasu reverts to his normal Super Saiyan Rosé form.

Light of Justice power

Mutated Fused Zamasu

In the anime, by calling upon the Light of Divine Justice, Fused Zamasu becomes larger and more muscular. In this form, he is named Grotesque Zamasu, Fused Zamasu (Right Arm Enlargement)[6] or Fused Zamasu (Half-Corrupted).[7]

His aura changes from colorful white to that of Black's as Super Saiyan Rosé. Despite the great increase in power, the flawed nature of Fused Zamasu's body comes with a side-effect of his body mutating, resulting in half of his body becoming an oversized and purple gooey substance. Grotesque Zamasu also has his right eye to gain a purple iris and yellow sclera.

Que loucura

Fused Zamasu gigantifies further

As a result of his great anger at losing to Vegito, combined with the forced mutation from his Light of Justice, Fused Zamasu bulks himself up and grows to become huge. He is able to survive Super Saiyan Blue Vegito's Final Kamehameha.

Infinite Zamasu
Formless Immortal Zamasu

Zamasu's will spreads across the universe

In the anime, after Trunks destroyed his body that was only semi-immortal due to Goku Black, Fused Zamasu still survived due to the immortality of Future Zamasu and re-appears as Infinite Zamasu, a bodiless, omnipresent, non-corporeal form, becoming a reality encompassing entity in an attempt to become order and justice itself. This bodiless entity had the face of Fused Zamasu patterned along its corrupting presence that was spreading across the multiverse and bleeding into the present timeline.

Villainous Mode
XV2 - Villainous Mode Fused Zamasu

Villainous Mode Fused Zamasu

In Xenoverse 2, Fused Zamasu was able to utilize Villainous Mode in both his Super Saiyan Rosé and Grotesque state.

  • Potara - As the Potara Fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu, Fused Zamasu possess their Potara.
  • Time Ring - Fused Zamasu possesses the Time Ring that Goku Black or Future Zamasu wore.
  • Universe 12 Time Machine - The first Time Machine to successfully be created by Mortals in Universe 12. Obtained by his fusee when they killed the Universe 12's Supreme Kai in the manga.
  • Katchin - A material said to be one of the strongest metals in the universe.

Video Game Appearances


Fused Zamasu card for Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Fused Zamasu makes his debut appearance as a playable character in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, introduced in the first mission.

Fused Zamasu's outfit, named the Distorted God Costume (歪んだ神のコスチューム Yuganda Kami no Kosuchūmu), was a reward during the 26th Battle Sports Stadium that can be equipped to a Supreme Kai Hero Avatar.

In Xenoverse 2, Fused Zamasu appears as a playable character in the Super Pack 4 DLC, while his Half-Corrupted form appears as a non-playable boss form that appears in the Warrior of Hope Saga and the Raid Quest "Demented Deity". His Half-Corrupted form was later made playable, though only in Offline Versus, Training and Crystal Raid modes. The Future Warrior can obtain Fused Zamasu's skills through DLC Parallel Quests though his Half-Corrupted form's skills are unobtainable. Additionally, they can obtain an accessory called Fused Zamasu's Wig. They can also acquire Fused Zamasu's Clothes which consists of upper body, lower body, and feet options (no hand options). Both the clothes and accessory can be obtained as completion rewards in the Raid Quest "Demented Deity".

Fused Zamasu is DLC for FighterZ and has moves and animations based off of his base form along with his Fusion form's own attacks. Additionally, if Fused Zamasu's health is low enough, Beerus' God of Destruction's Judgement super will result in Beerus using Hakai to destroy Zamasu, much like what happens with Goku Black.

In The Breakers, Fused Zamasu was added as a playable raider for Season 5.

Voice Actors


Dragon Ball Super
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) and Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Mutation) vs. Vegito (Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Mutation) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan Rage)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Vegito (Base/Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Goku and Vegeta
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Goku (Perfected Super Saiyan Blue)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan 2)
Super Dragon Ball Heroes
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Jiren
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Jiren
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks (Super Saiyan) and Vegeta (Super Saiyan)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Android 17 and Piccolo
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Goku
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Jiren and Hit
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Hearts (Ultimate)
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Hit
  • Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Rosé/Core Area Warrior) vs. Future Trunks

List of characters killed by Fused Zamasu

  • Earthlings - Killed by Fused Zamasu's indiscriminate energy attack in the anime.


  • Fused Zamasu is the first villain in the franchise to be created by use of Potara Fusion, the first fusion created by two alternate timeline counterparts fusing. In the manga, Fused Zamasu is also the first Immortal fusion (as Goku Black and Future Zamasu became fused at the cellular level). In the anime, he is the first Semi-Immortal fusion (as Goku Black half remains mortal while Future Zamasu is immortal).
  • Unlike Old Kai and Kibito Kai, Fused Zamasu does not have a singular voice (until after being hit with the Final Kamehameha). Instead, his voice consists of two "Zamasu" voices overlapping one another. This may be due to the fact that both of his components were technically separate instances of the same being (albeit with one possessing a different person's body). In the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, an echo effect is added to the voice for Fused Zamasu.
  • Fused Zamasu is similar to Super 17, in the sense that both characters are fusions of two counterparts of the same individual. However, in Super 17's case one of his fusees is an artificial incarnation (as Hell Fighter 17 is an artificial copy of Android 17).
  • Fused Zamasu's, along with Infinite Zamasu's Super Saiyan Rosé forms possess white hair, rather than the light pink hair that Goku Black has when he transforms into a Super Saiyan Rosé. The reason for this is never stated. Fused Zamasu presumably inherited his white hair from Future Zamasu. In the anime he also does not possess the forms aura until after achieving his Half-Corrupted form.
  • Originally before the fourth DLC for Xenoverse 2 was added, Half Corrupted Fused Zamasu was supposed to be playable along with Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks.[citation needed] However, he is playable in training mode if you can beat Fu's crystal raid missions.[10]
  • Fused Zamasu shares similarities with Baby.
    • Both stole the body of a main protagonist (with Baby possessing Vegeta).
    • Both ironically become members of groups they despise (mortals and Saiyans respectively) in pursuit of their goals.
    • Both have white hair when transformed into their Super Saiyan forms.
  • Fused Zamasu is one of only two forms of Zamasu that does not have purity of the heart, the only other one being Infinite Zamasu.



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