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Reply to: Reversion after replacement of mitochondrial DNA

The Original Article was published on 16 October 2019

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Fig. 1: Distribution of reversed ES cell lines based on CSBII sequence.

Data availability

All data presented in this study have previously been published2,3,4.


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E.K., A. K. and S.M. drafted the first version of the manuscript. E.K., A. K., P.A., D.T., and S.M. provided feedback and edited the final version.

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Correspondence to Shoukhrat Mitalipov.

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S.M. is a co-founder and shareholder of Mitogenome Therapeutics, Inc. The other authors declare no competing financial interests

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Kang, E., Koski, A., Amato, P. et al. Reply to: Reversion after replacement of mitochondrial DNA. Nature 574, E12–E13 (2019).

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