Doctor Nowhere Creatures Wiki

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Doctor Nowhere Creatures Wiki
Welcome to the Doctor Nowhere Creatures Wiki
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Welcome to our community!

Welcome to our wiki, you can explore this wiki by looking at the list of creatures!!


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There are storylines behind other creatures and theories are emerging!

Welcome to our community!

Welcome to Doctor Nowhere Creatures Wiki, this wiki contains information about Doctor Nowhere's creations and about him in general. People are welcome to help and edit this wiki page.

For trivial matters, you can meet the staff here and if you are sure that you can tolerate being very active on this wiki and want to join our staff, please give us a review and your request via here. We have 53 active users and 2,701 edits to 75 articles and 380 images on this wiki.

(Disclaimer: Do not take any information from fan accounts, if you want to add creation that you found in fan account, please try to search it in official Doctor Nowhere's Instagram account, thanks for noticing).
Featured Articles
The Boiled One

The Boiled One can be assumed to have first appeared in a rerun of the 13th episode of a 2003 kids show titled "TREE OF HEAVEN". The Boiled One may have appeared somewhere before this, but it is unknown for sure if this is the case. While the episode was broadcasted, it was hijacked by The Boiled One.


Frequently asked questions to get accurate information and answers from staff in the following column.

Q: Are you guys new staff?

A: Yes, we are new staff from last month before this wiki was properly promoted.

Q: Is this the official Doctor Nowhere Creatures Wiki?

A: Usually yes. This wiki is official but in our opinion Doctor Nowhere can assume that this wiki sometimes contains misinformation but it still contains other topics, which is a fact.

Q: Can I join the new member staff?

A: If you apply as a new staff member, we hope that your contribution is sufficient according to the wiki provisions and you will be promoted by the Founder, so please ask them via the message wall.

Q: Can I create a Doctor Nowhere Creatures Fanon Wiki?

A: No, sorry. Fanon may not be necessary and has not been approved by the staff or Doctor Nowhere.

Q: Can I make a roleplay on this wiki?

A: Roleplay is not allowed on this wiki because it involves misinterpretation and causes all users to be unsettled. Can be seen in the rules.


All fanart lists that will be included in this template are public and will provide credit

(Note: If you want your fanart to be in this template, please let the staff know and the staff will approve your request in here)

Help Articles

you, Read how to make this wiki grow and promote it!

Getting Started
How to Contribute
Managing your new community
All Help articles

Wiki Rules


Meet the staff here! They're happy to meet you, and they try to serve other users too!


