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The Usage panel provides access to a record of either chargeable requests (Usage – Requests) or monthly unique visitors (Usage – Visitors Stats) for an organization‘s applications. The type of data that is displayed is based on the metric defined in the organization’s contract with WordPress VIP.


The Usage panel is located in the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.


To access the Usage panel, a user must have at minimum an Org member role.

To access the Usage panel in the VIP Dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the organization view of the VIP Dashboard.
  2. Select “Usage” from the lefthand navigation menu.

Display data as a chart or a table

All data in the Usage panel can be displayed in either a chart format (default) or a table format. The display options for “Chart” or “Table” can be selected from the dropdown menu labeled “Show” located in the upper right of the Usage panel.

Example screenshot of the dropdown options for display formats that can be selected in the Usage – Visitor Stats panel of the VIP Dashboard

Filter data by month

By default, the most recent 30 days of Usage data is displayed.

To access other monthly date ranges:

  1. Select the drop down labeled “Date
  2. Select an available date range from the dropdown list.
Example screenshot of the monthly date ranges that can be selected in the Usage – Visitor Stats panel of the VIP Dashboard

Filter data by day

Usage data is displayed per day by default when data is displayed in table format. When data is displayed in chart format, Usage data can be reviewed per day by hovering over the displayed timeline graph.

Share filtered states of Usage metrics

Filtered states of Usage data create unique URLs that can be copied from the browser address bar and shared with other users in the organization who have an Org member role or Org admin role.

Usage – Visitor Stats

The Usage panel is titled “Usage – Visitor Stats” for organizations that have a contract with WordPress VIP based on a Monthly Unique Visitors (MUV) Usage metric.

The “Monthly Unique Visitors (MUV)” data for an organization can be accessed by selecting the tab labeled “Visitor Stats” near the top of the Usage panel. MUV data is a cumulative record of monthly unique visitors (MUVs) to an organization’s site(s) tracked by By default, the data is displayed in a monthly chart format and is a combination of MUV data for all of an organization’s sites across all of its applications.

Reference values are displayed in the upper left of the “Monthly Unique Visitors (MUV)” section:

  • MUVS: The total number of MUVs tracked within the monthly range of time that is currently displayed.
  • PLAN MUVS: The quantity of MUVs included in an organization’s contractual plan with WPVIP.

Monthly Unique Visitors by Site

The section titled “Monthly Unique Visitors by Site” on the lower area of the Usage panel provides MUV data for an organization’s individual sites in table format.

Sites are listed alphabetically by their Site ID. Information related to each site is displayed across 3 columns:

  • Site ID: The value of a site’s Site ID.
  • MUV: The number of MUVs tracked within the month that is currently displayed only for this Site ID.
  • % of (X) MUV: The percentage of MUVs for an individual site compared to the organization’s monthly total.
Example screenshot of the “Monthly Unique Visitors (MUV)” graph in the Usage – Visitor Stats panel of the VIP Dashboard

Usage – Requests

The Usage panel is titled “Usage – Requests” for organizations that have a contract with WordPress VIP based on an organization’s platform utilization with HTTP requests. An HTTP Request, also known as a web request, can be for HTML web pages, static resources such as images, JSON data sent by APIs, and more.

The Usage – Requests panel is a record of chargeable requests made to an organization‘s applications and provides access to historical chargeable request data for analysis no older than 5 December 2020.

To access “Chargeable requests”, select the tab labeled “Requests” near the top of the Usage panel. By default, the “Chargeable Requests” data is displayed in chart format. The data represents the sum total of all chargeable requests made over the last 30 days to all applications belonging to an organization.

  • Chargeable requests (Application Requests and API Requests) are displayed by request category (“APP” and “API”) as well as a summary of both (“TOTAL”).
  • “Allowance Avg.” represents the monthly allowed requests for an organization’s account divided by the number of days in the filtered date range.

Requests by category

Application (APP) Requests

  • Count towards platform usage.
  • Definition: Requests where the response has a content type of HTML or XHTML
  • Examples: web page views, redirects, 404 Not Found, editorial activity

API Requests

  • Count towards platform usage.
  • Definition: Requests where the response has a content type of JSON
  • Examples: REST API, GraphQL API

Static Requests

  • Do not count towards platform usage.
  • Definition: Requests that don’t fall into the above definitions
  • Examples: CSS, images or JavaScript

Requests from within Automattic and VIP infrastructure do not count towards platform usage.

Display Chargeable Requests by application

By default, Usage data is displayed for all of an organization’s applications combined. To access Usage data for an individual application:

  1. Select the drop down labeled “Application:
  2. Select an application by typing an application’s name in the available search field and selecting an application from the displayed list.
Example screenshot of the “Chargeable Requests” graph in the Usage – Requests panel of the VIP Dashboard

Usage – Plan Details


Only users with an Org admin role can access the Usage – Plan Details panel.

To access an organization’s plan details, select the ���Plan Details” tab near the top of the Usage panel. Plan details are a summary of a customer’s contract with WPVIP including “Uptime SLA”, “Ticket SLA”, and any “Add-Ons”.

Example screenshot of the Usage – Plan Details panel

Last updated: May 16, 2024

Relevant to

  • Node.js
  • WordPress