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Customize Your Overview

You may customize the Overview to show the data that matters to you. Here are some examples of role-based Overview setups to get you started.


See only the stories you wrote.

  • Filter = Author: “Your name”
  • Column 1: How are my stories doing?
    • Show posts from today sorted by total engaged minutes.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts
  • Column 2: What posts are my readers talking about and sharing?
    • Show posts from this week sorted by social referrals.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts

Section Editor

See what posts, topics, and authors are performing well in your section.

  • Filter = Section: “Your section” (e.g. Fashion, Politics, Business)
  • Column 1: Which stories are doing well today?
    • Show posts from today sorted by total engaged minutes.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts
  • Column 2: Which topics are getting traction?
    • Show tags from this week sorted by total engaged minutes.
  • Column 3: How are my writers doing?
    • Show authors from this month sorted by total engaged minutes.

Features Editor

Add a tag to features (e.g. exclusive interviews, long-form articles, or in-depth studies) and filter Overview by that tag. Since features are often labor-intensive, it’s valuable to know what worked in the past and to identify older features that are still getting attention (and might benefit from a content refresh).

  • Filter = Tag: “feature tag” (e.g. long-form, feature piece, type: feature)
  • Column 1: Which stories are doing well today? Which older stories could use an update or a follow-up?
    • Show posts from today sorted by total engaged minutes.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts
  • Column 2: What angles are people interested in? What could we do follow-up coverage on?
    • Show tags from this week sorted by total engaged minutes.

Social Media Manager

  • Filter = All data
  • Column 1: What posts are getting traffic from social?
    • Show posts from this week sorted by social referrals.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts
  • Column 2: What posts are people talking about on Twitter?
    • Show posts from the last 1 hour sorted by Tweets.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts
  • Column 3: What posts would be good candidates for social distribution?
    • Show posts from the last 1 hour sorted by average engaged time.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts

Sponsored content editor

Add a tag like “sponsored” to any branded content, native advertising, or sponsored content. Filter Overview by that tag to keep tabs on engagement with sponsored content.

  • Filter = Tag: “sponsored post tag” (e.g. sponsored post, sponsored)
  • Column 1: Which sponsored posts are doing well today?
    • Show posts from today sorted by page views.
    • Post display style: Detailed
    • Post page type: Posts
  • Column 2: What topics are people interested in? What types of companies should we target when we’re prospecting for native ad sales?
    • Show tags from today sorted by visitors.

Last updated: June 03, 2024