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API: Top 10 and Top 25 endpoints use and overview

Return today’s Top 10 or Top 25 Posts or Videos. Note that these endpoints will only return videos with metadata submitted through the API Metadata Endpoint.

The Top 10 and Top 25 endpoints were designed to be a lightweight and fast way to access top content lists without exposing your API secret or actual metric values. They differ from the /analytics endpoint in the following ways:

  • Metrics omitted, no counts or values included in results.
  • Only 10 or 25 posts/videos maximum.
  • No pagination, all results limited to a single page.
  • Default sorting only. Posts sorted by views, videos sorted by starts.
  • Defaults to the previous 24hrs, can be extended to 31 days.

Opt-In Required

These endpoints are public facing and must be enabled by contacting

secret parameter not required

These endpoints were designed to be used in-browser (called via JavaScript), so no API secret is necessary.

GET /top/(meta-type)

Return a list of the Top 10 or Top 25 Posts or Videos from the last 24 hours.

Path Arguments

meta-typeOne of posts OR videos.

Query Parameters

daysThe number of days to consider traffic from. Defaults to 1 (last 24 hours), but can be set to a maximum of 31. Days are calculated based on the timezone set for your Site ID.
authorFilter the current top posts by a specific author.
tagFilter the current top posts by a specific tag.
sectionFilter the current top posts by a specific section.
channel(Posts Only) Filter the current top posts by a specific channel (website, amp, or fbia).


Today’s Top 10 or Top 25 Posts

This Week’s Top 10 or Top 25 Videos

Top 10 or Top 25 ‘Tesla’ Posts

Last updated: May 31, 2024