Logistics StuffContent StuffPromotion Time!Final Push!
Month 6Month 5Month 4Month 3Week 8Week 7Week 6Week 5Week 4Week 3Week 2Week 1Day of EventPost Event
LeadApply for WordCamp (must have Org, Budget, Spon)
Call for Organizers
Build Teams
Assign Team Leads
Venue options
Date options
Reserve venue
Verify Approval on Central
Confirm vendors
Delegate Speak, Spon, Vol communication
Open Early RegistrationDelegate Post Creation: why we're excited, what we need, how to help, etc
Open Full Registration
Get lanyards from Central
Vote on Speakers
Promote Speaker infoKeep on Leading your teamsKeep on Leading your teamsKeep on Leading your teamsKeep on Leading your teamsDraft emails to attendees
Keep on Leading your teams
Final Venue Walkthrough
Final attendee email
Pre-event Prep (day before)

Close registration
Rinse and Repeat
Send attendee survey
Forward lanyards
WebsiteEditorial calendar (blog)
Social Media calendar
WC website is created
Venue Announcement
Collaborate with design for website
Call for Speakers/Sponsors/Volunteers
Date options
Venue options
Launch Website
Call for Sponsors on website
Call for Speakers on website
Call for Volunteers on site
Add Registration to the site.Update registration if needed.
Vote on Speakers
Speaker content is added
Promote Speaker info
Sessions content is added
Sponsor content is added
Speaker content is addedPublish schedule for the WordCamp on site
Final Venue Walkthrough
Close Registration
Thank you content
Survey content
DesignDesign the logo (if needed)
Design the website
Consider global branding and collateral
Collborate with Website for launch
Date options
Venue options
Launch Website
Collaborate with SWAG on designVote on Speakers
Promote Speaker info
Design Badge/Name Tag
Design print signs (w/ Venue/Lead)
Finalize badge/name tag order
Order any print signs
(do this earlier if needed)
Hang yo' signs
Final Venue Walkthrough
BudgetPrelim budget template for your city
Collab w/ Food & Venue for quotes
Venue options
Finalize budget
Budget approval
Choose dates
Be a budget wrangler
Deposit on venue
Review all contracts
Continue to wrangle budget
Vote on Speakers
Review all contracts
Continue to wrangle budget
Promote Speaker info
Review all contracts
Continue to wrangle budget
Coordinate on Speaker gifts
Coordinate on SWAG
Review all contracts
Continue to wrangle budget
Review all contracts
Collect vendor invoices
Continue to wrangle budget
Review all contracts
Collect vendor invoices
Continue to wrangle budget
Check venue contract for pymnts
Collect vendor invoices
Coordinate w/ Sponsor Wrangler
Coordinate w/ Food/Lead
Collect vendor invoices
Coordinate w/ Food/Venue
Final Venue Walkthrough
Approve emergency fundsConfirm invoice payments
Balance budget
SpeakersID topics for the year
Create intro slide (w/ Design if needed)
Date options
Venue options
ID basic A/V needs
Call for Speakers on website
Reach out for local speakers
Poll community for wanted speakers
Anonymize submissions
Tell speakers what's up
Prepare Speaker Review panel
Vote on Speakers
Notify speakers not selected
Notify selected speakers (tkt code, location, A/V release, +1?)
Publish Speakers on site
Send Intro slide to Speakers
Request slides from speakers by 4 wks out
Announce Speakers
Ask Speakers to promote
Promote Speaker info
Request Speaker Bios/posts
Publish Sessions on site
Order Speaker gifts
Announce sessions
Publish Speaker bios/postsPublish Schedule
Announce Schedule
Remind speakers to promote
Speaker dinner save the date
Review speaker slides
ID Special A/V needs
Receive A/V releases
Gather any remaining slides
Offer speaker mentorship
ID Speaker Wrangler team (w/ Vol)
Communicate with speakers about schedule for wkend
Communicate about travel needs (flight info, hotel info, A/V being used, venue setup)
Get speaker contact info
Communicate about speaker dinner
Final Venue Walkthrough
Speaker WranglingThank You Emails
SponsorInvoice/Receipt Training
List previous Sponsors
Sponsorship Levels
Sponsor content (call, packs)
Date options
Venue options
Call for Sponsors on website
In-kind donation content
Sponsor pack content
Contact Community Sponsors.
Create template email communication
Draft Sponsorship postsID day-of vendor pymnts
Vote on Speakers
Ask Sponsors if they have any SWAG
Promote Speaker info
Publish SponsorsReceive SWAG from sponsors
Send coupon codes
Communicate about venue setup
Talk about sponsor dinner (if needed)
Final Venue Walkthrough
Sponsor WranglingSponsor Thank Yous
Volunteer Website Content
Date options
Venue options
Call for Volunteers On site
Add volunteer descriptions
Find Vol orientation venueVote on Speakers
Promote Speaker infoAssign Volunteer roles
Use Volunteer Spreadsheet/Grid
Finalise Volunteer Roles
Confirm Volunteers
Send coupon codes
Email Vols re Orientation
Finalize Vol schedule
Volunteer Orientation
Final Venue Walkthrough
Run registration
Thank You Emails
SWAGID swag opportunitiesFind SWAG vendors
Date options
Venue options
Get Quotes from SWAG vendors
select vendors
Design SWAG using approved assets
Finalize SWAG
Vote on Speakers
Promote Speaker infoOrder SWAG (or whenever would get it to you on time)!SWAG bags
Coordinate with Sponsor Wrangler
Coordinate with Vol Wrangler for SWAG bags (if needed)
Final Venue Walkthrough
Thank You Emails
Which rooms are usedVote on Speakers
Promote Speaker info
Final Venue Walkthrough
Finalize venue plans
Check schedule
Check wifi
Final payment
Checking powerstrips
Venue logistics (catering, AV, staff)
Primary contact
Find videographer or request camera kits from Central
Vote on Speakers
Promote Speaker info
Inventory camera kits
Report any missing items to Central
Read documentation on Central
Charge and test cameras
Final Venue Walkthrough
Get videos on
Pack the cameras
Send to next Camp
AfterpartyFind venue
Vote on Speakers
Promote Speaker infoConfirm venue
Confirm food
Coordinate with Food/Budget (if needed)
Final Venue Walkthrough
Contributer DayFind venue
Vote on Speakers
Promote Speaker info
Confirm Food/Drink (w/ Food)
Final Venue Walkthrough
Work with Vol Wrangler if orientation food is required
Find caterer
ID menu options
Don't forget GF, vegan, veggie, etc
Vote on Speakers
Promote Speaker infoPlace preliminary catering orderProvide final headcount to catering
Pick up outside food (if needed)
Confirm Caterer
Final Venue Walkthrough
Food Wrangling
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