Some stuff for the pin
  • I am Rhi, I am from Wales, I am in my 30s. Hi.
  • Queer is a good word.
  • Singular they is another good word.
  • I will live to see a free Palestine or will haunt Jerusalem until every settler leaves.
  • I’m not sure DNIs really work but I’m fat and a victim of CSA so… you know we might not get on if you’ve got Views in those areas.
  • I tend to be long winded, talk in the tags, all that been here forever shit.
  • I have been here forever.
  • All military are bastards. Yeah even your peepaw meemaw squeesaw.



just learned that it was big in medieval england not only to have poison tasters but to have someone kiss all the cutlery/napkins/anything else that could go to the noble’s mouth to make sure there wasn’t poison. new enemies to lovers trope unlocked

you’re a nobleman in the lair of your rival and you know the food isn’t poisoned and you know the wine isn’t poisoned but you still don’t trust it. there’s always something clever being devised, a thousand and one new ways to deliver the hated potion to your lips. you tell him as much and he takes your glass and kisses the rim, lips lingering on the glass as if savoring the coolness against his lips. he hands it to you. your fingers brush.

he still lives and you are only a man- you must drink. you still don’t trust that the poisonous trace might not be elsewhere; to be absolutely sure, you drink only from where he’s kissed. the trace of the rouge upon his mouth stains your bottom lip. your eyes are locked on his as you lick it off. it’s berry sweet. do you see my vision





You ever notice how many people get mad at politics being inserted into something that’s been political this whole time

Local man writes scathing opinion piece criticizing the band “This Band Writes Angry Political Protest Music” for talking about politics on their latest album

Local person blows up at critic calling the movie You Should Blow Up Communists Into Many Tiny Pieces a propaganda piece

Local YouTuber goes on six hour long rant about how This Video Game Wants You to Kill Nazis 69 is more political than the previous 68 entries and has suddenly gone woke

Most of this is of course propagated for (and slightly by) young people who literally don’t remember. Who know the old stuff by cultural osmosis rather than direct experience. But then you get boomers etc. falling for and it’s just ??? you were there ???

They will tell you if pushed that it was different then, but can’t really give a good explanation of how. Because the difference is that they were younger then, they wanted to change the world. Now every tiny change is scary and weird and utterly intolerable. They can’t face the big changes like global warming and a crumbling economic system, but there’s a gay on the screen. They want to turn everyone gay. I’m going to die and my kids will be gay and nobody will pass on my genes or remember me fondly at all because I’ve let it twist me up inside.
Sometimes I’ll see strange little news stories like a guy who promised to electrocute anyone who came to replace his tower block’s windows with ones that actually insulated, or a woman who drove her car onto a shitty little communal patch of grass to stop the council putting in a bench and some trees and it doesn’t matter to them that the change is a good one, it is change, it is painful.

Which is very hard to reconcile with the fact that some things were always advocating for change, that ironically in order to stay the same you have to keep the change. I think that’s part of why so much of the right wing loves the postwar period. A lot aren’t really old enough to remember it clearly so they never have to look their past selves in the face about it.

Anyway, we have all got to moderate our fear, and remain open to good changes, it’s the most important thing. I am 100% talking to myself here, I am very very not good at it.


“for only $7 a month you can get a higher post limit!” i have literally never once hit post limit in my 13+ years on this website. i still don’t know how it was such a common problem in the early 2010s that people would make side blogs to retreat to after hitting post limit on main. 250 posts a day is a lot of fucking posts

“the number of posts you can like a day doubles too!” i had no idea there was even a like limit until just now. i have never once seen someone say that they hit it. i cannot imagine liking anywhere near 1000 posts in a single day unless i was running a spam account

Double post but it just hit me how much that is. The annual discount still comes to 70 freedom eagles per year. For tumblr. Do you know how much that is in real money? No me neither but it’s some, it’s certainly more than a few!


“for only $7 a month you can get a higher post limit!” i have literally never once hit post limit in my 13+ years on this website. i still don’t know how it was such a common problem in the early 2010s that people would make side blogs to retreat to after hitting post limit on main. 250 posts a day is a lot of fucking posts

“the number of posts you can like a day doubles too!” i had no idea there was even a like limit until just now. i have never once seen someone say that they hit it. i cannot imagine liking anywhere near 1000 posts in a single day unless i was running a spam account

Anonymous asked:

Did you see the Twitter API leak that revealed "protected users" who get the green flag to break ToS and a list of "allowed" slurs?

nyancrimew replied:

you can read my twitter thread objectively analyzing info surrounding the alleged leak where i conclude (up to now) that this leak is most likely forged here


every time I find a pill on the ground I take it home with me and draw a picture of it with crayons. here’s the collection so far.


^ the very first pill I found & drew. couldn’t identify it (markings rubbed off) but it looked very beautiful to me.


^pill no. 2: fluoxetine. my greatest find and finest crayon drawing. sorry to whoever lost their fluoxetine. I’ll save it for a special occasion. I used a sharpie pen to clean up some lines on this one I think.


^ pill no. 3: ibuprofen. accidentally closed my laptop on this one, destroying it. and getting goop on my laptop. I found another one though. People drop a lot of painkillers. The first 2 used only colors from the classic 24 pack of crayons, but I had to break out extras from my childhood crayon collection for this one.


^pill no. 4: benadryl. this pill was crumbling inside its plastic when I found it, but it was intact enough to take home and draw! Hooray.


^pill no. 5: midol. this one was real scuffed up. I actually found an entire bottle of midol on another occasion, and someone’s last 2 weeks of birth control yet another time, but those are the kind of things I leave behind because someone’s likely to miss their entire bottle of midol or sealed birth control and come back for it.


^pill no. 6: unfinished advil/ibuprofen. I find a lot of painkillers, as mentioned, so I guess I got bored. I also have a drawing of acetaminophen that I am not posting because I don’t like it.


^pill no. 7: severe tylenol. I didn’t know such a thing existed until I found it on the ground. “severe tylenol” makes it sound like the tylenol is mean. this was among the more challenging ones and it’s kinda rushed, but drawing the plastic was fun. just did this one an hour ago.

in case you’re wondering, I do keep the pills when possible. I like to hold onto my reference material. they live in a separate box from my vintage ibuprofen collection.

Having been someone who recently lost an ibuprofen, I have to assume the weird amount of painkillers is nature’s worst mistake: the human musculoskeletal system.
If it’s on the floor it’s Gone Forever* and those bastards roll right off your hand.

*until I can get my partner to pick it up