WP_Block::replace_html( string $block_content, string $attribute_name, mixed $source_value ): string

In this article

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

Depending on the block attribute name, replace its value in the HTML based on the value provided.


Block content.
The attribute name to replace.
The value used to replace in the HTML.


string The modified block content.


private function replace_html( string $block_content, string $attribute_name, $source_value ) {
	$block_type = $this->block_type;
	if ( ! isset( $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['source'] ) ) {
		return $block_content;

	// Depending on the attribute source, the processing will be different.
	switch ( $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['source'] ) {
		case 'html':
		case 'rich-text':
			$block_reader = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content );

			// TODO: Support for CSS selectors whenever they are ready in the HTML API.
			// In the meantime, support comma-separated selectors by exploding them into an array.
			$selectors = explode( ',', $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['selector'] );
			// Add a bookmark to the first tag to be able to iterate over the selectors.
			$block_reader->set_bookmark( 'iterate-selectors' );

			// TODO: This shouldn't be needed when the `set_inner_html` function is ready.
			// Store the parent tag and its attributes to be able to restore them later in the button.
			// The button block has a wrapper while the paragraph and heading blocks don't.
			if ( 'core/button' === $this->name ) {
				$button_wrapper                 = $block_reader->get_tag();
				$button_wrapper_attribute_names = $block_reader->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( '' );
				$button_wrapper_attrs           = array();
				foreach ( $button_wrapper_attribute_names as $name ) {
					$button_wrapper_attrs[ $name ] = $block_reader->get_attribute( $name );

			foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) {
				// If the parent tag, or any of its children, matches the selector, replace the HTML.
				if ( strcasecmp( $block_reader->get_tag( $selector ), $selector ) === 0 || $block_reader->next_tag(
						'tag_name' => $selector,
				) ) {
					$block_reader->release_bookmark( 'iterate-selectors' );

					// TODO: Use `set_inner_html` method whenever it's ready in the HTML API.
					// Until then, it is hardcoded for the paragraph, heading, and button blocks.
					// Store the tag and its attributes to be able to restore them later.
					$selector_attribute_names = $block_reader->get_attribute_names_with_prefix( '' );
					$selector_attrs           = array();
					foreach ( $selector_attribute_names as $name ) {
						$selector_attrs[ $name ] = $block_reader->get_attribute( $name );
					$selector_markup = "<$selector>" . wp_kses_post( $source_value ) . "</$selector>";
					$amended_content = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $selector_markup );
					foreach ( $selector_attrs as $attribute_key => $attribute_value ) {
						$amended_content->set_attribute( $attribute_key, $attribute_value );
					if ( 'core/paragraph' === $this->name || 'core/heading' === $this->name ) {
						return $amended_content->get_updated_html();
					if ( 'core/button' === $this->name ) {
						$button_markup  = "<$button_wrapper>{$amended_content->get_updated_html()}</$button_wrapper>";
						$amended_button = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $button_markup );
						foreach ( $button_wrapper_attrs as $attribute_key => $attribute_value ) {
							$amended_button->set_attribute( $attribute_key, $attribute_value );
						return $amended_button->get_updated_html();
				} else {
					$block_reader->seek( 'iterate-selectors' );
			$block_reader->release_bookmark( 'iterate-selectors' );
			return $block_content;

		case 'attribute':
			$amended_content = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content );
			if ( ! $amended_content->next_tag(
					// TODO: build the query from CSS selector.
					'tag_name' => $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['selector'],
			) ) {
				return $block_content;
			$amended_content->set_attribute( $block_type->attributes[ $attribute_name ]['attribute'], $source_value );
			return $amended_content->get_updated_html();

			return $block_content;



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