
This feature is still experimental. “Experimental” means this is an early implementation subject to drastic and breaking changes.

VStack (or Vertical Stack) is a layout component that arranges child elements in a vertical line.


VStack can render anything inside.

import {
    __experimentalText as Text,
    __experimentalVStack as VStack,
} from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (


alignment: HStackAlignment | CSSProperties[‘alignItems’]

Determines how the child elements are aligned.

  • top: Aligns content to the top.
  • topLeft: Aligns content to the top/left.
  • topRight: Aligns content to the top/right.
  • left: Aligns content to the left.
  • center: Aligns content to the center.
  • right: Aligns content to the right.
  • bottom: Aligns content to the bottom.
  • bottomLeft: Aligns content to the bottom/left.
  • bottomRight: Aligns content to the bottom/right.
  • edge: Justifies content to be evenly spread out up to the main axis edges of the container.
  • stretch: Stretches content to the cross axis edges of the container.

direction: FlexDirection

The direction flow of the children content can be adjusted with direction. column will align children vertically and row will align children horizontally.

expanded: boolean

Expands to the maximum available width (if horizontal) or height (if vertical).

justify: CSSProperties[‘justifyContent’]

Horizontally aligns content if the direction is row, or vertically aligns content if the direction is column.
In the example below, flex-start will align the children content to the left.

spacing: CSSProperties[‘width’]

The amount of space between each child element. Spacing in between each child can be adjusted by using spacing.
The value of spacing works as a multiplier to the library’s grid system (base of 4px).

wrap: boolean

Determines if children should wrap.


When a Spacer is used within an VStack, the Spacer adaptively expands to take up the remaining space.

import {
    __experimentalSpacer as Spacer,
    __experimentalText as Text,
    __experimentalVStack as VStack,
} from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (

Spacer can also be used in-between items to push them apart.

import {
    __experimentalSpacer as Spacer,
    __experimentalText as Text,
    __experimentalVStack as VStack,
} from '@wordpress/components';

function Example() {
    return (
            <Spacer />