
DateTimePicker is a React component that renders a calendar and clock for date and time selection. The calendar and clock components can be accessed individually using the DatePicker and TimePicker components respectively.

Date Time component

Best practices

Date pickers should:

  • Use smart defaults and highlight the current date.


Render a DateTimePicker.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { DateTimePicker } from '@wordpress/components';

const MyDateTimePicker = () => {
    const [ date, setDate ] = useState( new Date() );

    return (
            currentDate={ date }
            onChange={ ( newDate ) => setDate( newDate ) }
            is12Hour={ true }


The component accepts the following props:

currentDate: Date | string | number | null

The current date and time at initialization. Optionally pass in a null value to specify no date is currently selected.

  • Required: No
  • Default: today’s date

onChange: ( date: string | null ) => void

The function called when a new date or time has been selected. It is passed the currentDate as an argument.

  • Required: No

is12Hour: boolean

Whether we use a 12-hour clock. With a 12-hour clock, an AM/PM widget is displayed and the time format is assumed to be MM-DD-YYYY (as opposed to the default format DD-MM-YYYY).

  • Type: bool
  • Required: No
  • Default: false

dateOrder: ‘dmy’ | ‘mdy’ | ‘ymd’

The order of day, month, and year. This prop overrides the time format determined by is12Hour prop.

  • Type: string
  • Required: No
  • Default: 'dmy'

isInvalidDate: ( date: Date ) => boolean

A callback function which receives a Date object representing a day as an argument, and should return a Boolean to signify if the day is valid or not.

  • Required: No

onMonthPreviewed: ( date: Date ) => void

A callback invoked when selecting the previous/next month in the date picker. The callback receives the new month date in the ISO format as an argument.

  • Required: No

events: { date: Date }[]

List of events to show in the date picker. Each event will appear as a dot on the day of the event.

  • Type: Array
  • Required: No

startOfWeek: number

The day that the week should start on. 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, etc.

  • Required: No
  • Default: 0