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Site Performance’s full-stack performance features keep your sites running smoothly and quickly, regardless of whether your site has 10 or 10 million visitors.

Our Global Edge Caching technology is powered by 28+ data centers across 6 continents and it turns a dynamic version of your site into a static version that’s distributed across those data centers. When a website is cached globally like this, copies of the website’s information are actually stored in those different data center locations across the globe. When a user visits your site, they can get the information from a location that’s closer to (and therefore faster for) them. Our Global Edge Caching is included on every plan without any bandwidth restrictions. 

Our Site Accelerator CDN improves your site performance by more efficiently distributing server load to save bandwidth (which can ultimately reduce your overall hosting costs). It saves images on our servers and resizes your photos to minimize loading times for your audience and strain on your site’s main server.

Global Edge Cache’s Global Edge Cache makes your site load faster for visitors around the world by taking advantage of our global network of data centers.

Global Edge Cache

Site Accelerator CDN

Site Accelerator from Jetpack is our Content Delivery Network (CDN), optimized to speed up your site by delivering faster images and static files.

Site Accelerator CDN

Downtime Monitoring

Downtime Monitoring on continuously watches your website and alerts you the moment that downtime is detected. This guide explains how Downtime Monitoring works on your website.

Downtime Monitoring

Last updated: June 05, 2024