In this article



Jetpack comes with a suite of PHPUnit tests.

Writing unit tests is highly

For the Jetpack plugin, you can run the tests through the Jetpack CLI:

jetpack docker phpunit

The above command will also accept any regular PHPUnit arguments passed to it. For example:

jetpack docker phpunit -- --filter=Protect

It’s also possible to simulate a multi-site install when running the tests by running

jetpack docker phpunit-multisite


Jetpack also includes several Jest based unit tests for our JavaScript code. These test suites can be executed using the following commands:

pnpm test-client
pnpm test-gui
pnpm test-modules

It’s possible to further narrow down the test run to only the tests matching a specific patten by using the -g or --grep pattern arguments. For example:

pnpm test-gui -g 'my custom pattern'

To use a custom reporter, use the -R or --reporter argument:

pnpm test-client -R 'my_reporter'

E2E Tests

We have an E2E test suites for Simple and Atomic, which live inside the Calypso repository.