
Hi, I’m Derin! I write things.

  • If you want to read a web serial about teenagers in a magical school making terrible decisions, one about adults in a broken spaceship making slightly better decisions, or one of my short stories described by readers with such lovely reactions as “what the fuck Derin,” “I think there is something very wrong with you,” and “I am never going to be the same again,” you can find them on my website here.

    If you want chapter updates, ebooks, a randomly generated drink or sandwich from my friend’s robot, or just to hang out and chat, my discord is here.

    If you want access to bonus materials and story voting rights, my patreon is here.

  • As someone who lives on a limestone aquifer, I don't fuck around with kettle cleaning; when flakes of limestone start showing up int he water I just boil straight double strength vinegar to clean it. And every time, every single time, I forget to be wary of breathing in the double strength vinegar steam.

    Anyway my nose hurts how's everybody doing

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    Sorry I meant lime scale. The lime collects on surfaces when the water evaporates and it can flake or peel off.

  • As someone who lives on a limestone aquifer, I don’t fuck around with kettle cleaning; when flakes of limestone start showing up int he water I just boil straight double strength vinegar to clean it. And every time, every single time, I forget to be wary of breathing in the double strength vinegar steam.

    Anyway my nose hurts how’s everybody doing

  • copperbadge:
“ This guy in my town owns a rug store, and he’s always changing his sign out front but he’s also the biggest Dad in the world so his jokes are awful but brilliant
Well I know where I’m going next time I need a rug.
“ This guy in my town owns a rug store, and he’s always changing his sign out front but he’s also the biggest Dad in the world so his jokes are awful but brilliant
Well I know where I’m going next time I need a rug.
“ This guy in my town owns a rug store, and he’s always changing his sign out front but he’s also the biggest Dad in the world so his jokes are awful but brilliant
Well I know where I’m going next time I need a rug.
“ This guy in my town owns a rug store, and he’s always changing his sign out front but he’s also the biggest Dad in the world so his jokes are awful but brilliant
Well I know where I’m going next time I need a rug.
  • This guy in my town owns a rug store, and he’s always changing his sign out front but he’s also the biggest Dad in the world so his jokes are awful but brilliant

  • Well I know where I’m going next time I need a rug. 

  • It's depressing that they had to ruin the internet and various expected amenities and services to do it, but you gotta admit that it's a LITTLE BIT funny to see the venture capitalist industry steal all our data and boil us in advertisements and drown us in unwanted tech features for a decade and a half only to slam right into the wall of not being able to find a way to actually make it profitable

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    This was a joke when it was written.

  • It’s depressing that they had to ruin the internet and various expected amenities and services to do it, but you gotta admit that it’s a LITTLE BIT funny to see the venture capitalist industry steal all our data and boil us in advertisements and drown us in unwanted tech features for a decade and a half only to slam right into the wall of not being able to find a way to actually make it profitable

  • This website is so weird because there's just a bunch of us pod people and then there's hellenhighwater who is the coolest person on the planet and also, somehow, here

  • why call it the Hellsite if is not for Hell?????

  • Honestly that's fair. This website is hellenhighwater's house now.

  • And together we will make this hellhouse a hellhome!!

  • Your interior decoration could only radically improve the UI of this place

  • This website is so weird because there's just a bunch of us pod people and then there's hellenhighwater who is the coolest person on the planet and also, somehow, here

  • why call it the Hellsite if is not for Hell?????

  • Honestly that’s fair. This website is hellenhighwater’s house now.

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    That's Patreon's job not yours Wordpress

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    They’re owned by the same company as Tumblr.

  • Marijuana has been rescheduled, and all federal possession charges pardoned. You got $2000 stimulus. Over $160 billion in student loans forgiven. Talk of Project 2025 has been for a few months, since it was revealed, and the House is in Republicans hands.  Try to keep up.  — DCPetterson (@dcpetterson) June 16, 2024ALT
    To note: marijuana rescheduling could have happened much faster if Republicans in Congress went along with a bill to do so. Instead they had to go through rulemaking, which is why it took so damn long. But they absolutely did it.  — MushuWeasel (@mushuweasel) June 16, 2024ALT
    Exactly.  Faux-leftists love to blame Democrats for what Republicans do.  — DCPetterson (@dcpetterson) June 16, 2024ALT
  • Murc's Law remains evergreen and the shitty 'progressive/leftist' assholes who subscribe to it are as brain-broken by their preferred news/media choices and ecosystems as their probably conservative parents.

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    That's Patreon's job not yours Wordpress

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    &. lilac theme by seyche