Taxonomy Chain Menu

Taxonomy Chain Menu – is simple WordPress plugin with one shortcode, which allows to create taxonomies terms chain menus with any inbuilt and custom types of WordPress taxonomies. Is compatible with WOOT – WooCommerce Active Products Tables!

Buy it separately on: OR Use free version:

Created by shortcodes: [taxonomy_chain_menu post_type=’product’ exclude=’152,84′ taxonomy=’product_cat’ target=’_blank’ label_taxonomy=’call_filter_chain1′ label_post=’call_filter_chain1-post’ chain_id=’chain1′ connect_table=’tt1′ button_title=’call_filter_chain1-btn’ label_before=’Select your wear: ‘ select_width=’300px|250px’] AND [woot id=1 disable_filter_form=1]


  • target=’_blank’ – this attribute is from premium version of the plugin
  • label_taxonomy=’Clothes|Model’ – such syntax is from premium version of the plugin
  • label_before – this attribute is from premium version of the plugin
Select your wear:


The same shortcode but with premium attribute ��select_wrapper‘:

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In file functions.php added next code:

