Plugin Directory

WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin – Migration Backup Restore

WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin – Migration Backup Restore


Staging, Backup, Klonen & Übertragen von WordPress Webseiten

WP STAGING ist ein professionelles Backup-, Staging- und Duplikator-Plugin in einem. Erstellen Sie eine exakte Kopie und Sicherung Ihrer Website in Sekunden! Perfekt für Staging-, Backup- oder Entwicklungszwecke.
(Die Dauer des Klonens und der Sicherung hängt von der Größe Ihrer Website ab)

Dieses Backup- und Staging-Tool erstellt einen Klon Ihrer Website in einem Unterordner oder einer Subdomain (Pro) Ihrer WordPress-Hauptinstallation. Die geklonte Website enthält eine vollständige Kopie Ihrer Datenbank.

Um Plugins und Themes auf die Live-Site zu pushen & zu migrieren, ein Backup zu erstellen und ein Backup auf Cloud-Anbieter hochzuladen, besuchen Sie WP STAGING | PRO

WP STAGING führt alle zeitraubenden Operationen für Datenbank- und Dateiklonen und Backup-Operationen im Hintergrund aus. Dieses Tool führt automatisch eine Suche und Ersetzung aller Links und Pfade durch.

Dieses Staging- und Backup-Plugin kann Ihre Website schnell und effizient klonen, selbst wenn sie auf einem schwachen Shared-Hosting-Server läuft.

WP STAGING kann verhindern, dass Ihre Website durch die Installation von ungetesteten Plugins beschädigt wird oder offline geht!


  • Clones the entire production site into a subdirectory like
  • High Performance – Backup and clone an entire website, even with millions of database rows faster and less resource-intensive than with other plugins
  • Backup schedule. Create an automatic daily backup plan.
  • Easy to use! Create a clone / backup site by clicking one button
  • Hochleistungs-Hintergrundprozessor – Führt Backup sehr effizient im Hintergrund aus, ohne Ihre Website zu verlangsamen
  • No Software as a Service – No account needed! All your data stays on your server. Your data belongs to you only.
  • Keine Server-Timeouts auf riesigen Websites oder kleinen und schwachen Servern
  • Very fast – Migration and clone / backup process takes only a few seconds or minutes, depending on the website’s size and server I/O power.
  • Use the clone as part of your backup strategy
  • Only administrators can access the clone / backup website.
  • SEO friendly: The clone website is unavailable to search engines due to a custom login prompt and the meta tag no-index.
  • The admin bar on the staging / backup website is orange colored and shows when you work on the staging site.
  • Extensive logging features
  • Supports all popular web servers: Apache, Nginx, Microsoft IIS, LiteSpeed Server
  • Every release passes thousands of unit and acceptance tests to make the plugin extremely robust, reliable and fast on an enterprise code quality level
  • Fast and professional support team


Die folgden Backup & Klonfunktionen sind Premium. Sie benötigen WP STAGING | PRO, um diese Funktionen zu nutzen. Mehr über WP STAGING | PRO!

  • Migration – Migrate and transfer WordPress to another host or domain
  • Push staging website including all plugins, themes, and media files to the production website wth one click
  • Clone the backup / clone site to a separate database
  • Choose custom directory for backup & cloned site
  • Select custom subdomain as destination for backup / clone site like
  • Authentication – Define user roles for accessing the clone / backup site only. This can be clients or external developers.
  • Multisite-Unterstützung – Migrieren, Sichern und Klonen von WordPress-Multisites
  • Backup-Pläne – Plane wiederkehrende Mehrfach-Backups nach Stunden, Zeit und Intervall
  • Backup-Transfer – Herunter- und Hochladen von Backups auf einen anderen Server für die Migration und Übertragung von Websites
  • Backup-Aufbewahrung – Wähle die Anzahl der Backups, die du auf deinem Server oder bei einem Cloud-Anbieter aufbewahren möchtest.
  • Benutzerdefinierte Backup-Namen: Wähle benutzerdefinierte Backup-Namen, um verschiedene Backup-Dateien leicht unterscheiden zu können.
  • E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen – Lassen Sie sich benachrichtigen, wenn ein Backup nicht erstellt werden kann.
  • Backup von WordPress Multisites
  • Backup auf Google Drive
  • Backup auf Amazon S3
  • Backup to (s)FTP
  • Backup nach Dropbox
  • Geben Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes Backup Ordnerziel für Backup Cloud-Speicheranbieter an
  • Priority Support für Backup & Klonen oder wenn etwas bei Ihnen nicht wie erwartet funktioniert.


Backup, Wiederherstellen & Migration

WordPress Backup und Wiederherstellen
https://wp-staging .com/docs/how-to-backup-and-restore-your-wordpress-website/

Backup Sicherung & WordPress-Site auf einen anderen Host übertragen

Alle Backup Anleitungen

Arbeiten mit Staging-Seiten /working-with-wp-staging/

FAQ für Backup & Klonen häufig gestellte fragen/

Fehlerbehebung bei Backup & Klonen

Ändere Deinen Workflow um Themes und Plugins zu aktualisieren.

  1. Verwenden Sie WP STAGING, um eine Produktionswebsite für Staging-, Test- oder Backup Zwecke zu klonen
  2. Erstellen Sie ein Backup Ihrer Website
  3. Verändere Themes, Konfigurationen und Plugins oder installiere neue Plugins.
  4. Test everything on your staging site and keep a backup of the original site
  5. Wenn die Staging-Website zu 100 % funktioniert, starte die Migration und kopiere alle Updates auf deine Live-Website!
  6. Wenn etwas nicht wie erwartet funktioniert, stellen Sie das vorherige Backup wieder her

Kann ich nicht einfach mein lokales WordPress-Entwicklungssystem wie xampp / lampp zu Test- und Backup Zwecke verwenden?

You can always test your website locally, but if your local hardware and software environment is not a 100% exact clone of your production server, there is NO guarantee that every aspect of your local copy works on your production website exactly as you expect it.

There are noticeable differences like the PHP version or the server your website is running under. Still, even such non-obvious settings like the amount of RAM or the CPU performance can lead to unexpected results on your production website.

There are dozens of other reasons why a local test website will never mimic the production site server. That’s why a successful local test or backup site is no guarantee that the site will run in the production environment as expected.

That is where WP STAGING shows its strengths… Site cloning, backup, and staging site creation simplified. WordPress cloning on an enterprise-ish level!


  • Funktioniert auf der neuesten Version von WordPress
  • Mindestens unterstützte WordPress-Version 3.8
  • Klonen und Backup funktioniert auf allen Webhosts
  • Keine zusätzlichen Bibliotheken erforderlich
  • Backup / Datensicherung & Das Klonen unterstützt riesige Websites
  • Das benutzerdefinierte Backup format ist viel schneller und kleiner als jede Tar- oder Zip-Komprimierung
  • Datensicherung / Backup & Klonen funktioniert bei wenig Arbeitsspeicher & gemeinsam genutzte Hosting-Umgebungen



  • Erstelle eine neue Staging / Backup Seite
  • Create new WordPress staging / backup site (Lite Mode)
  • Wählen Sie einen Namen für die Staging-/Backup-Site aus
  • Erstelle ein komplettes Backup (Dark Mode)
  • Erstelle ein komplettes Backup (Light Mode)
  • Klon- und Backup vorgang (Dark Mode)
  • Backup erfolgreich (Dark Mode)
  • Login in die Staging Seite
  • Staging Demo Seite


Installation über Admin-Plugin-Suche

  1. Gehe zu Plugins > Neu hinzufügen. Wähle „Autor” aus dem Dropdown neben der Sucheingabe.
  2. Suche nach „WP STAGING”.
  3. Finde das „WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin” und klicke auf den Button „Jetzt installieren”.
  4. Aktiviere das Plugin.
  5. Das Plugin sollte unterhalb des Menüs „Einstellungen“ angezeigt werden.

Admin-Installer über zip

  1. Rufe den Bildschirm „Neues Plugin hinzufügen” auf und klicke auf den Button „Plugin hochladen”.
  2. Klicke auf den Button „Durchsuchen…” und wähle die Zip-Datei unseres Plugins aus.
  3. Klicke auf den Button „Jetzt installieren”.
  4. Sobald der Upload abgeschlossen ist, aktiviere das WP STAGING WordPress Backup Plugin.
  5. Das Plugin sollte unterhalb des Menüs „Einstellungen“ angezeigt werden.


Why should I use a Backup & Staging Website?

Plugin-Updates und Theme-Anpassungen sollten auf einer Staging-/Backup-Plattform getestet werden, bevor sie auf der Produktionswebsite angewendet werden.
Normalerweise wird empfohlen, die Staging- / Backup-Plattform auf einem identischen Server wie den Produktionsserver zu haben. Sie können alle möglichen Fehler während des Testens nur mit der gleichen Hardware- und Softwareumgebung für Ihre Test- und Testumgebung abfangen. Backup Website.

Bevor Sie also ein Plugin aktualisieren oder ein neues installieren, wird dringend empfohlen, die Änderungen auf einem Klon / Backup Ihrer Produktionswebsite zu überprüfen.
Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass alle Änderungen auf Ihrer Produktionswebsite funktionieren, ohne unerwartete Fehler auszulösen oder das Laden Ihrer Website zu verhindern, besser bekannt als „WordPress Weisse Seite Fehler“.

Plugins und deren Updates zu Testen bevor diese auf der Produktionswebseite installiert werden, wird nicht sehr oft gemacht weil bisherige Staging Lösungen zu komplex sind und es eine Menge Arbeitszeit bedeutet eine aktuelle Kopie der Webseite zu erstellen.

Sie könnten Angst davor haben, Plugin-Updates zu installieren, weil Sie dem Grundsatz „niemals ein laufendes System berühren“ folgen. Sie wissen, dass ungetestete Updates das Risiko einer Beschädigung Ihrer Website erhöhen.

Das ist einer der Hauptgründe, warum WordPress-Installationen oft veraltet, überhaupt nicht aktualisiert und aufgrund dieses Nicht-Update-Verhaltens unsicher sind.

Es ist an der Zeit, dies zu ändern. Es gibt keinen einfacheren Weg als „WP STAGING” für das Backup, Klonen und die Migration deiner WordPress-Website zu nutzen.

Wie installiere und richte ich eine Staging-Website/ein Website-Backup ein?

Installieren Sie das WP STAGING-Backup über das Admin-Dashboard. Gehen Sie zu „Plugins“, klicken Sie auf „Neu hinzufügen“ und durchsuchen Sie die Plugins nach „WP STAGING“. Installieren Sie das Plugin mit „Jetzt installieren“.
Gehen Sie nach der Installation zu WP STAGING > Staging-Sites und erstellen Sie Ihre erste Staging-/ Backup-Site

Ist WP STAGING ein Backup-Plugin?

Ja, absolut! WP STAGING begann als Staging-Tool, entwickelte sich aber zu einem vollwertigen WordPress-Backup-Plugin. Selbst die kostenlose Version kann für Backup-Zwecke verwendet werden und verfügt über eine automatische Backup-Hintergrundverarbeitung.
Die Pro-Version bietet Ihnen ein paar mehr Backup-Funktionen wie das Hochladen eines Backups auf Cloud-Backup-Dateispeicher-Anbieter wie Google Drive, (s)FTP, Dropbox, Wasabi, DigitalOcean oder Amazon S3, aber auch die kostenlose Version ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Backup-Dateien wiederherzustellen, falls etwas mit Ihrer Produktionsseite passiert. Es gibt viele andere Backup-Plugins auf dem Markt, aber WP STAGING hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung der Qualitätssicherung auf Geschäfts- und Unternehmensebene in einem WordPress-Backup-Plugin auf ein neues Niveau zu bringen.

Wir bieten eine grundlegende, aber dennoch leistungsstarke Backup-Funktion kostenlos für alle Nutzer an. Wenn Sie mehr wollen, bietet WP STAGING PRO eine vollwertige Premium-Backup-Lösung mit Enterprise-Code-Qualität, die für jeden erschwinglich ist.

Video: Wie wir automatisierte Tests auf WP STAGING durchführen

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen WP STAGING Backup und anderen Backup-Plugins?

Hinweis: WP-STAGING | PRO bietet im Vergleich zu den unten genannten Backup Plugins erweiterte Backup-Funktionen. Die Geschwindigkeit und Leistung der Backup Funktion von WP STAGING übertrifft oft sogar die bekanntesten und etabliertesten Backup Plugins.

We are now adding more advanced backup features to deliver what other existing backup plugins are still missing.

You may have heard about other popular backup plugins like All in one Migration, BackWPUp, BackupWordPress, Simple Backup, WordPress Backup to Dropbox, or similar WordPress backup plugins and now wonder about the difference between WP STAGING and those backup tools.

Andere Backup-Plugins erstellen normalerweise ein Backup Ihres WordPress-Dateisystems und ein Datenbank-Backup, mit dem Sie Ihre Website wiederherstellen können, wenn sie beschädigt wird oder Sie in der Zeit zu einem früheren Zustand zurückkehren möchten.

Die Backup Dateien sind komprimiert und können nicht direkt geöffnet werden. WP STAGING hingegen erstellt eine vollständige Sicherung des gesamten Dateisystems und der Datenbank in einem funktionierenden Zustand, den Sie wie Ihre ursprüngliche Produktionswebsite öffnen können.

Obwohl WP STAGING als reines Staging-Plugin gestartet wurde, verfügt es nun über leistungsstarke Backup-Funktionen. Es hat sich also von einem reinen Staging-Plugin zu einem Staging- und Backup-Plugin entwickelt, mit dem Sie ein Backup wiederherstellen und Ihre Website in einen früheren Zustand zurückversetzen können.
Wenn Sie sich für die WP STAGING | PRO Version entscheiden, erhalten Sie die gleiche Backup-Funktionalität wie bei anderen Backup-Plugins, aber auf einem viel höheren Testniveau und mit einer höheren Leistung.

Note, that some free backup plugins are not able to support custom tables. (For instance, the free version of Updraft plus backup plugin). In that case, your backup plugin is not able to create a backup of your staging site when it is executed on the production site.
The reason is that the tables created by WP STAGING are custom tables beginning with another table prefix.
To bypass this limitation and to be able to create a backup of your staging site, you can use any backup plugin or the WP STAGING backup plugin on the staging site and create the backup from that site. That works well even with every other WordPress backup plugin.

Warum brauche ich überhaupt ein Backup-Plugin?

Konsistente Website-Backups sind die Grundlage einer soliden Disaster-Recovery-Strategie. Für unternehmenskritische Websites, regelmäßige Backups schützen vor Datenverlusten aufgrund von Hardwareausfällen, Softwarefehlern oder sogar Ransomware-Angriffen.
Indem Sie in regelmäßigen Abständen Backups von Website-Dateien, Datenbanken und Konfigurationen erstellen, können Sie einen schnellen Wiederherstellungsprozess und minimieren Ausfallzeiten und mögliche Umsatzeinbußen.
Die Backups sollten alle wichtigen Daten enthalten, einschließlich Website-Code, Content-Management-System-Dateien,
in Datenbanken gespeicherte Benutzerdaten und Website-Konfigurationen. Mit einer Kombination aus vollständigen und inkrementellen Backups optimiert die Speichereffizienz und erfasst gleichzeitig die neuesten Aktualisierungen der Website.
Außerdem wird durch den Einsatz automatisierter Sicherungslösungen der Prozess gestrafft, menschliche Fehler werden vermieden und gewährleistet eine konsistente Datensicherung.
Indem Sie Backups Ihrer Website Priorität einräumen, zeigen Sie Ihr Engagement für Datensicherheit und Geschäftskontinuität.

Ich möchte ein Backup meiner lokalen Website erstellen und sie auf die Live-Website und einen anderen Host kopieren.

Wenn Sie Ihre lokale Website auf eine bereits bestehende Produktionsstätte migrieren möchten, können Sie unsere Pro-Version WP STAGING | PRO verwenden.
WP STAGING kann eine Staging-Site mit den neuesten Daten Ihrer Produktionssite erstellen oder ein Backup davon erstellen.

Was sind die Vorteile gegenüber einem Migrations- und Backup Plugin wie Duplicator?

We like the Duplicator plugin. Even though Duplicator is not as fast as WP STAGING for creating a backup, it’s still is a great tool for migrating from a development site to production one or from production site to development one. Overall it’s a good tool to create a backup of your WordPress website.
The downside is that before you can even create an export or backup file with Duplicator, a lot of adjustments, manual interventions, and requirements are needed before you can start the backup process.
The backup plugin Duplicator also needs some skills to be able to create a backup and development/staging site. In contrast, WP STAGING does not need more than a click from you to create a backup or staging site.

Wenn Du eine lokal oder gehostete neue Webseite erstellt hast und Du möchtest diese Webseite das allererste Mal auf deine Produktionsdomain übertragen, machst Du nichts falsch, wenn Du das Plugin Duplicator verwendest. Wenn Du regelmäßig eine aktuelle Webseite zum Testen erstellen musst, welche ein aktuelles Abbild Deiner Live Webseite ist, dann empfehlen wir dir WP STAGING.

Wenn Geschwindigkeit, Leistung und Codequalität auch für Sie ein Thema sind, probieren Sie WP STAGING aus.

Ich kann mich nicht bei der Staging-/ Backup-Seite anmelden

Wenn Sie ein Sicherheits-Plugin wie Wordfence, iThemes Security, All In One WP Security & Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die neueste Version von WP STAGING installiert haben, um auf Ihre geklonte Backup-Site zuzugreifen.
Angenommen, Sie können sich immer noch nicht bei Ihrer Staging-/Backup-Site anmelden. In diesem Fall können Sie zu WP STAGING > Einstellungen und deaktivieren Sie dort die WP STAGING Extra-Authentifizierung. Ihr Admin-Dashboard bleibt weiterhin geschützt und für öffentliche Benutzer nicht zugänglich.

Kann ich Permalinks auf der Staging-/Backup-Site aktivieren?

Permalinks are disabled on the staging / backup site after first time cloning / backup creation
Read here how to activate permalinks on the staging site.

So verwenden Sie ein Backup, um WordPress auf einen anderen Host oder eine andere Domain zu übertragen.

Die Pro-Version von WP STAGING kann deine gesamte WordPress-Website sichern.
Mit der Pro-Backup-Funktion kannst du deine gesamte WordPress-Website ganz einfach sichern und auf eine andere Domain, einen neuen Hoster oder einen neuen Server kopieren – und das oft schneller und zuverlässiger als mit allen anderen Backup-Plugins.
Sieh dir [](diesen Artikel) an, in dem die Backup-Funktion vorgestellt wird.

Gibt es eine Übersetzung von WP STAGING in meiner Sprache?

Wir haben WP STAGING fast vollständig in fünf Sprachen übersetzt:

English: WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator WordPress Plugin. Backup & Migrate WordPress websites.
French: Plugin WordPress de sauvegarde et de duplication WP STAGING. Sauvegarder et migrer les sites Web WordPress.
German: WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator WordPress Plugin. Migrate WordPress Webseiten.
Spanish: WP STAGING Complemento de copia de seguridad y duplicador de WordPress. Copia de seguridad y migración de sitios web de WordPress.

The following languages have been partially translated. You can help us with the translation:

Croatian: WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator WordPress dodatak. Izradite sigurnosnu kopiju i migrirajte WordPress web stranice.
Dutch: WP STAGING Back-up & Duplicator WordPress-plug-in. Back-up en migratie van WordPress-websites.
Finnish: WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator WordPress-laajennus. Varmuuskopioi ja siirrä WordPress-verkkosivustoja.
Greek: WP STAGING Πρόσθετο WordPress Backup & Duplicator. Δημιουργία αντιγράφων ασφαλείας και μετεγκατάσταση ιστοσελίδων WordPress.
Hungarian: WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator WordPress beépülő modul. WordPress-webhelyek biztonsági mentése és migrálása.
Indonesian: WP Staging Backup & Duplikator Plugin WordPress. Cadangkan & Migrasi situs web WordPress.
Italian: WP STAGING Plugin WordPress per backup e duplicatori. Backup e migrazione di siti Web WordPress.
Persian: WP STAGING پشتیبان گیری و افزونه وردپرس Duplicator. پشتیبان گیری و مهاجرت از وب سایت های وردپرس��.
Polish: WP STAGING Wtyczka WordPress do tworzenia kopii zapasowych i powielania. Twórz kopie zapasowe i migruj witryny WordPress.
Portuguese (Brazil): WP STAGING Backup & Duplicador Plugin WordPress. Backup e migração de sites WordPress.
Russian: Плагин WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator для WordPress. Резервное копирование и перенос сайтов WordPress.
Turkish: WP STAGING Yedekleme ve Çoğaltıcı WordPress Eklentisi. WordPress web sitelerini yedekleyin ve taşıyın.
Vietnamese: WP STAGING Backup & Duplicator WordPress Plugin. Sao lưu và di chuyển các trang web WordPress.

Kann ich dir ein Feedback für WP STAGING Backup & Cloning geben?

This plugin has been created in thousands of hours and works even with the smallest shared web hosting package.
We also use an enterprise-level approved testing coding environment to ensure that the cloning and backup process runs rock-solid on your system.
If you are a developer, you will probably like to hear that we use Codeception and PHPUnit for our backup plugin.

As there are infinite variations of possible server constellations, it still can happen that something does not work for you 100%. In that case,
please open a support request and describe your issue.


24. Juli 2024
I started out with JetBackup but didn’t like that so I gave these guys a try. While I haven’t had a chance to try every feature, I’ve used it enough to see that these guys are fabulous. Also great support, which is so critical.
10. Juli 2024
It is a great protection when updating critical plugins like Elementor if you run through the changes on the staging site beforehand.
9. Juli 2024
Had an issue with the free version of the plug-in but was given direct support which was quick, clear and easy to follow. Thanks guys for going the extra mile.
Alle 2.302 Rezensionen lesen

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Durchstöbere den Code, sieh dir das SVN Repository an oder abonniere das Entwicklungsprotokoll per RSS.



  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.6
  • New: Add super admin role when creating login link. Existing staging sites need to be updated. (Pro) #3520
  • New: Redesign process logs to make them more appealing and robust, ensuring they look good. #3281
  • Security: Encrypt sensitive information when downloading the system info files. #3305
  • Enh: Implement a mechanism that can be used to better log failure of jobs. #3436
  • Enh: Add upgrade routine to enable email notifications for free version by default. #3491
  • Enh: Add a tooltip to the backup modal explaining the function of „Validate Backup“. #3513
  • Fix: Backup Restore failed to read the cache file of old object data when using PHP 7.2. #3539
  • Fix: Make sure to backup all other files in the WP root directory when running background backup. #3564
  • Fix: Ensure that backup process works properly when attempting to create multipart backup with free version. #3444
  • Fix: Show correct timestamp when retrieving remote backup from an FTP storage provider. (Pro) #3499
  • Fix: Google authentication throws exception when user cancels backup auth process. (Pro) #3510
  • Fix: Fatal error on activation of WP Staging Pro on PHP 7.0. (Pro) #3580
  • Fix: Sometimes warnings were generated during PUSH when trying to cleanup tmp directory for plugins and themes. #3588
  • UX: Ensure smooth transition of HTML attributes in advanced options. #3535
  • UX: Toggle Email Address and Slack Webhook URL fields when email and slack notifications enabled. #3532
  • Dev: Don’t rerun CI workflows when one of the changelogs is adjusted. #3493
  • Dev: Failing unit tests at \NoticesTest::shouldShowDisabledOptimizerNotice(). #3601


  • New: Compatible to WordPress 6.5.5
  • New: Enable remote backup loading for dropbox storage provider. (Pro) #3475
  • New: Add ‚Upload to Cloud‘ button to upload existing local backups to cloud storage. (Pro) #3331
  • New: Add option to backup custom directories in WordPress root path. #2903
  • New: Add backup notifications via Slack. (Pro) #3297
  • New: Add backup email notifications to WP Staging free version. #3297
  • Enh: Show a message when ajax requests get blocked by a firewall rule. #3449
  • Fix: Magic login link does not work when it is used more than one time. Requires updating existing staging sites to fix this. (Pro) #3512
  • Fix: Handle staging and backup creation when file name contains new line character. #3417
  • Fix: Make „copy to clipboard“ button works properly in all browsers, regardless of protocol (HTTP, HTTPS). #3443
  • Fix: Show correct folder count if the staging site file structure contains multiple plugin and theme folders. #3419
  • Fix: Prevent backup retention from being modified when scheduling backup. #3422
  • Fix: Show ‚Settings form‘ after authenticating with storage providers Google Drive and Dropbox. #3356
  • Fix: The site URL is not replaced correctly in the blog table on PUSH for network subsites that have a different domain than the main site. (Pro) #3501
  • Fix: Several PHP warnings when using RESET on an existing staging site. #3438
  • Fix: Optimize and clean up CSS. Fix X and Github icons. Remove of ‚!important‘ declarations in dark theme. #3448
  • Fix: Validate new admin account email address before cloning. #3467
  • Fix: Make sure appropriate message is displayed after successful backup. #3474
  • Fix: Some files may not be scanned and/or copied during staging site creation if their relative path to ABSPATH contains the value of ABSPATH. #3476
  • Fix: Use wp_kses instead of esc_html when logging backup message in logger, to keep json formatting for messages. #3536
  • Fix: Error 500 when listing backup due to open_basedir restriction on ABSPATH. (Pro) #3548
  • Dev: Add unit test to make sure file extraction task works for multiple requests. #3481
  • Dev: Improve basic performance cest e2e and reduce flakiness. #3522
  • Dev: Rename Compressor service to Archiver service to match what this service does. #3496
  • Dev: DRY multipart code, so that compression feature can be used with it. #3498
  • Dev: Add developer docs for the standalone installer script. #3235


  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.4
  • New: Automatic login to staging site after initial creation by creating a temporary login. #3198
  • New: Add option to run backup in background without keeping browser open. #3286
  • Security: Sanitize parameters in remote storage settings to prevent possible path traversal and executing of potential malicious code. #3461
  • Enh: Add support for Wordfence 2FA authentication in the WP Staging login form. #3358
  • Enh: Refactor dropbox and google drive sign in buttons. (Pro) #3405
  • Enh: Reducing plugin size by minifying js and css files and removing map files. #3279
  • Enh: Redesign plugin deactivation feedback form. #3000
  • Enh: Hide sensitive values in system info. #3447
  • Fix: Unable to restore backup when it contains huge number of files which requires extracting in multiple requests. #3477
  • Fix: Improve reliability and robustness of the background processor: Stalled actions will automatically be cancelled if they are in processing state for more than 15 mins. #3454
  • Fix: Backup by URl throws error „Invalid backup file content“. #3404
  • Fix: Standalone restorer randomly terminated while restoring large files. #3348
  • Fix: The backup version of WP Staging Restore is not up to date. #3425
  • Fix: Refactor the contact form. New default options for sending backup log files and accepting privacy policy. #3370
  • Fix: Ensure listing of remote backups and uploading of local backups to cloud storage works correctly. #3434
  • Fix: Hide sensitive fields (secret key, access key…) in backup storages settings. #3389
  • Fix: Don’t optimize the .htaccess as default any longer if server is litespeed. Revert to old behavior by using the filter wpstg.create_litespeed_server_config. #3409
  • Fix: Table Renaming Task fails during Restore and Push if database prefix contains capital letter(s) and database is hosted on Windows based OS system i.e. Microsoft Azure. #3372
  • Fix: Disconnect google drive account if it fails to refresh access token. #3388
  • Fix: Cloud storage options are overlapped by other elements. #3343
  • Fix: Don’t load and list remote backup for dropbox as it is not supported yet. (Pro) #3407
  • Dev: Refactor BackupValidateTask to BackupSignerTask to match the action it does. Also move the signer related logic to separate service. #3367
  • Dev: Add pre-requisite code for a new faster and more secure backup format. #2915
  • Dev: Add option in UI to validate backup files during backup creation. #3368
  • Dev: Auto eslint js files and format scss files during make watch. #3398
  • Dev: Add phpcs rule to make each file ends with only one empty line. #3390
  • Dev: Replace rollup-plugin-postcss with rollup-plugin-styles to have better control over source maps. #3429
  • Fix: Unable to restore backup when it contains huge number of files which requires extracting in multiple requests. #3477

3.7.0 (Skipped)


  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.3
  • New: Implemented dark mode UX with options to switch between ‚Default OS Mode‘, ‚Lite Mode‘ and ‚Dark Mode‘ #3261
  • New: Now you can restore backup of single site and/or multisite subsite to self or another multisite subsite. (Pro) #3240
  • New: Allow user to push all folders under (/wp-content/). #2760
  • New: Add the a new user role ‚visitor‘ to share login link option. (Pro) #3332
  • Enh: Add type hinting for ProTemplateIncluder. #3337
  • Enh: Make sure to prevent other plugins from injecting their messages into WP Staging UI. #3364 #3036
  • Fix: Keep cloud storage connected to Google Drive even if files listing from remote storage fails. (Pro) #3347
  • Enh: Revamped system-info page, ‚Purge Backup Queue‘ modal and moved JavaScript code to a separate file. #3262
  • Enh: Automatically exclude uploads folder during push if it is a symlink. #2989
  • Fix: Sync User Account feature duplicates existing user as administrator role. #3311
  • Fix: Backup restore stuck on importing users for subsite when restoring an old backup on single site. #3373
  • Fix: Make sure to handle fatal error due to missing COLLATE while creating ‚wp_wpstg_queue‘ table for scheduled backup. #3359
  • Fix: Hide the ‚wp-content/wp-staging-sites‘ folder from staging site directory selection, as it is always excluded during cloning. #3267
  • Fix: Show exact error message for open_basedir restriction error if destination directory does not have write permissions. #3116
  • Fix: Memory usage of the staging site is higher than of the live site. #3307
  • Fix: Make sure to only sync production site’s users fields that exist in cloned site’s users table. #3362
  • Fix: Send log files from last 14 days and compress them before sending. Add Contact Us button to error messages. #3323
  • Fix: Make sure to display default login link on custom login form if login is blocked by a security plugin with OTP or 2FA enabled. #3293
  • Fix: Ensure that the All in One Security Plugin (AIOS) isn’t disabled by the wp staging optimizer when AIOS’s salt option is enabled. #3351
  • Fix: Reconnect DB if mysql has gone away during update of queue table. #3354
  • Fix: Create backup folder in google drive, if it does not exist, before uploading to backup cloud provider. #3381
  • Fix: Make sure loading bar is removed once a WP Staging page is refreshed successfully #3365
  • Dev: Add end-to-end tests for the standalone installer script. #3025
  • UX: Make sure that backup cards always look good. #3345
  • UX: Make sure that automatic backup icon looks good. #3338
  • UX: Display backup name and cloud storage settings in ‚Edit Backup Plans‘ Modal. #3299


  • New: Tested on WordPress 6.5.2
  • New: Add option to download and restore backup directly from cloud storage providers Google Drive, Amazon S3, OneDrive, FTP, SFTP. #1968
  • New: First release of the standalone WP Staging Restore tool. Add the constant WPSTG_ACTIVATE_RESTORER to wp-config.php if you want to test it. #2435
  • Fix: Generated create table DDL is corrupted during backup creation if table DDL contains multiple constraints with CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT or NO ACTION referentials actions. #3303
  • Fix: Backup Type missing in scheduling options. Resulting in creation of entire multisite backup even for just subsite backup on multisite. #3312
  • Fix: Resolve browser warnings due to invalid HTML syntax. #2490
  • Fix: Make sure to remove the loading placeholder after 5 seconds if the server call experiences delays or fails due to any error. #3294
  • Security: Use more secure implementation to invalidate expired login links. #3270
  • Security: Prevent accessing the system info from unauthenticated users. #3290
  • Security: Check if uploaded backup file is a valid WP Staging backup file before uploading it to the server. #3318 #3273


  • New: Tested on WordPress 6.5.0
  • Fix: If endurance-page-cache mu-plugin is installed (on Bluehost and Hostgator) a staging site shows white page error then. #3216
  • Fix: Backup retention does not work for backups created on a staging site. #3138
  • Fix: Backup log entries could contain log entries from staging processing under certain circumstances. #3079
  • Fix: Moved tmp directory to wp-content/wp-staging/tmp to fix a cross-device link error on sites hosted on Azure. #3213
  • Fix: Make sure that there are no errors in console after uploading backup to remote storages. #3258
  • Fix: Handle complex table relation syntax on SQL dumper and restorer. #3259
  • Fix: Validate and handle null values before invoking strlen() to ensure compatibility and prevent runtime errors. #3127
  • Fix: Make network cloning more robust by supporting different combination of www prefix. #3230
  • Fix: On some server files were not properly extracted. Using a fallback function now. #3272
  • Fix: Fix condition to check custom destination path for staging site on basic version. #3282
  • Fix: Warning „Indirect modification of overloaded elements“ of WP_Hook. #3155
  • UX: Make sure the loading placeholders are rendered properly over all pages. #3207
  • UX: Beautify „license invalid“ messages. #3237
  • Enh: Don’t prefix html attribute ‚data‘ by ‚wpstg‘. #3048
  • Enh: Add pro clone features as inactive items to Actions button in wp staging free version. #3228
  • Enh: Show error message if custom selected destination path for staging site will be same as root of live sites folder. #3204
  • Enh: Show better backup logs and warnings if backup fails. #3263
  • Dev: Add support for retrying failed tests in codeceptione2e suites. This is done to counter test flakiness. #3118
  • Dev: Update outdated code of wpstg uncomment command. #3245
  • Dev: e2e_backup_test make command was not using basic plugin when running basic tests. #3225
  • Dev: Adding improved logging. #3252
  • Dev: Make sure the debug.log is kept clean from unwanted logs when running e2e tests. #3202
  • Dev: Refactor ‚ThirdParty‘ namespace changing Framework/Support/ThirdParty to Framework/ThirdParty. #3224


  • [skipped]


  • Enh: Remove files that were false-positive detected as malicious. #3184
  • Fix: Remove two css files accidentially loaded on the frontpage. #3208
  • Fix: Make sure to not encode single and double quotes while downloading log files. #3168


  • New: Add option to create a new admin user account for your staging site during it’s creation. #3087
  • New: Add option to use non-blocking process for uploading to FTP storage when using FTP extension for backup upload. #3103
  • New: Add advanced excludes option at WP CLI backup-create command. #3114
  • New: Add ‚Delete Settings‘ button within the backup storage provider interface to facilitate the removal of the cloud provider configuration. #3108
  • New: Add support for Search Replace of urls in content of network subsites. #2960
  • New: Add option on edit staging site page for testing database connection. #3106
  • New: If uploads folder is symlinked exclude it from disk space calculation before creating a staging site. #3092
  • Enh: Update look and feel of backup scheduling modal. #3090
  • Enh: Add page loader for each page of the user interface. #3142
  • Enh: Add new upgrade buttons to header and license page. #3135
  • Enh: Add more information like database name to system information. #3125
  • Enh: Avoid scanning of excluded directories during the push and backup process. #3049
  • Fix: Fatal error on old WordPress 4.4.32 due to using of get_current_network_id(). #3174
  • Fix: Base prefix wrongly replaced for users and usermeta tables in views when creating backup of views in multisite subsite. #3128
  • Fix: Prevent error while directory listing protection due to open_basedir restriction. #3180
  • Fix: Update free version plugin meta description to „Required by WP Staging Pro“. #3171
  • Fix: Remove redundant admin notices for invalid license keys during activation. #3139
  • Security: Fix a potential security error and add better sanitizing for backup title. #3152
  • Fix: Make sure EDD license checks are triggered only once. #3179
  • Fix: Google drive authentication not working properly under all circumstances. #3156
  • Fix: Selected custom tables on a staging site that had a different prefix than the prefix in the wp-config.php could not be pushed anymore. #3170
  • Fix: Prefix for user capabilities was not replaced when creating a backup of network subsite. #3129
  • Fix: The „Prefix“ field was empty for listed staging sites if they were created in an external database and the prefix was not specified. #3166
  • Fix: The optimizer setting was shown as disabled, even if it was still active. #3151
  • Fix: Add loading icon beside ‚Refresh License Status‘ button and adjusted loading bars on licensing page. #3185
  • Fix: Super (network) admins were not able to login with when network subsite backup was restored on a single site. #3191
  • Fix: Reference Error wpstgPro is not defined during staging site creation on FREE version. #3136
  • Fix: Make sure that backup plugin notice doesn’t overlap Create Staging Site button in UI. #3148
  • Fix: List of active plugins in system info is misleading. #2996
  • Fix: Make sure that mail setting page looks good on all screen resolutions. #3094
  • Fix: Incorrect process modal title for preserving data task. #3130
  • Fix: DRY properties in BackupMetadata and remove error message „trying to hydrate dto errors BackupMetadata::setCurrentNetworkId()“ #3199
  • Dev: Update DI52 library to latest version for small performance gain. #3146
  • Dev: Fix missing adminer host on wpstg command. #3120
  • Dev: Load Basic or Pro service provider once other dependencies are loaded. #3160
  • Dev: Populate dev hosts from env variables to add to hosts file. #3122
  • Dev: Add adminer to dev tools for database management. #3112
  • Dev: Fast test fails on GitHub due to the missing of ‚wpstgBackupHeader.txt‘ file, checksum needed to be updated each time. #3110
  • Dev: Update Github actions to latest version that uses Node 20 to avoid deprecation message Github CI. #3200


  • New: Support for WordPress 6.4.3
  • New: Add filter wpstg.push_excluded_directories to exclude specific folders during push. #3050
  • New: Add ‚Do review link‘ to backup success modal after staging site and backup creation. #3085
  • Enh: Reduce number of API calls to for version number checking. #3091
  • Enh: Add option to use APPEND Mode for uploading backup using FTP from settings UI. #3044
  • Enh: Add loading icon during activation of the free version. #3041
  • Enh: Improve the message when backup has been created with older version of WP Staging. #3033
  • Enh: Make sure the checkbox icon appears at centre on all system. #2920
  • Enh: Make sure that font size and view layout is consistent in staging and reset modal. #3104
  • Fix: Can not update email address for sending error reports. #3109
  • Fix: Deprecation message about dynamic properties thrown by Google Drive Api Model class. Show exact error message when unable to get resume URI for Google Drive backup upload. #3076
  • Fix: Make sure to not check external DB credentials in free version while creating staging site. #3054
  • Fix: Editing the backup schedule sometime re-creates the schedule cron at a wrong time. #3101
  • Fix: Add filter to hide primary key changes message and include primary key details in the system information. #2972
  • Fix: Not all files are sometimes pushed under certain situation. #3082
  • Fix: Scheduled Backups unable to run when a manually created backup exists. #3089
  • Fix: The backup retention number of Google Drive backups isn’t honored. #3063
  • Fix: Handle issues when unable to fetch information for external database during cloning requirements. #3029
  • Fix: Show correct version of WP Staging in backup and staging log files. #3010
  • Fix: Type error when passing multiple parameters using hooks methods. #3064
  • Fix: Reduce height of the delete staging site modal. #3058
  • Tweak: Keep only wp-staging* plugins active during database renaming process on backup restore to avoid conflict. #3095
  • Tweak: Deprecate Filter ‚wpstg.ftpclient.forceUseFtpExtension‘ as we already provide alternate option in FTP settings UI. #3053
  • Tweak: Improve success message after push about clearing site and theme cache, which may be required if the front page appears different than expected. #3003
  • Dev: Add initial level logic to support Backup Compression and Restore of Compressed Backups. #2555
  • Dev: Reduce number of manual e2e dispatch call by adding wp cli and cloud storages e2e in full PRO e2e suite and run them in parallel. #3073


  • Fix: Catch type errors on properties hydration for Backup Metadata and other backup related tasks. #3072


  • Fix: Handle warnings when unable to unserialize serialized data during cloning. #3004
  • Fix: Don’t logout when restoring backup site on last step when database was not restored. #3031
  • Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError when using Litespeed server. #3060


  • New: Add backup and restore support for sites hosted on #2433
  • New: Add input form for backup URL directly migrate a backup to another site. #2752
  • Enh: Allow to re-authenticate if current session expires during creating staging site, backup or push process. #2285
  • Enh: Show all network site host-names in system info. #2953
  • Enh: During PUSH, use temp directory outside of plugins and themes directories to avoid plugin duplication and conflicts in case of a failure. #1595
  • Enh: Refactor and DRY backup cache class. #2991
  • Enh: Show admin message if user has another backup plugin installed and tell how amazing the WP Staging feature is:-) #2966
  • Enh: Add dev filter activation. #2976
  • Enh: Don’t reload all staging sites after creating staging site for smooth user experience. #2940
  • Enh: Show better error message when cloning process stops due to memory exhaustion. #2935
  • Fix: Although all tables were renamed correctly during backup restore, the backup restore log sometimes show incorrect number of tables restored. #2974
  • Fix: Can’t serialize unserialized data that has an instance of a class in the object. Relevant for backup and backup restore. #2981
  • Fix: Make sure to execute backup performance javascript only when creating a backup. #3019
  • Fix: Installing the required free version when installing the pro version might disable all network active plugins on a multisite network. #2997
  • Fix: Improve cleaning up of cache files after pushing and backup. #3021
  • Fix: If only one file is selected for pushing, that file is not copied. #3011
  • Fix: Under rare circumstances a push could miss to copy the last file of a queue. #2901
  • Fix: On Bitnami Hosted WordPress Sites, Plugins and Themes are not replaced during PUSH due to symlinked wp-content folder. #2692
  • Fix: Undefined index of databaseSsl #2995
  • Fix: Notice „Free version required“ may show up on network admin page while backup free version is not network activated. #2949
  • Fix: Don’t show „Customized uploads folder notice“ when host is flywheel. #2970
  • Fix: Make sure javascript events are only registered when the corresponding element is loaded in the DOM. #3039
  • Dev: Fix reauthentication e2e when creating backup. #3006
  • Dev: Add a windows based docker setup to run all backup and staging e2e and unit tests on a real Windows environment. #2699
  • Dev: Update nodejs docker image for building and compiling assets.#3016


  • New: Support up to WordPress 6.4.2
  • New: Adding feature to create backup of individual network site in multisite installations. #2795
  • New: Add backup settings in backup logs. #2969
  • Fix: Automatic backup repair if the backup file index is corrupted. #2861
  • Fix: Saves remote storage backups in the database for use when calculating the number of backup to keep on remote storage. #2856
  • Fix: Prevent accessing the content of backup cache files created during cloning and pushing jobs. #2984


  • New: Add smart exclusion options for backup creation and allow exclusion of cache files, post revisions, spam comments, unused plugins and themes and deactivated plugins with a single click. #2758
  • New: Add ‚Refresh License Status‘ button beside ‚Activate License‘ and ‚Deactivate License‘ button. #2809
  • New: Show modal in free version when there are performance issues after creating backup. #2721
  • New: Add option to upload already created backup to a cloud storage. This feature will be disabled by default. But can be enabled by defining WPSTG_ALLOW_REMOTE_UPLOAD constant to true. #2610
  • Enh: Formatting and cleaning up legacy backup related core/utils code. #2910
  • Enh: Improve the admin notice about the required free version during plugin installation to make it more visually striking. #2885
  • Enh: Add placeholders for pipe and colon characters in file and path names so that they can easily be extracted from backup file index. #2575
  • Enh: Disable the ’start backup‘ button when no storage is selected. #2921
  • Enh: Formatting and clean up for WPStaging PHPCS Sniff code. #2851
  • Fix: Page loading wrapper was overlapping elements on staging page. Add a loading bar below the header menu when switching between staging and backup main tabs. Adjust the delete modal! #2952 #2938
  • Fix: Exclude unused themes filter doesn’t work properly for entire multisite backup. #2927
  • Fix: Urls containing port i.e. were not correctly replaced during using backup for site migration if destination site has different port. #2919
  • Fix: Due to presence of www prefix in constant DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE on the destination site during backup restore, both source and destination weren’t considered same site for updating subsites related URLs. #2954
  • Fix: Remove Type strictness from custom wp_mail function used in staging site when mail sending is blocked to avoid „Uncaught TypeError“. #2932
  • Fix: Unable to create directory with correct permissions in ABSPATH when ABSPATH has wrong or custom permission i.e. 0170 but ABSPATH is writeable during staging site creation. #2925
  • Fix: Upsell welcome page shows up when pro is installed and free activated. #2939
  • Tweak: Show a proper message on FREE version why the backup cannot be restored if backup has same site url with a different url scheme. #2841
  • Dev: Some e2e tests were still using old checksum file for comparing plugin dist package, which leads to plugin not being latest for those tests. #2916
  • Dev: Add PHPCS rule improvements for return type hint. #2899
  • Dev: Moved backup cloud storage related e2e tests to separate suite and DRY workflows generation for e2e tests. #2951
  • Dev: Don’t run storage related tests on basic e2e backup tests. #2930
  • Dev: Add digitalocean backup dev credentials into dev doc. #2963


  • Fix: There was a potential security vulnerability due to which a malicious user could eventually exploit and access the wp staging cache folder. This issue is now fixed. The security issue was found by Thanks to Dmitrii Ignatyev from #2908
  • Fix: Siteground related issue: file_put_contents() doesn’t free up resource automatically immediately, which caused error 500 during backup extraction on SiteGround hosting (due to limited resources). #2868
  • Fix: For domain based subsites during backup restore, home and site_url were not adjusted properly automatically. #2857


  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.4.1
  • New: Add latest cloning, pushing, backup and backup restore logs when the user downloads the log files or opens support ticket and share debug information. #2806
  • Fix: Warnings in WordPress 6.4 because WordPress removed property $wpdb->use_mysqli. This could lead to a backup error. #2881
  • Dev: Add missing twentytwentyone theme to multi_tests to make backup tests work. #2888
  • Dev: Add a Sniff rule to check for proper use of esc_html_e in backup related code. #2875
  • Dev: Use cache and run unit tests in parallel to reduce time taken by fast backup tests. #2862
  • Dev: Fix DB version in DB seed file for multisites backup tests. #2891
  • Dev: Fix issue with WP CLI e2e backup test not running due to missing core plugin. #2896
  • Dev: Add make command to update DB backup seed files. #2893
  • Dev: Make sure that the .gitignore file remains intact and doesn’t get deleted when running ./wpstg changelog:update command. #2873
  • Dev: PHPCS rule for adding a newline after „for, foreach, if“ block statements. #2831
  • Dev: Use constants for job type for cloning/pushing backup process instead of hard coding them. #2850


  • New: Make WP Staging compatible up to PHP 8.3 RC. #2543
  • New: Add option in settings UI to force use FTP extension over FTP curl method for remote uploading backup using FTP. #2731
  • New: Add constant WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE with value all to new staging site. WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE constant was added in WordPress 6.3. #2792
  • New: If the „wpstg_push_excluded_tables“ filter is used to exclude tables from the push process, these tables are deactivated in the push table selection. #2776
  • Enh: Make sure pro upgrade button font color can not be overwritten by third party. #2846
  • Fix: Improve design of the „delete staging site“ modal. #2843
  • Fix: Existing previously created backup files may be invalid under certain circumstances and can lead to a faulty website after restoration. This is a highly recommended update! Please create a new backup after installing this update to ensure that this potential error does not affect your backup file. #2861
  • Fix: Remove warnings in debug.log that say „WP STAGING: Another instance of WPSTAGING active…“. #2849
  • Dev: Use 7zip instead of zip to achieve better compression ratio to create smaller plugin zip packages. #2854
  • Dev: Make Flywheel e2e tests pass that were failing due to missing file in flywheel structure. #2871


  • New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.3.2
  • New: Exclude GoDaddy mu-plugin by default when creating a staging site. #2744
  • New: Add modal to opt-in for diagnostic monitoring after first installation. #2391
  • New: An active installation of the free core plugin will be mandatory for pro version 5.1.0 and later. #2612
  • Enh: Added information into system info logs to indicate whether the site is a single site or a multi-site. #2790
  • Enh: Show notice that permalinks won’t work on WP Engine sites. #2142
  • Enh: Add Contact Us button to the main menu bar. #2763
  • Enh: Update license updater and fix a small error that can lead to broken API requests. #2817
  • Enh: Remove type strictness from optimizer plugin functions which are used with wp hooks to avoid conflict with other plugins. #2830
  • Fix: Backup uploading to FTP fails if ftpclient is used and ssl enabled. #2750
  • Fix: Staging login doesn’t work if Wordfence Activated option exists in the database but there is no Wordfence plugin active. #2812
  • Fix: Magic login link does not work if only the free version is active on the staging site. This requires updating WP Staging Free and Pro plugin on staging site. #2781
  • Fix: Custom WP content paths inside ABSPATH were not correctly cloned for newly created staging site. This could led to missing images and …