Simple Local Avatars


Fügt den Benutzerprofilen ein Avatar-Upload-Feld hinzu, wenn der aktuelle Benutzer über Medienberechtigungen verfügt. Erzeugt die gewünschten Größen auf Anfrage, genau wie Gravatar! Einfach und leicht.

Bearbeite einfach ein Benutzerprofil und scrolle zum neuen Feld „Avatar“. Das Plugin kümmert sich um das Zuschneiden und die Größenanpassung!

  1. Stores avatars in the „uploads“ folder where all of your other media is kept.
  2. Has a simple, native interface.
  3. Fully supports Gravatar and default avatars if no local avatar is set for the user – but also allows you turn off Gravatar.
  4. Erzeugt bei Bedarf die gewünschte Avatargröße (und speichert die neue Größe aus Effizienzgründen), so dass sie gut aussieht, genau wie Gravatar!
  5. Lets you decide whether lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar.
  6. Enables rating of local avatars, just like Gravatar.


  • Avatar-Upload-Feld auf einer Benutzer-Profilseite


  1. Einfache Installation über das WordPress-Plugin-Bedienfeld oder manuelles Herunterladen des Plugins und Hochladen des extrahierten Ordners in das Verzeichnis /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin über das Plugins-Menü in WordPress
  3. Wenn Du möchtest, dass nur Benutzer mit Datei-Upload-Berechtigung Avatare hochladen können, aktiviere die entsprechende Option unter Einstellungen > Diskussion
  4. Starte das Hochladen von Avataren, durch bearbeiten der Benutzerprofile!

Verwende Avatare in deinem Theme mithilfe der eingebauten get_avatar() Funktion von WordPress:

You can also use get_simple_local_avatar() (with the same arguments) to retrieve local avatars a bit faster, but this will make your theme dependent on this plug-in.


Does Simple Local Avatars collect personal data of website visitors?

No. Simple Local Avatars neither collects, stores, nor sends any PII data of visitors or avatar users on the host site or to 10up or other services.


7. Juli 2024
I just realized that the avatars are looking good on the front end webpage, although not in the back end, like in the upper right side of the page after login or in the wordpress/users/username/avatar settings, image looks url broken. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to say, and hopefully check on that, other than that great plugin!
1. Juli 2024 1 Antwort
This plugin sounded like just what I wanted: a simple solution for a minimalist blog site. Unfortunately, it just plain didn’t work. No avatar ever appeared anywhere, although it did upload images to my Media Library. I tried for support through and got what looked like a quick, comprehensive response, which asked a few more questions and didn’t actually help me otherwise. I answered the questions over a week ago. Now I’m joining others who didn’t actually get support and complained about it not working. This plugin is a good idea and may have once worked, but from my perspective all it did was burn my time and patience and ultimately fail me. Definitely not recommended.
14. Mai 2024 4 Antworten
Until this latest version, I considered this a 5 star plug-in. Unfortunately the version 2.7.8 broke everything. None of the avatars were showing on my blog comments after the plug-in updated. When I deactivate the plug-in, they show up again. I admit that I’m not a software expert, I merely use software to bring the desired result. I’ll keep the plug-in disabled, and hope that when it’s upgraded again, it begins working for me as it did before. Edit: a newer version, 2.7.9, has just been released to address this issue. I’ve installed it, and the avatars are back. This was a speedy and satisfying response to the problem. I’ve upgraded my initial review here from one to five stars as this plug-in has been perfect beyond this now-fixed hiccup. Thanks!
12. Mai 2024 3 Antworten
Since the latest update, the avatar only gives Identicon-style avatars and the same one for all users. My settings for users are to use a generic avatar if a Gravatar isn’t associated with the email address. If I had a Gravatar avatar and a had different one uploaded from the Image Library, both could be displayed but this update replaces both with a generic Idention avatar. I have checked my Gravatar account and my avatars are all still active there–they just don’t show up when this updated plugin is installed. I deleted the plugin from another WordPress site I have and the Gravatar returned. I reported that it stopped working in the support forum and nothing has been done to fix it. Disappointed because it used to allow the option to use different avatars from the one registered for the email address. Now just the same generic one shows for everyone even if they have a registered Gravatar.
28. Dezember 2023 1 Antwort
This plugin does well in extending WordPress‘ Avatar capabilities.
16. Dezember 2023
I like that it allows gravatar to continue to be used. If you set the local only option however all your existing avatars will be reset to the same avatar. People get used to their own avatars and these shouldn’t change, they should be copied locally from gravatar when the option is set if local copies don’t already exist. Croping also fails. Looks like I need to look for another plugin as this is no longer under development.
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2.7.11 – 2024-07-18

Note that this release bumps the minimum required version of WordPress from 6.3 to 6.4.

2.7.10 – 2024-05-24

2.7.9 – 2024-05-14

2.7.8 – 2024-05-08

Note that this release bumps the minimum required version of WordPress from 5.7 to 6.3.

2.7.7 – 2023-12-13

2.7.6 – 2023-11-30

2.7.5 – 2023-05-15

2.7.4 – 2023-02-23

2.7.3 – 2023-01-16

2.7.2 – 2023-01-13

2.7.1 – 2022-12-08

  • Added: Added missing files from the last release and changed the readme file to fix the bullet points and added fullstops.

2.7.0 – 2022-12-08

View historical changelog details here.