Media Cleaner: Reinige dein WordPress!


Media Cleaner ist ein leistungsstarkes Plugin, das hilft, die WordPress-Mediathek aufzuräumen, indem es ungenutzte Medieneinträge und Dateien löscht aber auch defekte Einträge repariert. Mit einer internen Papierkorb-Funktion kannst du Änderungen vorab überprüfen und bestätigen, bevor etwas endgültig gelöscht wird. Außerdem nutzt Media Cleaner eine intelligente Analyse, um die Kompatibilität mit bestimmten Plugins und Themes sicherzustellen.

Verwende es zusammen mit Database Cleaner für die ultimative Aufräumaktion.

Media Cleaner ist der Ninja für die Mediathek – er entfernt heimlich alle unnötigen Medien und kaputten Einträge, die den Speicherplatz verstopfen. Vergewissere dich vorher, dass du einen soliden Backup-Plan hast, bevor du den Ninja loslässt.

Wenn du mehr über Kompatibilität, Funktionen und die Pro-Version erfahren möchtest, schaue dir die Anleitung auf der offizielle Website an.


Dieses Plugin ist mit allen Medientypen kompatibel, einschließlich Retina- und WebP-Versionen. Es wurde mit einer Vielzahl von WordPress-Versionen getestet, einschließlich der neuesten Version mit Gutenberg, sowie mit verschiedenen Themes und zusammen mit einer großen Community. Das Plugin unterstützt auch WooCommerce. Für Benutzer mit komplexeren Plugins für die Bearbeitung von Website-Inhalten kann die Pro-Version für eine optimale Kompatibilität erforderlich sein. Wir arbeiten ständig daran, die Kompatibilität mit anderen Plugins zu verbessern.


Media Cleaner Pro erweitert die kostenlose Version von Media Cleaner um zusätzliche Funktionen:

  • Dateisystem-Analyse: Scannt das physische /uploads-Verzeichnis und gleicht es mit der Mediathek ab.
  • Zusätzliche Unterstützung für komplexe Plugins wie ACF, Metabox, Divi Builder, Fusion Builder (Avada), WPBakery Page Builder, Visual Composer, Elementor, Beaver Builder, Brizy Builder, Oxygen Builder, Slider Revolution, Justified Image Grid, Avia Framework und viele mehr!
  • Live-Website-Scan: Analysiert die Online-Version deiner Website und kann in einigen Fällen die Genauigkeit verbessern.
  • WP-CLI-Unterstützung: Ermöglicht es, das Plugin mit höherer Geschwindigkeit oder automatisch mit direktem Serverzugriff (über SSH) auszuführen.


  • Medien -> Media Cleaner


  1. Lade das Plugin zu WordPress hoch.
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin im „Plugins“-Menü in WordPress
  3. Gehe zu Meow Apps -> Cleaner in der Seitenleiste und aktiviere die entsprechenden Optionen.
  4. Gehe zu Medien -> Cleaner.


14. Juli 2024
It is very useful in removing unused media. Normally it takes hours to remove media I use, and in many cases I either deleted something that is in use, or it happen that I did not catch all unused media. With this plugin, these unused media is placed in my deleted folder, which I can delete later or restore if I need it later. However, it would be helpful if you can place a function where unused media is placed in a bacup folder instead of placing it in the deleted folder.
12. Juli 2024
It worked great!It did fail with some images from a custom carousel, but that is expected – how the plugin can know how some random carousel stores the data about the images, and there are thousands of carousels.. Just re-uploaded the images back and that’s it – all clean and working!
4. Juli 2024
I have a hobby site that been running on WordPress for 10 years. Over time I’ve had multiple themes and plugins that have been ditched as WordPress evolved. I use two of Jordy’s tools to clean up the site:Meow Media Cleaner and Meow Database Cleaner. Both have allowed me to remove years of crud that have built up over time. Both are VERY powerful tools. Don’t take short-cuts. Read the tutorials. MOST IMPORTANT take (regular) back-up in case you delete something that is important and you need to roll-back. Having made the changes its also important to scroll though your site t discover if by accident you removed something that is important. My mantra in deleting – even if its suggested as something to be removed, If I don’t recognise it – I do not to delete and review it on the second or third pass.
4. Juli 2024
As a freelance web developer, I’ve used Media Cleaner on several client WordPress sites to help optimize their media libraries. Overall, it’s an extremely useful plugin that can save a ton of storage space and improve site performance. The scanning algorithm is quite good at detecting truly unused media files. I love how it checks not just posts and pages, but also widget areas, menus, and theme files. The ability to filter results and perform test runs before deleting anything permanently is also great. However, I do have to caution users to be very careful with this plugin. On one occasion, it flagged some images as unused that were actually dynamically loaded via a custom plugin. Luckily I caught this during the preview stage. So while Media Cleaner is powerful, you need to have a solid understanding of how your WordPress site utilizes media files before bulk deletion!
1. Juli 2024
I’ve used Media Cleaner a few times and find it quite useful. The only downside is that it will identify an image that is in use on a page. It’s no big deal, and it’s easy enough to replace the image, but irritating. Other than that, it’s easy enough to use, the UI is easy to understand, and it is quite rapid.
28. Juni 2024
I’ve been using the Media Cleaner plugin, and I couldn’t be happier with it! Unlike other similar plugins, Media Cleaner not only works flawlessly but also checks different plugins to ensure everything is in order. I recently purchased the Pro version, and it has exceeded my expectations. Kudos to the dev team for creating such an excellent tool!
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6.7.7 (2024/06/28)

  • Fix: Warnings with ACF.
  • Fix: Base folder for the Filesystem Scan.
  • Update: Cleaned the UI a bit more.

6.7.6 (2024/06/05)

  • Update: Better References section.
  • Add: Support for Bricks Builder.
  • Update: Refreshed the UI, updated to the latest common librairies.

6.7.5 (2024/05/24)

  • Fix: Logging system.
  • Info: We are working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to share some love, write a simple and nice review here. Thank you so much! 💖

6.7.4 (2024/04/27)

  • Update: Updated description for OB cleaning to enhance clarity.
  • Add: Support for Breakdance Builder, extending compatibility.
  • Update: Added shortcode checking for Oxygen Builder.
  • Fix: Updated readme file to comply with the latest WordPress guidelines.

6.7.3 (2024/03/01)

  • Update: Better translations.
  • Update: Safer logs system.

6.7.2 (2024/02/02)

  • Add: „Create Batch“ feature for Filesystem scans, streamlining the scanning process.
  • Add: „Delete Permanently“ option in trash tab for targeted item management.
  • Add: Tooltip for repair mode to enhance user understanding and interaction.
  • Fix: Option to disable OB Cleaning.
  • Fix: Corrected dashboard media link functionality for subdirectories.
  • Fix: Resolved issues with backslash replacement on multiple occurrences for more accurate processing.

6.7.0 (2024/01/13)

  • Add: New ‚check-live‘ argument for WP-CLI.
  • Add: Import and Export of the settings.

6.6.9 (2023/12/05)

  • Add: Expert Mode for advanced users.

6.6.8 (2023/11/18)

  • Add: Support for ACF File Field based on IDs.
  • Add: Repair Mode for Filesystem Scan (use this carefully, still in beta).
  • Update: Much better „References“ section in the Dashboard, with additional filters.
  • Update: Various additional enhancements, maybe you’ll notice! 😊
  • Add: Support for Academy LMS.

6.6.7 (2023/09/21)

  • Update: Enhanced the get_references_for_post_id function.
  • Update: Code cleaning.

6.6.6 (2023/09/14)

  • Add: The get_reference_for_media_id and get_references_for_post_id functions are now accessible through the global $wpmc_core variable. Those functions will return where a specific media entry is used, or which media entries are used in a specific post.

6.6.5 (2023/07/25)

  • Update: Better checkboxes.
  • Update: Link to the posts in the References section.
  • Add: Support for Mailpoet.

6.6.4 (2023/05/30)

  • Update: Improved the UI and its elements.

6.6.3 (2023/04/09)

  • Add: New filter to see the found references. This will improve a lot.
  • Fix: Tiny fixes, retrieved the main dashboard, and lighter bundles.
  • Info: The new version of WordPress (6.2) came with what is seemingly a bug with the $wpdb->prepare. There are workaround, and I fixed an issue I was aware of. If you find any others, please kindly report it here.

6.6.0 (2023/02/21)

Fix: Avoid certain errors related to ACF and fields which were created with former versions.

6.5.8 (2023/02/09) =
* Update: Slightly cleaner UI (and it will get better and better).
* Update: Better support for Avada.

6.5.7 (2023/02/01)

  • Fix: Little issue with the nekoFetch.
  • Add: Timer on the Scan button.

6.5.6 (2023/01/30)

  • Update: Optimization and better handling of Divi.

6.5.5 (2023/01/09)

  • Add: Support for Uncode Theme.
  • Add: Reset settings button.
  • Update: Smaller package, better performance.