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Quote1 I'm better than a hero, I'm Harley fucking Quinn. Quote2
— Harley Quinn src

Harley Quinn (real name Doctor Harleen Quinzel) is the impulsive, reactive, and insane New new Gotham vigilante and the former leader of her criminal crew. Once the girlfriend and sidekick of the Joker, she is currently in a relationship with Poison Ivy and eventually became a member of the Bat-Family and the Gotham City Sirens.

Early Life

Mad Love

Harleen had been working as a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, where she meet the inmate Poison Ivy and was assigned to the Joker - and eventually fell in love with him. After escaping Arkham, the Joker took her to the Ace Chemical Processing Plant and promised that this would be "her birthday". Realizing his intention, she had struggled, but he shoved her into one of the chemical vats and watched her sink to the bottom. This led to her adopting her own costumed persona as Harley Quinn, and the two of them were together - until he grew tired of her.


Harley and Joker's relationship was passionate and continuously off-on, with Poison Ivy constantly encouraging her to break up with him for good. Later, she has been working mostly on her own in Gotham City, sometimes teaming up with her crew.

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  • Cheating Death: Unexplained how, Harley survived fall to a canyon from a moving train.[7] She also survived sub-zero temperatures without proper winter clothing, and was able to return to Gotham from Russia.
  • Cosmic Awareness: Harley is aware of being an fictional character.[8]
  • Toxic Immunity[8]


Other Characteristics

  • Mental Disorder: Harley is crazy, plain and simple; trying to define what form of derangement she suffers from has eluded doctors. Harley noticeably has fabricated/altered memories (back when she was still with Joker), has talked to her former persona Harleen via a picture. It was also revealed that she was mentally ill long before she even met Joker.
  • STI: According to Joker, Harley has HPV, though so do most sexually active adults. [9]


  • Harleen was valedictorian when she graduated high school.[10]


External Links


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