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TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation Wireless Networks

The information below is for an old version of the document that is already published as an RFC.
Document Type
This is an older version of an Internet-Draft that was ultimately published as RFC 3481.
Authors Gabriel Montenegro , Farid Khafizov , Hiroshi Inamura , Andrei Gurtov , Ludwig Reiner
Last updated 2015-10-14 (Latest revision 2002-12-09)
RFC stream Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Intended RFC status Best Current Practice
Additional resources Mailing list discussion
Stream WG state (None)
Document shepherd (None)
IESG IESG state Became RFC 3481 (Best Current Practice)
Action Holders
Consensus boilerplate Unknown
Telechat date (None)
Responsible AD Allison J. Mankin
IESG note
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A new Request for Comments is now available in online RFC libraries.

        BCP 71
        RFC 3481

        Title:      TCP over Second (2.5G) and Third (3G) Generation
                    Wireless Networks
        Author(s):  H. Inamura, Ed., G. Montenegro, Ed., R. Ludwig,
                    A. Gurtov, F. Khafizov
        Status:     Best Current Practice
        Date:       February 2003
        Pages:      26
        Characters: 61528
        Updates/Obsoletes/SeeAlso:    None

        I-D Tag:    draft-ietf-pilc-2.5g3g-12.txt


This document describes a profile for optimizing TCP to adapt so that
it handles paths including second (2.5G) and third (3G) generation
wireless networks.  It describes the relevant characteristics of 2.5G
and 3G networks, and specific features of example deployments of such
networks.  It then recommends TCP algorithm choices for nodes known
to be starting or ending on such paths, and it also discusses open
issues.  The configuration options recommended in this document are
commonly found in modern TCP stacks, and are widely available
standards-track mechanisms that the community considers safe for use
on the general Internet.

This document is a product of the Performance Implications of Link
Characteristics Working Group of the IETF.

This document specifies an Internet Best Current Practices for the
Internet Community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
improvements.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

This announcement is sent to the IETF list and the RFC-DIST list.
Requests to be added to or deleted from the IETF distribution list
should be sent to IETF-REQUEST@IETF.ORG.  Requests to be
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        Subject: getting rfcs

        help: ways_to_get_rfcs

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