Chunks of Useful Code


Installing the Plugin

The free version can be installed through the Plugins admin screen on your site, or it can be downloaded form the repository and uploaded to the wp-content/plugins directory of your site.

The Pro version can be purchased from the Widgets on Pages admin screen on your site, or purchased directly from this page. In either case the contents of the folder should be uploaded to the wp-content/plugins directory of your site.

NOTE: The free version should be deactivated prior to the Pro version be activated, if i the free version is already installed.

Upgrading to PRO

The Pro version can be purchased from the Widgets on Pages admin screen on your site, or purchased directly from this page. In either case the contents of the folder should be uploaded to the wp-content/plugins directory of your site.

NOTE: The free version should be deactivated prior to the Pro version be activated, if i the free version is already installed.

Creating new Sidebars

It is possible to create an unlimited number of additional WordPress sidebars with the Widgets on Pages plugin.

New sidebars can be created through the Turbo Sidebars sub-menu-item of the Widgets on Pages admin page.

Demo video on creating new sidebars.

Inserting into Posts and Pages

Widgets can be included in your WordPress posts and pages via the use of Turbo Sidebars. First create your Turbo Sidebar (see above) and then add your widgets to the newly created Turbo Sidebar, via the standard WordPress Widgets admin screen.

These sidebars can be added to posts and pages through the use of shortcodes; the shortcode to use can be found on the Turbo Sidebar admin page for the sidebar to be used.

With the Pro version widgets can be added by clicking the new Add Turbo Sidebar button available in the visual editor for the post/page. In the popup window select the name of the Turbo Sidebar to insert.

Demo video on inserting widgets into WordPress pages.

Widgets can also be auto inserted into posts and/or pages, before or after the main content, when using the Pro version. This is set from within the individual Turbo Sidebar admin page, and you’re able to also set the column options for common screen sizes. If you don’t want to include the sidebar/widgets on a particular post/page then there is a new checkbox available on the post/page editing screen to set this.

Using a shortcode

Widgets can be included in your WordPress posts and pages via the use of Turbo Sidebars. First create your Turbo Sidebar (see above) and then add your widgets to the newly created Turbo Sidebar, via the standard WordPress Widgets admin screen.

These sidebars can be added to posts and pages through the use of shortcodes; the shortcode to use can be found on the Turbo Sidebar admin page for the sidebar to be used.

Using the Visual Editor

With the Pro version widgets can be added by clicking the new Add Turbo Sidebar button available in the visual editor for the post/page. In the popup window select the name of the Turbo Sidebar to insert.

Removing List Bullets

In some cases it might be that the “bullet points” are rendered on the frontend, for each widget that has been included with Widgets on Pages. If this is so, and you want them to be removed then in 99% of cases this can be achieved by selecting the
“Enable styling (remove bullets etc)” option in the Widgets on Pages -> Settings admin screen.

Adding Sidebars to Themes

With Widgets on Pages it is possible to add any number of new Dynamic Sidebars to your WordPress themes.

New sidebars can be created as per the Creating New Sidebars section above.

The Turbo Sidebars can be added to themes using the template tags supported by Widgets on Pages. An example of outputting a sidebar in your theme is as below. The Id value used is the same as that which is used if adding the sidebar via the shortcode.

<?php widgets_on_template("wop_1"); ?>

Getting Support

For users of the free version, please raise a support ticket on the site, after first searching to see if your question has already been answered.

For Pro users you can use the Widgets on Pages –> Support page in the WordPress admin section.


Pro users are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If over the first 30 days you are unhappy with our plugin, or have an issue that we are unable to resolve, we’ll happily consider offering a 100% refund of your money.