Hello Lukas Koszyk

Rolling monthly stats

Rolling yearly stats

  • Failed QA: 1

Lifetime stats

  • Signed Off: 1
  • Failed QA: 1

Your bugs

  • Blocker
  • Critical
  • Major
  • Normal
  • Minor
  • Trivial
  • Enhancement
  • New Feature

Other bugs

CC Bugs 5

Needs documenting 1

  • 20388 + Ability to add search fields from UI

Pushed to oldstable 2

  • 34755 + Error authenticating to external OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider : wrong_csrf_token
  • 34886 + Regression in when hold button appears

Failed QA 1

  • 34164 - OAuth2/OIDC should redirect to page that initiated login

New 1

  • 21577 - Enable Koha to act as Shibboleth identity provider