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By now, I don't even see the bodies as people. I see them as either parts or pickups.

 — Trauma Team employee, Cyberpunk 2020

Trauma Team International (TTI) is a corporation that specializes in rapid response medical services. As the premium paramedical franchise, Trauma Team™ is one of the most notable corporations of the 21st century. The company automatically bills their patients from the moment they receive the order to the location of retrieval.[2]

TTI partners with many corporations such as Arasaka, Militech, Night Corp, Biotechnica, or Kiroshi, allowing certain employees access to Trauma Team memberships without paying for the service themselves. The medical corporation also manufacturers its own products for the general public to use.


Trauma Team International was founded in Seattle, Washington at some point before 2020. Due to the increased violence and crime rate in the United States, it quickly became one of the most powerful corporations in America. Trauma Team International also started operations in Canada under the same name, later moving to parts of Europe and Japan.

In 2020, TT boasted over a dozen Trauma Teams on call at any time in any major city. Trauma Team also has a large medical hospital in Night City, and they can also be found overseas as Trauma Team Japan located in Tokyo and Trauma Team Europe. Made up of the best paramedical techs and staff available, the teams travel within a heavily armored Trauma Team AV-4 supported by mobile tanker trucks and ground refueling stations. The AV-4 itself carries the most sophisticated reviving and life support technology available to the corporation, such as a mobile cryotank.[2]

While responsible for reviving and stabilizing any critically wounded patients, Trauma Teams were under no obligation to transport casualties to a hospital. With rates of €$100 per minute, most Trauma Team services were part of corporate group insurance policies, or individual TT International accounts, with €$500 monthly premiums.

2022 - 2023[]

During the Fourth Corporate War, TTI became busier than ever before, the company's capabilities had been stretched to their limit. To keep the number of cases down, as well as to preserve their neutrality, Trauma Team declared that they wouldn't respond to any alert from a member of the Arasaka Corporation or Militech. Instead, Trauma Team would only respond to civilian requests, and they'd be charging the combat rate if anyone so much as fired a weapon within half a kilometer. Even with those extra costs, TT was swamped with calls after every clash.


In North America, Trauma Team survived the War, but only as regional providers. The conflict not only drew heavily upon their limited resources, but also upon their suppliers. Repair parts for their fleet of AV-4s and jets were hard to come by, as well as medical dressings, key drugs and vaccines, as well as the trained personnel. As hospitals and clinics collapsed, more and more ill or wounded patients were dropped to Trauma Team care. Not all of these patients could afford TT's high response fees, but groups of edgerunners had been known to chip in to buy a single card that they could break to call in the Trauma Team in the hopes that the TT paramedics would at least tend to their wounded team members.

TT's corporate look as well after the war: in the past, their crisp blue and yellow uniforms were a comforting sign of their competence and capability. But endless street battles and the availability of surplus military hardware had forced the Trauma Team to armor up. The uniforms were still blue, but the new helmets are mil-spec, heavy duty combat rigs, coupled with heavy armor, power armor support systems (yellow), and self-contained combat medipacs. As a result this coupled with the lack of qualified Medtechs, had given Trauma Team a new face: harried, overworked, angry, and impatient. By 2045, Trauma Team International had been reduced to the Neocorp of Trauma Team North America. Trauma Teams were now independent franchise-owned groups patrolling cities and responding to insured victims.[3]


In 2077, Trauma Team International reorganized and retrieved much of it's previous assets. As the crime rates went up within the NUSA, TTI raised prices of their services and have been equipped with more arsenal then it had in 2020. Trauma Teams were equipped with the Trauma Team Atlus AVs manufactured by Zetatech. Kang Tao supplies TTI with weapons that every team is equipped with.[4]

Database Entry (2077)[]

Trauma Team


Seven minutes or a refund. That's the Trauma Team guarantee – the type of guarantee that warms a policy holder's heart as they begin to bleed out in an alley. Assuming you haven't lost consciousness from blood loss, don't worry as you count the seconds of life slipping from you, because help is on the way. First, you'll see a heavily armored AV descend from the sky, using its heavy machine gun turrets to mow down the bastards who are trying to kill you. Then you'll see the medics, your guardian angels clad in green and white and armed to the teeth. And once the Trauma Team staff puts you back to together, you'll get the bill for your copay. It may have a long list of zeros attached to it, but you'll still sign up for a half-year policy extension with a smile on your lips. Trauma Team provides medical, paramedical and extraction services in all of the world's major cities. Their services are highly respected and sought after by those who can afford them. In fact, this may be the only corporation that enjoys such a high level of public trust. They don't play politics, they don't ask questions. As long as you pay your dues, your life is safe in their hands – no matter how dire the situation.[4]

Business Model (2020)[]

Full Body Life Coverage[]

This plan costs either $500 per month, or $5,550 with a yearly plan discount.

In the event that a Trauma Team is dispatched, the customer/patient also had to pay E$100 for every minute until arrival at the nearest corporate hospital. Finally, the customer/patient also has to pay for the cost of all ammunition that the Trauma Team fired, all of the fuel that was used, and has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage.

If the Trauma Team is not able to reach the customer within 10 minutes, the customer/patient receives 50% off the cost of spent ammunition.[5]

Corporate Coverage / Corporate Executive Coverage[]

The Corporate Coverage plan costs $1,500 per month, or $16,500 with a yearly plan discount.

The Corporate Executive Coverage plan costs $12,000 per month, or $120,000 with a yearly plan discount.

These plans promise a response time of 7 minutes. The customer/patient is taken to a corporate medical center upon pickup. The customer/patient still has to pay for equipment or personnel damage.

The executive plan covers all ammo and fuel costs, but the customer/patient still has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage.[5]

High Priority Coverage[]

This plan costs $34,000 per month and does not have a yearly rate.

This plan comes with a gold Trauma Team Inc. card. The response time for this plan is 3-to-5 minutes, which Trauma Team claims is the fastest in the business. Once the customer/patient is picked up, they will be taken to a corporate hospital instead of a medical center. All ammunition and fuel costs are covered, but the customer/patient still has to pay for any equipment or personnel damage.[5]

Business Model (2045)[]

Operating from an AV-4 Urban Assault Vehicle of ambulance configuration and a belly-mounted minigun, Trauma Teams include a driver, one or more First Aid operatives, and two or more Solo security agents. A Dispatcher may also be part of the team, in charge of sending them on missions.[3]

In 2045, Trauma Team demand increased, requiring the corporation to change their coverage plans to reflect the state of the world, reducing their level of coverage to two levels: Silver and Executive. Most Corporate Cops receive full medical coverage from Trauma Team. Execs can receive Corporate-paid Silver coverage at Teamwork Rank 6, being upgraded to Executive automatically at Rank 8.[6]

Silver Coverage[]

Silver coverage plans cost €$500 per month, and are charged for surgery, equal to the cost of being charged at a hospital. If members do not wish to pay extra for hospital treatments, the Trauma Team will do everything in their paramedical abilities before dropping the member off at a hospital.[6]

Executive Coverage[]

This plan costs €$1,000 per month, including the same benefits as Silver coverage, but surgery treatments are provided at no extra cost.[6]

Business Model (2077)[]

Trauma Team services are comprised of two main components:

On-the-ground services includes 24/7 emergency AV dispatch with a reflex booster-ready pilot, armed safety experts, and military-trained paramedics. A client's health status is tracked by internal cyberware, and if a client takes a turn for the worse, an AV squad receives their GPS signal and arrives on the scene in minutes. Reaction time and additional perks are dependent on the client's insurance package.

Inpatient care guarantees that every Trauma Team branch clinic is equipped with surgical nannites, specialized antibodies, and cryogenic chambers. Trauma Team also offers their own medications and reanimators, and has a selection of surplus implants from their suppliers.

Premium Packages[]

Trauma Team's premium insurance packages are divided into three grades: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The Platinum package is the most comprehensive and expensive option. It includes 24/7 monitoring, emergency patient transport, surgery and nano surgery, post-trauma rehabilitation, plastic surgery on demand, free check ups with the client's ripperdoc, and up to 90% discount on prescriptions, and a 3-minute response time. Gold and Silver packages are cheaper, but include fewer perks.

Clients can subscribe to one of Trauma Team's premium packages for as little as 24 hours if they cannot afford longer-term coverage.

Trauma Team squads[]

Each Trauma Team squad consists of:

  • An aerodyne pilot and co-pilot
  • 2x Security Specialists
  • A lead EMT (Emergency Medical Technician)
  • An assistant EMT

Each trauma team squad has their own TTI Medical AV-4A, a light-weight Aerodyne made of composite materials. The pilot mans the AV-4A, while the co-pilot mans the vehicle's front-mounted gatling gun. The pilot and co-pilot do not leave the Aerodyne during patient extraction, and their cockpit is kept separate from the rest of the vehicle.

During flight, two Security Specialists sit in the same compartment as the EMTs. The security specialists sit directly behind the pilot and co-pilot, and each of them mans a 7.62 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) machine-gun mounted to their side of the vehicle. The EMTs sit toward the back of the vehicle, with the Lead EMT sitting next to the patient stretcher and the Assistant EMT sitting next to the medical supplies.

During patient extraction, the two EMTs and two Security Specialists disembark from the AV-4A and make their way to the patient to rescue them. If necessary, the two Security Specialists will clear a path to the patient for the EMTs using their rifles and submachine guns. Each EMT is armed with a pistol for self-protection.

Notable employees[]

Main article: Trauma Team Members

Behind the scenes[]

Trauma Team was invented because at the time I was writing Cyberpunk, I had no way to get a "cleric" or "healer" on scene fast enough to save a dying player. The AV4 came about because a paramedic pal of mine was always pitching about the idiot drivers blocking his ambulance when on a call and used too say it was easier when he was in evac choppers. The result was a group of heavily armed medics who showed up in a flying ambulance to save your butt in three minutes (a Cyberpunk "turn" is 3.2 seconds, so that's roughly ten turns of bleed out.). Later, a very similar version just "showed up" in Shadowrun, which tells me they had the same problem we had.

 — Mike Pondsmith[7]


  • Trauma Team has a clause in their contract about a client's false use, like just calling them to fight. It is them who decide if a client has broken this clause or not.[8]



  1. Path of Glory - "I'm delighted to inform you that Delamain has joined forces with Trauma Team."
  2. 2.0 2.1 PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk 2020 Corebook. 2nd ed., Berkeley, CA, R. Talsorian Games, 1990. (pp.115–120)
  3. 3.0 3.1 PONDSMITH, M. et al. Cyberpunk RED Jumpstart Kit. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2019. (pp.33 – World Book)
  4. 4.0 4.1 CD Projekt RED. Cyberpunk 2077. Video Game, Multi-Platform. Poland, CD Projekt S.A., 2020.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Interface Magazine Vol. 1, Issue 1 (pg.11)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 PONDSMITH, M. Cyberpunk RED Corebook. Kenmore, WA, R. Talsorian Games, 2020. (pp.153,223–224,316)
  7. Mike Pondsmith on Reddit
  8. JGray on Discord - "And there's a clause in the contract about false use (i.e. calling them just to fight) and THEY get to decide if that's what happened."
