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Archived Conversation: Albert Cole and Gary Epps is a readable shard in Cyberpunk 2077.



ALBERT COLE: we're doing a post-apoc LARP
ALBERT COLE: join us, it'll be fun
GARY EPPS: so, what, you meet up and pretend you're like nuclear holocaust mutants or something?
ALBERT COLE: among other things, sure
ALBERT COLE: and it's not so much "pretend" as "reenact"
GARY EPPS: uh huh
ALBERT COLE: we alrady have this new storyline planned out
ALBERT COLE: we leave the safety of Bunker 101 for the first time since nuclear war erupted across the globe
ALBERT COLE: we need to find a hydroprocessor before all the bunker dwellers run out of fresh water
GARY EPPS: ok...
GARY EPPS: listen, no offense but I don't think playing dress-up and running around the badlands with a platic pistol is really for me
GARY EPPS: like I don't wanna be rude but...yeah
ALBERT COLE: dude it's nova, like a ton of fun actually
ALBERT COLE: I'm serious
ALBERT COLE: like braindance is just a regurgitation, it's always the same story that you have to follow
ALBERT COLE: but here we get to make the story as we go along
GARY EPPS: so that's why LARP is a billion-eurodollar industry too...
ALBERT COLE: very funny
ALBERT COLE: but man, you get to be the actor, become the hero
GARY EPPS: actors get paid
ALBERT COLE: at least try it once
ALBERT COLE: I know you'll get hooked
GARY EPPS: I'm skeptical
GARY EPPS: will Tony be there?
GARY EPPS: alright fine, I'll go. I need to talk to him anyway
GARY EPPS: you take any real guns out there with all your toys?
ALBERT COLE: Preem! and yeah, some but we never really get em out
GARRY EPPS: cuz I mean, it IS the badlands
GARRY EPPS: scary shit happens out there
ALBERT COLE: Gary, just relax and try to let yourself enjoy it, ok?





  • The entire conversation contains several references to the Fallout series. Bunker 101 is Vault 101, the scenario and hydroprocessor is a reference to Fallout's story and the water chip. Albert Cole is a reference to a pre-made character in Fallout, and the GURPs system that was the original gameplay system before the SPECIAL system.