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Arasaka Academy is an educational institution located in Arasaka Tower in the Corporate Plaza of Night City.


Arasaka Academy is a prestigious secondary education facility that caters mostly to students with a corporate family background, especially from Arasaka; however, it also accepts notable students from different backgrounds as long as the parents can afford the school's expensive fee. Its main goal is to prepare the next generation of Arasaka executives.

The teaching methods in the academy are considered a vanguard that public schools cannot grant, with classes mostly conducted via virtual reality or AI-generated lesson plans suited to the student's group specific needs. There are many controversies as well, being one of the most well known the academy administrators' promotion of a culture of constructive competition among its students in order to become the very best. This has caused a massive pressure among students — especially outside of the Arasaka corporate families — that has led to anxiety, depression and even suicide. As such, Arasaka Academy has one of the highest drop-out rates in the city.[1][2]


The Night City Arasaka Academy was opened at some point between 2070 and 2074,[2] with the construction of Arasaka Tower.

In 2076, Night City edgerunner legend David Martinez, who grew up in a working-class family, attended the academy alongside Katsuo Tanaka, the son of an infamous Arasaka executive.[3]

In 2077, according to the Arasaka sponsored Night City Perspective annual review, Arasaka Academy was ranked for the fourth consecutive year as the best secondary education in the city.[2]

Known Students[]


