FOX - WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional

The WooCommerce Currency Switcher is a multi-currency plugin for WooCommerce, enabling your customers to switch product prices to different currencies at real-time rates and optionally pay in their chosen currency. It allows the addition of any currency to your WooCommerce store, making it the premier currency switcher plugin for WooCommerce e-shops!

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Currency Switcher

FOX allows users to switch the currency of product prices in a WooCommerce shop, thereby enhancing its appeal to a global audience and facilitating easier shopping for users worldwide

Multi-Currency Pay

FOX offers the option for users to pay in their selected currency, provided that it is supported by the current payment gateway and adheres to the established payment rules


FOX enables the use of special currency rules, including GEOIP rules, fixed pricing, pricing based on user roles, country-specific prices, and checkout payment rules.

What is the purpose of this plugin?

WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional - FOX (previously known as WOOCS) - is a multi-currency and multi-payment plugin for WooCommerce. It enables your shop customers to switch product prices between different currencies at real-time rates and optionally pay in their selected currency. This plugin allows the addition of any currency to your WooCommerce store, making it the ideal multi-currency switcher for WooCommerce e-shops!!

This plugin offers you the following tools:

  • Checkout process in the selected currency - Enables customers to complete purchases in their chosen currency, crucial for convenience and conversion.
  • Geo IP rules: different countries - different currencies and prices - Automatically sets currencies and prices based on the user's country, enhancing the shopping experience and potentially increasing sales.
  • Prices based on Country - Tailors pricing to different markets by setting prices according to the user's country.
  • Fixed prices and fixed amounts rules for each product - Offers flexibility in setting stable prices for each product in different currencies.
  • Prices based on User Role - Allows for price variation based on the user's role, useful for offering special prices or discounts to specific customer groups.
  • Rates auto update - Ensures price accuracy with automatic currency rate updates.
  • Payments rules on checkout page - Customizes payment gateway rules based on the selected currency, enhancing the checkout process.
  • Individual GeoIP rules for each product - Allows for setting different prices for regions at the individual product level.
  • Individual fixed prices for each product for each currency - Provides control over pricing by setting fixed prices for each product in each currency.
  • Statistic: currencies and orders - Gathers data on currencies and orders to analyze customer behavior and inform decision-making.
  • Compatible with cache plugins - Ensures site performance with compatibility for caching plugins.
  • API - Offers additional integration and functionality extension possibilities through an API.

The Plugin Features

Multi currency checkout

In the plugin settings, there is a feature called "Is multiple allowed" which enables customers to pay in their preferred currency. This feature allows customers to select and pay in their chosen currency, enhancing their shopping experience.

Rates aggregators

The Currency Switcher plugin FOX provides access to more than 7 currency aggregators for automatic updates of currency rates. This feature ensures your currency rates are consistently current. Moreover, administrators have the option to manually adjust rates as necessary. Additionally, they can opt to receive email notifications regarding changes in currency rates, ensuring they are always well-informed and up-to-date.

Rates auto update

FOX offers a range of options for updating currency rates tailored to your preferences. Choose from hourly, twice daily, daily, weekly, or monthly updates, or even customize the interval to specific time frames like every 5, 15, 30, or 45 minutes. For those who prefer a hands-on approach, there is the flexibility to turn off automatic updates and manually set currency rates. This feature gives you complete control over the currency rates in your WooCommerce store, ensuring they align perfectly with your business needs.

Welcome currency

Welcome Currency option in FOX allows you to designate a specific currency that visitors to your shop will see on their first visit. For instance, if your shops default currency is INR (Indian Rupee), but you prefer that customers see prices in USD (United States Dollar) initially, you can easily set USD as the Welcome Currency in the FOX settings. This feature ensures that customers are immediately presented with prices in their preferred currency, providing a tailored and welcoming shopping experience from the outset

Currency Wizard

With FOX, adding multiple currencies to your WooCommerce store becomes a breeze. Using the Wizard, you can include a variety of relevant details for each currency, such as its flag, exchange rate, symbol, description, and more. This feature allows for complete customization and configuration of each currency to meet your specific needs. Whether it is a commonly used currency or a more niche one, this plugin enables you to seamlessly integrate and manage a diverse array of currencies in your online store.

Price format

The plugin allows you to set a price format that fits your specific requirements. You have control over the number of decimal places, the choice between a regular money sign or a custom money sign, as well as the position of the money sign (with four available variants). Additionally, you can choose to show or hide cents for each currency as per your preference. Furthermore, the plugin accommodates different decimal settings for each currency, making it capable of handling unique cases like BTC (Bitcoin).

Custom money signs

Currency Switcher offers the flexibility to create and use your own money symbols based on your business logic. You can customize the currency symbols to align with your specific requirements, allowing you to have full control over the representation of currencies in your WooCommerce store. Additionally, the plugin even supports the usage of currencies that may not exist in reality. This feature enables you to incorporate custom currencies or virtual currencies specific to your business needs.


Graphically, the WooCommerce Currency Switcher can be represented in various ways: as a drop-down menu, using flag images, a side switcher, or a button. Each currency can be customized with its respective flag in the plugins options.

Chat GPT as helper

You can ask help to chatGPT about the plugin using the plugin former name WOOCS, example: "How to use [woocs] shortcode?" chat gpt is woocommerce currency switcher helper

Custom price formats

The plugin enables you to individually customize the format for each currency in your WooCommerce store. This feature allows every currency to have a distinct price format, giving you the ability to decide where the price and currency symbol should be placed — either before or after the price. You have complete flexibility to set up the price format as per your preference for each currency, ensuring that it aligns with your store's specific requirements

Price thousand and decimal separator

FOX provides hooks such as woocs_price_thousand_sep and woocs_price_decimal_sep that allow you to set price separators based on specific currencies or any other business logic, such as country. By utilizing these hooks, you can customize the thousand separator and decimal separator for prices, tailoring them to match your desired format or specific requirements for each currency. This enables you to have fine-grained control over the price display in your WooCommerce store.

Currencies visibility

The plugin offers an option to designate a currency as either 'Public' or 'Private'. In 'Public' mode, the currency is visible and accessible within the currency switcher, enabling users to select it either through the switcher or using the '?currency=XXX' link parameter. Conversely, in 'Private' mode, the currency is not displayed in the switcher, preventing users from setting it via the '?currency=XXX' link parameter. This feature provides control over which currencies are available for public selection and which are reserved for specific purposes or user roles.

Individual prices based on User Role

The plugin introduces a powerful feature that enables setting varied prices for each currency, tailored to the specific roles of your customers. This functionality is particularly advantageous for those enrolled in loyalty programs or holding unique site roles. By utilizing this feature, you can offer personalized pricing and discounts in different currencies, ensuring that customers are charged appropriately according to their loyalty program status or membership level. This adds a layer of flexibility and customization to your shop, significantly improving the overall shopping experience for your customers

Payments rules

The WooCommerce Currency Switcher offers the functionality to dynamically display or hide payment gateways on the checkout page, contingent on the selected currency. This sophisticated feature grants you meticulous control over the payment options presented to customers, tailored to their chosen currency. By customizing these rules, you ensure the display of only those payment gateways that are compatible with each specific currency, thereby facilitating a smooth and efficient checkout process for your customers. For detailed instructions on setting up these rules, please consult the guide on managing payment gateways visibility on the checkout page

Individual GeoIP rules for each product

The 'WooCommerce Price Based on Country' feature is a potent tool that allows for setting variable product prices depending on the customer's country. This capability enables you to refine your pricing strategy, adapting it to account for differences in costs, taxes, or market dynamics unique to each country. By adopting country-specific pricing strategies, you can fine-tune your product range to better cater to diverse regional markets, thereby offering a more customized shopping experience to your global customer base. For comprehensive insights into maximizing the benefits of this feature, please refer to the in-depth guide available on the 'WooCommerce Price Based on Country' page.

Individual fixed prices rules for each product

The plugin offers a powerful feature called "Individual fixed prices rules for each product." This feature allows you to set specific fixed prices for each currency for individual products in your WooCommerce store. By doing so, the conversion based on the exchange rate will not be applied to these products. Instead, the prices you set will be used directly for each currency. This feature gives you precise control over pricing for specific products, allowing you to accommodate unique pricing requirements or special promotions. To see how to utilize this feature, you can watch the tutorial video available at this link.

GEO IP rules for visitors local currency detection

The plugin includes a powerful 'GEO IP rules for visitors' local currency detection' feature. This functionality automatically identifies a visitor's native currency using their IP address upon their first visit to your shop. The currency is then seamlessly switched to their local one, offering a more personalized shopping experience. Moreover, by activating the 'Checkout by GeoIP rules' option, customers are afforded the luxury of paying in their local currency, facilitating a smooth and effortless checkout process. This feature significantly enhances the user experience by removing the need for manual currency selection, simplifying the shopping process for customers who prefer to transact in their own currency

Fixed minimum amount for FREE delivery for each currency

The plugin offers a convenient feature that allows you to set a fixed minimum amount for free delivery for each currency. This feature ensures that customers in different currencies have a consistent minimum order value to qualify for free delivery. By setting specific minimum amounts for each currency, you can customize your free delivery threshold to align with your business requirements and pricing strategies. This flexibility helps optimize the shopping experience for customers while maintaining control over your shipping costs and incentives.

Fixed minimum amount for shipping for each currency

FOX includes a useful feature that enables you to set a fixed minimum amount for shipping for each currency. This feature allows you to define a specific minimum order value that customers must meet in their chosen currency to qualify for shipping. By setting different minimum amounts for each currency, you can customize your shipping thresholds to accommodate variations in costs, taxes, or other factors across different currencies. This feature provides flexibility in determining the minimum order value required for shipping, ensuring a consistent and fair shipping policy for customers using different currencies.

Fixed amount for coupons for each currency

The plugin introduces a handy feature enabling you to set predetermined amounts for coupons in various currencies. This allows you to define distinct coupon values for each currency used in your shop. Should you opt not to assign specific amounts per currency, the system is designed to automatically compute the coupon value, adjusting it according to the current exchange rate relative to the base currency. This functionality adds flexibility in crafting discounts and promotions that are currency-specific, ensuring customers receive the right coupon value in their chosen currency.

Fixed minimum and maximum coupon verification amount for each currency

The plugin features a robust functionality that enables the setting of predetermined minimum and maximum verification amounts for coupons in various currencies. This approach allows you to specify exact minimum and maximum thresholds for each currency, instead of relying on calculations based on exchange rates relative to the base currency. Consequently, you can create distinct verification limits for coupons across different currencies, ensuring uniformity and tailored validation rules. With fixed verification amounts, the coupon redemption process becomes more customized to each specific currency, offering your customers a streamlined and enhanced experience.

Show approximate price

The plugin includes a useful feature that displays estimated prices on both the shop and single product pages. These estimated prices are derived from the user's IP address-based currency, as determined by the GeoIP rule, when applicable. This functionality relies solely on currency exchange rate data and does not factor in any fixed price or geographic rules. Consequently, when a visitor's country is identified using the GeoIP rule and they opt to switch currencies, they will consistently see an estimated price in their local currency, presented next to the product's standard price. This enhances the user experience by providing an immediate and clear understanding of the product's cost in their preferred currency. For detailed guidance on integrating the currency switcher into the single product page, please consult the instructions provided at this link

Show approximate amount

FOX switcher includes a useful feature that displays approximate amounts on the checkout page and cart page. The approximate amount is based on the currency defined by the users IP address using the GeoIP rule, if such a rule exists. This functionality relies solely on currency rate data and does not consider fixed price rules or specific geo IP rules. When a visitors country is determined through the GeoIP rule and they proceed to the checkout or view their cart, they will see an approximate amount in their local currency alongside the actual amount. This feature enhances transparency and provides customers with a clear understanding of the expected costs in their preferred currency. Please note that this feature is based on currency rate data and does not take into account any specific fixed price rules or additional geo IP rules you may have implemented.


The Currency Switcher is conveniently accessible both as a widget and through the shortcode [woocs]. This shortcode can be seamlessly integrated into any part of your shop, including prominent positions like the top menu. Additionally, the plugin features advanced Ajax-powered shortcodes/widgets for both the currency converter and currency rates. These tools provide dynamic and responsive currency-related functionalities, enhancing the overall user experience in your online shop.

Smart Designer

The plugin allows you to effortlessly create a multi-currency drop-down switcher by using the convenient dashboard. With this feature, you have the flexibility to design an unlimited number of drop-downs for different sections of your site. Furthermore, you can easily insert these drop-downs directly into your sites code, providing seamless integration and customization options. Check out the guide on how to customize the currency switcher view for more details.


The plugin features a capability to gather statistics related to currency switching for business analysis. This function captures data such as the currency used, the country of the user, and the timing of the currency switch. The aim of collecting this data is to gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors concerning their choice of currency, while ensuring no private customer information is collected. Moreover, the plugin provides statistics on the currencies used in transactions, aiding in the analysis of purchasing trends and supporting informed business decisions. It is crucial to note that the plugin prioritizes user privacy and does not collect any personally identifiable information. Furthermore, if you have set restrictions on specific currencies for certain countries using the 'disallow currency for any country' feature, these restrictions will be accurately reflected in the statistics

Orders keeps in the currency of the deal

When the 'Is multiple allowed' option is activated in the plugin, every order in your shop is recorded in the currency used for payment by the customer. This implies that the currency associated with each order will reflect the customer's choice during checkout, independent of the shop's default currency setting. This functionality introduces flexibility in handling multiple currencies and guarantees that orders are precisely documented and processed in the specific currencies selected by the customers.

Compatibility with cache plugins

If your website is using a cache plugin, it's advisable to activate the 'I am using cache plugin on my site' option within the plugin's settings. This action ensures a fluid currency switching experience for your shop's visitors. It's crucial, after enabling this feature, to reset the site's cache to guarantee the implementation of the changes. Clearing the cache allows visitors to switch currencies smoothly and without any glitches. Implementing this optimization is key to preserving a fast and responsive shopping environment, while also ensuring precise currency conversions for your customers.

Price info icon

The plugin features a user-friendly tool that displays an information icon adjacent to the product's price. When users hover their mouse over this icon, a tooltip emerges, revealing the product's price in all available currencies. This feature offers easy access to detailed currency-specific price information, empowering customers to compare prices across different currencies and make well-informed purchasing decisions. For guidance on customizing the info icon and tooltip's appearance or behavior, please consult the detailed instructions in the documentation available at this link.

Shortcode [woocs_price]

The [woocs_price] shortcode is a powerful tool that allows you to embed a product's price directly into your shop's promotional articles. This adaptable shortcode displays the price in a format that automatically adjusts to the currency selected by the user. Utilizing [woocs_price] ensures that the pricing information in your content is both accurate and current, contributing to a seamless and consistent shopping experience for your customers. By simply incorporating the [woocs_price] shortcode into your articles, the correct product price, corresponding to the user's chosen currency, will be dynamically generated and displayed

Prices without cents

The plugin offers a feature to automatically adjust prices for currencies that do not use decimal fractions, like JPY (Japanese Yen) or TWD (New Taiwan Dollar). After setting up and configuring the plugin, you can test this functionality during the checkout process to verify the correct display of prices. For customers choosing JPY or TWD, prices will be presented without decimal points, accurately reflecting the standard format of these currencies. This feature ensures that the checkout process is tailored to the unique attributes of such currencies, thereby providing a smooth and precise shopping experience for customers

New order currency

The Currency Switcher plugin (FOX) provides the functionality to manually set the currency for new orders directly from the admin panel. As an administrator, this feature empowers you to designate the currency for manually created orders. Whether you're generating an order on behalf of a customer or addressing a special request, you have the capability to choose the most suitable currency for each specific order. This level of flexibility allows for the management of orders in a variety of currencies, catering to individual customer preferences and unique circumstances.

Order recount

In the multi-currency mode of the plugin, there is a feature that allows you to recalculate an order from any currency to the basic currency. This functionality is useful when you need to convert an orders total amount and line item prices from the selected currency back to the base currency of your shop. By initiating the recount process, the plugin will accurately convert the amounts based on the currency rates and provide you with the equivalent values in the basic currency. This ensures consistency and facilitates financial tracking and reporting in a unified currency within your shops multi-currency environment.

Possible to change currency according to the language

If your site utilizes WPML or Polylang plugins and you need to align currency settings with the current language due to specific business requirements, the FOX API from the Currency Switcher plugin can facilitate this. The FOX API enables seamless integration of currency switching with the language change functionality of WPML or Polylang. Utilizing this API, you have the capability to write custom code or employ hooks to automate currency adjustments in response to language selection. This integration ensures that currency settings are in sync with the site's language, offering a cohesive and localized user experience. For more comprehensive instructions and guidance on implementation, the Currency Switcher website provides detailed documentation and resources

Currency in link

The Currency Switcher plugin, FOX, is adept at interpreting and applying currency information embedded in site links, such as This functionality allows you to embed a currency parameter within your site's URLs to designate a specific currency for the user. For instance, in the URL '', the 'currency=EUR' parameter signals that the site should be displayed in Euros. When a user accesses a link containing such a parameter, FOX recognizes and adjusts to the specified currency, ensuring a consistent and tailored currency experience during their browsing session. This ability is particularly useful for guiding users to currency-specific views or for providing links that automatically set the currency according to pre-defined settings

No params in the link

The Currency Switcher plugin, FOX, provides a seamless currency switching capability that does not rely on visible URL parameters, such as '?currency=USD'. This functionality allows for smooth transitions between currencies without displaying the chosen currency in the website's URL

Currency storage

FOX's currency storage offers site administrators a variety of methods to retain user-selected currencies across diverse hosting platforms. These methods encompass Session and Transient storage, along with more advanced options like Memcached and Redis.

Session storage keeps the chosen currency within the user's session data, ensuring its persistence throughout the browsing session. Transient storage, on the other hand, offers a temporary solution for currency storage, usually for a predetermined duration.

For more demanding and scalable requirements, FOX is compatible with advanced caching technologies like Memcached and Redis. These technologies provide high-efficiency storage solutions, facilitating effective retrieval and management of currency data.

Employing these diverse currency storage options allows site administrators to effectively maintain user-selected currencies, thereby delivering a smooth and consistent currency experience for site visitors

Wide API

The Currency Switcher plugin (FOX) presents site developers with an advanced set of API functionalities, empowering them to dynamically manipulate prices and rates using conditional logic. This API grants extensive control over currency-related operations, facilitating customization tailored to specific business needs.

With this API, developers have the capability to programmatically access and alter price data, implement conditional logic for setting currency rates, and execute real-time calculations or transformations. Such flexibility supports the development of dynamic pricing models and the customization of the currency switching process to accommodate unique requirements.

Comprehensive details about the API's functions and methods are available in the documentation. This resource enables developers to fully utilize the Currency Switcher plugin's capabilities and integrate them seamlessly into their projects. The API's features equip developers with the necessary tools for sophisticated currency manipulation and customization in their applications.

Easy to use for administrators and shop customers

Effortlessly install and set up the Currency Switcher plugin (FOX) in just five minutes, and start harnessing its potential to boost your online shop's revenue. This powerful plugin simplifies the currency configuration process, enabling a quick launch of your enhanced e-commerce platform.

The installation process is straightforward, ensuring you're operational promptly. After installation, you can tailor the currency settings to suit your specific needs, including selecting preferred currencies, setting exchange rates, choosing currency symbols, formatting options, and more, all through a user-friendly interface.

Offering multiple currency options significantly enhances the shopping experience for your customers by eliminating potential purchasing barriers. The ability for customers to switch currencies and view prices in their chosen currency increases the likelihood of conversion and transaction completion.

The Currency Switcher plugin delivers a smooth and intuitive currency switching experience. It ensures that customers can effortlessly navigate your store and make purchases in their preferred currency, potentially leading to increased sales and business growth.

Embrace the opportunity to expand your reach into global markets and meet the diverse preferences of customers worldwide. Install the Currency Switcher plugin, customize your settings, and watch your shop's profitability rise in just minutes.

Compatible with WPML

Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings & Appointments by PluginHive

Compatible with WooCommerce UPS Shipping Plugin with Print Label by PluginHive


95% compatibility with different payment gates in multi currency mode, just try it!


We do compatibility according to our special program FOX LABS


Our technical support team is unwaveringly dedicated to delivering exceptional assistance. Armed with extensive expertise, they skillfully navigate through vast amounts of code every day, guaranteeing swift and effective resolution of any challenges you may face. Rely on our dependable support to maintain the seamless operation of your shop


Set the currencies for your shop by your business logic


Set options according your shop conditions


Set global and individual rules

Enjoy the benefits of using our Currency Switcher plugin completely free of charge!

Unlock the full potential of your WooCommerce shop with the free version of "FOX - WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional" This powerful tool will equip your business with a reliable and efficient currency switching solution. Get started today and experience the benefits of this essential business tool for your online store.

Get Started for FREE

What advantages does this plugin bring to your business?

Start utilizing "FOX - WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional" to provide your shop customers with more appealing and transparent prices. It's the simplest way to increase your shop's profitability.


Showcase your products to a global audience with clear and easily comprehensible pricing


Enhance clarity for your customers and boost your business's profitability.


Effortlessly set different prices for your products based on specific countries using our flexible business logic


Easily position the currency switcher wherever you desire on your website using the simple shortcode [woocs]


Define your own rules for payment methods and options when it comes to purchasing your products.

No fee

No additional fees! Pay once and enjoy full functionality without any recurring costs.


Harness the power of the API to manipulate prices on your shop, giving you full control and flexibility.


Analyze the currencies and countries of your visitors to gain valuable insights about your audience.

What Our Clients Said About FOX plugin

"FOX - WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional" is an invaluable asset for businesses, providing robust functionality and a seamless experience for clients

Great plugin with lots of features. Works great with multiple currencies and a lot of sites to get exchange rates from. Also works well with WPML and cache plugins. Has great support as well and is fully documented.

All-round good plugin! Does the job really well and has not caused any problems so far.

It is great pricing and currency conversion plugin which offers a huge number of features for your eCommerce store. And it is compatible with most of the plugins one used on their WordPress. Totally loved it.

A great plugin for switching currencies. Easy to set up and use!

This is a great plugin. It`s well written, it works really well (doesn`t crash the browser like other currency plugins do ), gives lots of options and even some perks, and the support is excellent. Worth paying for!

Perfect! Best support ever. Pablo kindly helped me solved any issues.

When you buy a plugin for your woocommerce store not only you expect the best functionality and features but also premium and quick support. This is exactly what you will get from this currency plugin: a must have for your woocommerce store if you sell to different countries with different currencies with a top support from the developer to help you install it and make it work perfectly for your site.

I love this plugin, as well as the customer support I got from the author of it. Thanks a lot!

Works great with all the currencies I need. Helps customers by eliminating the hurdle of an added currency exchange fee by allowing them to pay in their local currency.

Been using this plugin for a while now, works like a charm! And has the best customer support ever!

No regrets purchasing this plugin. The developers provide good and timely support, and even exceeds expectations by supporting components used in their plugin but not directly developed by them.

Great documentation, really easy to use and has a bunch of great tools and shortcodes for extra customisability. Had a query with their support team and it was answered quickly and with straightforward advice, which I really appreciated. Thank you!

Great plug in, really nice features! Great coding and looks nice too. Thank you!

Everything that an ecommerce store needs from the cart page to checkout is in this plugin. Fantastic plugn and great support from the author.

Very, very helpful support. Systematic updates, extensive capabilities. I highly recommend!

Could not get Norwegian Kroner working with our national banking payment gate... Support helped us out until things were solved ...perfect for us

Great plugin been using this for two years now and had a problem with a wordpress upgrade and the support was fantastic! do not hesitate to buy this plugin its awesome!

FOX achievements

"FOX - WooCommerce Currency Switcher Professional" is actively used on WooCommerce business sites

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