Make WordPress Core



23:48 Ticket #61297 (Font Directory uploads ignore `subdir` property.) created by peterwilsoncc
The data structure for the font directory matches the uploads …
20:49 Ticket #61295 (Need to Correct the placement of @global tag in some files (Documentation)) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58200: […]
20:49 Changeset [58200] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct the placement of @global tags in various files. …
08:47 Ticket #56443 (Twenty Nineteen: button block font size issue.) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58199: […]
08:47 Changeset [58199] by karmatosed
Twenty Nineteen: Resolves button block font issues. The font on …
08:30 Ticket #58440 (Twenty Nineteen: Inconsistent H1 font size) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58198: […]
08:30 Changeset [58198] by karmatosed
Twenty Nineteen: Make h1 consistent for entry title. The h1 for …
02:29 Ticket #59461 (Gutenberg tools bar not appearing on top of the page (MacOS 13.5.2 and ...) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Thanks for the follow-up! I forgot to close this ticket :)


15:02 Ticket #58281 (Rollback Auto-Update (Rollback part 3)) reopened by costdev
@johnbillion Looks like we had some inconsistencies in the $is_debug
11:49 Ticket #61296 (Add "force" parameter to get_option and get_transient) created by juvodesign
Since both get_transient and get_option already have built in ways to …
03:36 Ticket #61295 (Need to Correct the placement of @global tag in some files (Documentation)) created by shailu25
@global tag placement is wrong in below files documentation, …
03:02 Ticket #61288 (Docstrings don't reflect function return type change.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58197: […]
03:02 Changeset [58197] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update pre_do_shortcode_tag and do_shortcode_tag filter …
01:11 Ticket #61294 (Plugin Dependencies: Ensure dependency detection for newly installed ...) created by costdev
[57658] removed auto-deactivation and bootstrapping logic from the …


21:02 Ticket #61292 (Remove links to on closed by joemcgill
reported-upstream: Hi @dansoschin. This is something that will need to be handled in …
20:47 Ticket #11381 (display_page_row() generates boat loads of needless queries) closed by pbearne
20:10 Ticket #61293 (Display an empty sitemap instead of 404) created by Cybr
The sitemap can be empty when something filters its contents (I do …
18:41 Ticket #61292 (Remove links to on created by dansoschin
On, we have links to the Mercantile Store (swag store) …
18:23 Ticket #60628 (Issues with avif image imagecreatefromavif not working. Resizing not ...) reopened by adamsilverstein
@neo2k23 @skithund - repoening this for a possible WordPress …
17:18 Ticket #61291 (WP-Admin Categories and Post Edit Page Slow Rendering Due to lot of ...) created by Slams
When viewing the post list on the /wp-admin/edit.php page and editing …
10:56 Ticket #61284 (cannot access edit website) closed by Presskopp
invalid: Hello and welcome, unfortunately this place is only for core …
10:56 Ticket #61290 (Twenty Eleven: Add theme support for HTML5) created by poena
By proactively adding theme support for HTML5 and fixing any styling …
10:14 Ticket #55044 (Gallery block UI issue) closed by poena
worksforme: Hi, I am going to close this ticket because the problems are not …
09:57 Ticket #61204 (Issue for long custom template name) closed by poena
09:48 Ticket #61208 (The title field of Reusable Block became unchangeable without a block theme) closed by poena
worksforme: Hi @yanggh Thank you for the report and welcome to WordPress Trac! …
09:47 Changeset [58196] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add a @since note for the changes to safecss_filter_attr()
09:40 Ticket #61171 (Interactivity API: Include preact/debug when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 58195: […]
09:40 Changeset [58195] by gziolo
Interactivity API: Include preact/debug when SCRIPT_DEBUG is enabled …
08:59 Ticket #61289 (Logout error on Multisite with directories - Login subsites) created by s.wini
The multisite is created with directories. The problem is that I get …
08:36 Ticket #61288 (Docstrings don't reflect function return type change.) created by marherumr
The git commit 10b9642 changed the return type of …
08:29 Ticket #61111 (Add support for column and row span in grid layout child blocks.) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 58194: […]
08:29 Changeset [58194] by swissspidy
Editor: fix PHP warnings in tests after [58170]. Props peterwilsoncc. …
08:00 Ticket #61262 (Build: Update JavaScript build variables for Gutenberg PR 61486) reopened by gziolo
07:58 Ticket #61262 (Build: Update JavaScript build variables for Gutenberg PR 61486) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 58193: […]
07:58 Changeset [58193] by gziolo
Build: Add globalThis DefinePlugin config to webpack This updates the …
06:30 Ticket #61285 (Issue with Custom HTML Block in Gutenberg Version 18.4) closed by poena
reported-upstream: Hi, I am able to reproduce this by trying to paste code, but not when …
06:23 Ticket #61287 (Twenty Sixteen: Code block is not reflecting selected background color ...) created by pitamdey
In theme Twenty Sixteen, The code Block Background color is not being …
05:51 Ticket #61286 (PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant ...) created by deepakrohilla
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant …
05:40 Ticket #61279 (Editor: update all packages to the latest versions) closed by ellatrix
fixed: Fixed by r58187 and r58189. I had only included the Github PR links …
05:11 Ticket #61285 (Issue with Custom HTML Block in Gutenberg Version 18.4) created by valoir
Hello Gutenberg Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am …
02:50 Ticket #61284 (cannot access edit website) created by darrei4
Hello, hope message is well I am having trouble accessing my webpress …
01:19 Ticket #61257 (HTML API: Indicate if a matched element expects a closing tag/token.) closed by dmsnell
fixed: In 58192: […]
01:19 Changeset [58192] by dmsnell
HTML API: Add expects_closer() method to HTML Processor This patch …
00:56 Ticket #61111 (Add support for column and row span in grid layout child blocks.) reopened by peterwilsoncc
I'm seeing an error running phpunit that a bisect shows is coming from …


23:35 Ticket #61255 (HTML API: Report depth of currently-matched element.) closed by dmsnell
fixed: In 58191: […]
23:35 Changeset [58191] by dmsnell
HTML API: Add method to report depth of currently-matched node. The …
22:43 Changeset [58190] by dmsnell
HTML API: Respect class_name query arg in …
22:17 Ticket #61112 (Avoid re-constructing `WP_Theme_JSON` object from raw theme_json, ...) reopened by ryelle
I think this is going to cause trouble for anyone running WP trunk + …
20:48 Ticket #61281 (Plugin having dependent plugins not checkable for the bulk actions) reopened by giuse
@afragen, in the link that you shared I see: Bulk Actions are …
19:57 Changeset [58189] by ellatrix
Editor: add new block PHP files. This was forgotten in changeset 58187.
19:54 Ticket #60698 (Token Map: Introduce an efficient lookup and translation class for ...) closed by dmsnell
fixed: In 58188: […]
19:54 Changeset [58188] by dmsnell
Introduce Token Map: An optimized static translation class. This …
19:37 Changeset [58187] by ellatrix
Editor: Update npm packages. Updates the editor npm packages to …
18:42 Ticket #61283 (Twenty-Twenty-Four: Cover-element is not displayed correctly on smartphone) created by strukturdoktor
Hello, i used the cover Element and within it a column element with …
18:33 Ticket #59574 (Blocks: No toggle shown for hooked blocks added via filter) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 58186: […]
18:33 Changeset [58186] by Bernhard Reiter
Block Hooks API: Insert metadata at the same time as hooked blocks. …
17:14 Ticket #61282 (Backport theme.json version 3 migrations) created by ajlende
Backport of the following Gutenberg PRs * …
17:03 Ticket #61269 (Plugin Dependencies: Add filter to restore auto-redirect after plugin ...) reopened by hellofromTonya
Hello @valani9099, I think you might have missed the context. Let me …
16:54 Ticket #61269 (Plugin Dependencies: Add filter to restore auto-redirect after plugin ...) closed by valani9099
invalid: Hello @hellofromTonya, To restore auto-redirect after plugin …
16:25 Ticket #61281 (Plugin having dependent plugins not checkable for the bulk actions) closed by afragen
invalid: This is working as designed. Any dependent plugins must be deactivated …
16:12 Ticket #61281 (Plugin having dependent plugins not checkable for the bulk actions) created by giuse
Steps to reproduce the issue. 1) Install and activate a plugin with …
16:12 Ticket #61112 (Avoid re-constructing `WP_Theme_JSON` object from raw theme_json, ...) closed by joemcgill
fixed: In 58185: […]
16:12 Changeset [58185] by joemcgill
Editor: Remove additional calls to WP_Theme_JSON::_construct. This …
13:39 Ticket #61250 (Backport: Add excerpt support to the wp_block post type) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 58184: […]
13:39 Changeset [58184] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Add excerpt support to the wp_block post type. The …
12:46 Ticket #61280 (Block Variations: Allow server-side registration via variations.php) created by Bernhard Reiter
As of WordPress 6.5, the …
09:58 Ticket #61279 (Editor: update all packages to the latest versions) created by ellatrix
We still have one GB release to go before Beta 1, but it's good to …
07:40 Ticket #61278 (Critical error on my site) closed by Presskopp
invalid: Hello and welcome, unfortunately this place is only for core …
07:30 Ticket #61278 (Critical error on my site) created by ebookoob
I was working on the WooCommerce section and once I tried to save my …
06:18 Ticket #61277 (PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant ...) created by deepakrohilla
error.message PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined …
06:00 Ticket #61276 (Add "Audit Autoloaded Options" Site Health Check) created by mukesh27
The sites with many unnecessary autoloaded options face significant …
04:31 Ticket #61275 (I recommend adding the Table of Contents Block to WordPress version 6.6) created by phanduynam
WordPress version 6.5.3 does not have a table of contents block, I …
02:05 Ticket #61274 (Block Styles: Allow registration across multiple block types at once) created by aaronrobertshaw
This ticket tracks the backporting of PHP files for the following …


23:40 Ticket #60765 (Typography Presets) closed by ramonopoly
duplicate: Duplicate of #61118.
23:35 Ticket #61273 (Background image: add support for relative theme path URLs in ...) created by ramonopoly
This is a ticket to track the syncing of the Gutenberg PR …
21:49 Ticket #61272 (Delete user when viewing their profile) created by Norm.Sash
As an admin user I’m able to view the profile of other users. After …
16:43 Ticket #61271 (Add filter for duotone to account for ...) created by scruffian
This is a backport of …
15:48 Ticket #61270 (Error notice Updating failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.) created by franknez888
There's an error notice when saving a draft on WordPress. "Error …
15:39 Changeset [58183] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use assertSame() in navigation fallback tests. This ensures …
15:21 Ticket #61176 (moderate CPU load (lsphp handler) and anomalies invoked in eFroms) closed by joemcgill
invalid: Hi @RaybanMonster, Welcome to Trac. We're not seeing any other reports …
15:19 Ticket #61269 (Plugin Dependencies: Add filter to restore auto-redirect after plugin ...) created by hellofromTonya
To address the problems (see below) while minimizing risks in a minor, …
13:10 Ticket #61268 (PHP Deprecated: ltrim() in formatting esc_url.) created by neo2k23
I am getting constant these warnings in my error log file. …
10:14 Ticket #61267 (Theme JSON Tests: Refactor base styles to a static variable) created by scruffian
This was done originally in …
08:53 Ticket #61266 (Admin Bar: Update the site editor link to open the editor in edit mode ...) created by youknowriad
In WordPress 6.6, what we call the "details pages" in the site editor …
08:20 Ticket #61265 (Add class name for block variations) created by Bernhard Reiter
In order to allow block authors to add custom styling for individual …
06:48 Ticket #61264 (Move default rendering mode setting to block_editor_settings_all hook ...) created by fabiankaegy
Sync ticket for


21:36 Ticket #61053 (Provide a way to load multiple specific network options with a single ...) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 58182: […]
21:36 Changeset [58182] by spacedmonkey
Options, Meta APIs: Introduce wp_prime_network_option_caches() to load …
15:42 Ticket #60672 (Improve menu toggle accessible name in admin menus) closed by joedolson
duplicate: Because there is a significant amount of duplication between this …
15:15 Ticket #61263 (Nested hook removal removes remaining hooks with higher priority) created by vendidero
Hi there, imagine the following nested hook code: […] What would …
14:59 Ticket #61262 (Build: Update JavaScript build variables for Gutenberg PR 61486) created by jonsurrell
PR 61486 updates …
12:44 Ticket #61261 (If redirect_guess_404_permalink returns a LIKE condition result, the ...) created by oglekler
Google Chrome is caching 301 redirect more persistent than ever and …
11:25 Ticket #61260 (Rollback Auto-update: Automatic update of translations can cause confusion) created by benniledl
Hey! What I think could be confusing is, when the installation of …
11:20 Ticket #61259 (Widgets not working when using Gutenberg editor but load fine on ...) created by peterbsimon
Before we dig in: - I'm on the latest version of WP, - I have …
10:31 Changeset [58181] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use assertSame() in block support tests. This ensures that …
09:38 Ticket #56853 (Twenty Twenty-Two: Latest Posts block alignment on front end) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I am going to go ahead and close this, thank you everyone for the …
09:38 Ticket #59934 (Twenty Twenty-Four: PHPCS: Empty line required before block comment) closed by karmatosed
wontfix: I am going to close this for now. Thank you everyone for collaboration …
05:42 Ticket #61258 (class-phpass.php uses old '2a' prefix for crypt_blowfish hashes) created by timrutter
class-phpass.php currently uses the old '2a' prefix for crypt_blowfish …
01:17 Ticket #61257 (HTML API: Indicate if a matched element expects a closing tag/token.) created by dmsnell
Some tags open an element that could contain other tags. Some tags and …
01:16 Ticket #61256 (Backport: Add new textAlign block support) created by wildworks
This tracking ticket is for backporting the following two PRs: - …
01:00 Ticket #61255 (HTML API: Report depth of currently-matched element.) created by dmsnell
The HTML Processor maintains a stack of open elements, where every …


23:19 Ticket #61251 (Prevent Plugins adding warnings in the Site Health) closed by peterwilsoncc
wontfix: Hi @Marc4 and thanks for the ticket. I agree that an upgrade to pro …
21:19 Ticket #59514 (Add more context to split_the_query filter) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 58180: […]
21:19 Changeset [58180] by spacedmonkey
Query: Add more context to the split_the_query filter. Add more …
17:47 Ticket #56949 (Twenty Twenty-Three: Screenshot of the new default theme) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58179: […]
17:47 Changeset [58179] by karmatosed
Twenty Twenty-Three: Updates Screenshot. The screenshot wasn't …
17:16 Ticket #61028 (Thickbox modal outputs replacement character in screen reader output) closed by joedolson
fixed: Closing as fixed; the see reference was supposed to be a fixed.
17:13 Ticket #61252 (Select-all checkbox is checked when selecting individual users, ...) closed by swapnilghone9
duplicate: Duplicate of #61168. This is the same issue as reported in …
15:16 Ticket #61158 (Lightbox effect doesn't work) closed by barneysculptmonkey
worksforme: Replying to barneysculptmonkey: > Replying to [comment:4
15:12 Ticket #53874 (Bundled Themes: Measurement in 'px' is unnecessary) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58178: […]
15:12 Changeset [58178] by karmatosed
Bundled Themes: Removes measurement in px for zero and related fixes. …
14:39 Ticket #60496 (Twenty Sixteen: visual and DOM order of elements in the footer mismatch) closed by karmatosed
fixed: In 58177: […]
14:39 Changeset [58177] by karmatosed
Twenty Sixteen: Fixes mismatch of visual and DOM order of elements. …
14:38 Changeset [58176] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Correct a number of invalid @covers tags. This resolves a …
14:08 Ticket #61248 (Issues with WordPress) closed by Marc4
invalid: Hi @socialbear, has posted in an area where contributors work on …
13:42 Changeset [58175] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Rewrite an empty conditional in get_post_status(). …
13:20 Ticket #61254 (Backport: Introduce new dedicated media search handler and add new ...) created by petitphp
This trac ticket is for backporting PHP changes for …
13:05 Ticket #61229 (Twenty Seventeen: "undefined is not an object" in JS detection) closed by domainsupport
invalid: Apologies. It looks like this is a …
11:56 Ticket #61221 (Debogage ?) closed by Marc4
invalid: Hi @christiankitzinger, have posted in an area where contributors work …
11:48 Ticket #61217 (I am finding it really difficult to manage WordPress at the moment) closed by Marc4
invalid: Hi @mammywagon, have posted in an area where contributors work on …
11:34 Ticket #61252 (Select-all checkbox is checked when selecting individual users, ...) created by dhaval_parikh
When I select a single user all user checkbox is selected, all user …
10:45 Ticket #61251 (Prevent Plugins adding warnings in the Site Health) created by Marc4
I have seen a plugin with 1+ million installations adding warnings in …
09:47 Ticket #59283 (Block Editor: Edit permalink slug for posts is only possible after ...) closed by youknowriad
fixed: In 58174: […]
09:47 Changeset [58174] by youknowriad
Posts: Ensure get_sample_permalink returns the right permalink for …
08:42 Ticket #61250 (Backport: Add excerpt support to the wp_block post type) created by poena
This trac ticket is for adding a PHP backport of …
07:42 Ticket #61243 (Mark who=authors as deprecated in docblock) closed by swissspidy
fixed: Nothing else to be done here
07:08 Ticket #61249 (The character count in the post_excerpt is fine instead of counting words.) created by sarkarripon
It is known that multiple words written without spaces are counted as …
05:40 Ticket #61248 (Issues with WordPress) created by socialbear
Found some bugs kind on my site. It creates application users who are …
05:22 Changeset [58173] by peterwilsoncc
Editor: Fix unit tests for fluid typography CSS. Fixes a unit test to …


19:59 Ticket #61247 ("You should use a persistent object cache" - Allow disable warning) closed by johnbillion
wontfix: Thanks for the report @olihar . I will say that if you run a site that …
19:51 Changeset [58172] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add a note that the who parameter in WP_User_Query is …
14:09 Ticket #61247 ("You should use a persistent object cache" - Allow disable warning) created by olihar
Not everyone needs or wants to use cache, it can in many cases be way …
09:04 Ticket #61246 (wp_kses makes HTML comment HTML uncommented) created by kkmuffme
[…] when calling wp_kses(_post) on it, this commented HTML gets …
07:10 Ticket #61243 (Mark who=authors as deprecated in docblock) reopened by kkmuffme
That ticket is solely about gutenberg using the deprecated way and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.