Make WordPress Core



23:50 Ticket #59855 (6.4 - unexpected returns in `get_template_directory()` and ...) closed by rebasaurus
duplicate: Ah sorry, just saw #59847, which is a duplicate of this. This can be …
23:46 Ticket #59855 (6.4 - unexpected returns in `get_template_directory()` and ...) created by rebasaurus
Not sure if related to #59834, but with the introduced globals …
23:43 Ticket #59852 (About page updates for 6.4.1) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 57095: […]
23:43 Changeset [57095] by peterwilsoncc
Help/About: Update the About page for 6.4.1. Props peterwilsoncc, …
23:23 Changeset [57094] by peterwilsoncc
Quick/Bulk Edit: Prevent assigning posts to default categories during …
23:20 Ticket #59837 (Categories are removed when bulk editing posts) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 57093: […]
23:20 Changeset [57093] by peterwilsoncc
Quick/Bulk Edit: Prevent assigning posts to default categories during …
23:17 Ticket #11302 (Bulk editing posts should pre-fill fields with the same value / allow ...) reopened by hellofromTonya
[56712] will be reverted shortly for 6.4.1. Why? It introduced an …
22:58 Ticket #54588 (cURL incompatibility with Kaspersky (kesl)) closed by jrf
reported-upstream: Sorry, issue should still be closed as it needs a fix upstream.
22:54 Ticket #54588 (cURL incompatibility with Kaspersky (kesl)) reopened by jrf
22:36 Ticket #59854 (test for wp_find_hierarchy_loop_tortoise_hare) created by pbearne
22:34 Ticket #59853 (Update mentions of web site to website for consistency) created by LiamMcArthur
Throughout most of the WordPress core, the word "website" is used - …
21:54 Ticket #59852 (About page updates for 6.4.1) created by peterwilsoncc
Update about page changelog for 6.4.1 fast follow release
21:52 Ticket #59851 (test for send_frame_options_header) created by pbearne
21:31 Changeset [57092] by jorbin
Post WordPress 6.4.1 RC1 version bump.
21:15 Changeset [57091] by jorbin
WordPress 6.4.1 RC1.
20:36 Ticket #59846 (Reinstate the `wpdb::$use_mysqli` property) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57090: […]
20:36 Changeset [57090] by hellofromTonya
Database: Reinstate wpdb::$use_mysqli property. Partial revert of …
20:33 Ticket #59846 (Reinstate the `wpdb::$use_mysqli` property) reopened by hellofromTonya
Thank you @jorbin. Backporting now.
20:31 Ticket #59846 (Reinstate the `wpdb::$use_mysqli` property) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57089: […]
20:31 Changeset [57089] by hellofromTonya
Database: Reinstate wpdb::$use_mysqli property. Partial revert of …
20:30 Ticket #59842 (WordPress 6.4 wp_remote_get (cURL error 28: Operation timed out)) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57088: […]
20:30 Changeset [57088] by jorbin
External Libraries: Update Requests to 2.0.9. This updates the …
20:13 Ticket #59850 (Changing front-end site language changes some admin menu links into ...) created by pierorocca
Perhaps this is related to #49971, which I find fascinating that a …
20:12 Ticket #59849 (Template and stylesheet filters stopped working correctly.) created by kemalcizoglu
Stylesheet and template filters stopped working properly with …
20:08 Ticket #59830 (Administration: Typos in `wp_admin_notice()` arguments) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57087: […]
20:08 Changeset [57087] by jorbin
Administration: Fix typos in wp_admin_notice() arguments in a few …
19:55 Ticket #59848 (Update Requests library to version 2.0.9) closed by schlessera
fixed: Already fixed via #57086.
19:52 Ticket #59842 (WordPress 6.4 wp_remote_get (cURL error 28: Operation timed out)) reopened by jorbin
Reopen for backport considersation
19:52 Ticket #59848 (Update Requests library to version 2.0.9) created by schlessera
Requests 2.0.9 has been released as a hotfix for #59842. Full …
19:46 Ticket #59842 (WordPress 6.4 wp_remote_get (cURL error 28: Operation timed out)) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 57086: […]
19:46 Changeset [57086] by desrosj
External Libraries: Update Requests to 2.0.9. This updates the …
19:35 Ticket #59847 (Since WordPress 6.4, the functions.php of a theme moved to a different ...) created by partyfrikadelle
We operate a WordPress Multisite instance with a quite specific setup. …
19:34 Ticket #59846 (Reinstate the `wpdb::$use_mysqli` property) created by johnbillion
In #59118/[56475] the wpdb::$use_mysqli property was removed because …
19:30 Ticket #59845 (kritischen Fehler seit Update auf WordPress 6.4) created by mdamerius
Hallo seit dem Update heute auf die Version WordPress 6.4. bekomme ich …
19:01 Ticket #59844 (Run HTTP related automated tests with multiple versions of cURL) created by jorbin
See: Bugs over the years that have affected only certain versions of cURL.
18:56 Ticket #59843 (Headers of the table on make.wordpress blog breaks after a few second ...) created by thekt12
The header of the first table in the following link breaks after a …
17:22 Ticket #59842 (WordPress 6.4 wp_remote_get (cURL error 28: Operation timed out)) created by cenkdemir
Hello, WordPress 6.4 update caused wp_remote_get to give "cURL …
16:52 Ticket #59841 (Post 6.4 Upgrade Fatal:) created by rebasaurus
After upgrading to 6.4, this fatal occurs: […] I suspect …
16:34 Ticket #56912 (Improve autoloaded options) closed by flixos90
duplicate: Duplicate of #55270. Thanks @mukesh27 for confirming. In that case, …
14:36 Ticket #59840 (Twenty Twenty-Four: register_block_pattern_category()'s proprieties ...) created by acosmin
14:34 Ticket #59839 (Twenty Twenty-Four: register_block_pattern_category()'s ...) created by acosmin
14:28 Ticket #59838 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Missing license information in the readme.txt) created by acosmin
The readme.txt file is missing license information on the fonts …
14:08 Ticket #59837 (Categories are removed when bulk editing posts) created by ricjcs
When bulk editing posts, categories in posts are automatically removed …
14:06 Changeset [57085] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Use correct order of arguments for contains(). …
14:04 Ticket #59836 (Using the pre_get_table_charset filter ensures wpdb->col_meta never ...) created by c0ntax
I have a non-core table with a binary column that I use for selects …
13:43 Ticket #59835 (Styling in Gutenberg is missing in 6.4) created by Rvervuurt
The standard-styling of Gutenberg text areas has been removed in 6.4: …
11:47 Ticket #59834 (While we update wordpress to version 6.4 getting wrong templates loaded) created by gregoiresailland
Exemple with woocommerce and polylang: The cart pages is …
11:06 Ticket #59830 (Administration: Typos in `wp_admin_notice()` arguments) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for backporting to the 6.4 branch.
11:04 Ticket #59830 (Administration: Typos in `wp_admin_notice()` arguments) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57084: […]
11:04 Changeset [57084] by SergeyBiryukov
Administration: Fix typos in wp_admin_notice() arguments in a few …
10:30 Ticket #59815 (Measure translations performance in performance tests) closed by swissspidy
fixed: In 57083: […]
10:30 Changeset [57083] by swissspidy
Build/Test Tools: Expand performance test scenarios. Adds new tests …
10:17 Ticket #59833 (While we update wordpress version 6.4 getting php error) created by ravimakwana68
Hello, today we tried to update WordPress version 6.4 in PHP 7.4.33 …
08:33 Ticket #59832 (Deprecation warnings for resulting from a call to plugin_dir_url) created by geistesblitzer
The function plugin_dir_url( $file ) calls plugins_url with an empty …
07:17 Ticket #59831 (Images are not resizing) created by janissg
All custom resized images are showing up full size, even after trying …
06:22 Ticket #59830 (Administration: Typos in `wp_admin_notice()` arguments) created by dlh
A few of the calls to the new wp_admin_notice() function appear to …
00:34 Changeset [57082] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Add 6.3 to the Upgrade Testing workflow. This adds …


22:58 Ticket #59821 (Irrelevant comment for translators) reopened by jorbin
Reopening for consideration of backport to 6.4.
22:56 Ticket #59821 (Irrelevant comment for translators) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57081: […]
22:56 Changeset [57081] by jorbin
Help/About: Improve translation comment around release notes. Props …
22:21 Ticket #59829 (test for wp_debug_backtrace_summary) created by pbearne
20:20 Changeset [57080] by hellofromTonya
Post WordPress 6.4 version bump. The 6.4 branch is now 6.4.1-alpha.
20:15 Ticket #59828 (Update npm packages with bugfixes for 6.4.3) created by jorbin
Some changes in the editor will need to be cherry picked and included …
19:56 Milestone 6.4 completed
19:23 Changeset [57079] by karmatosed
Tag 6.4
19:20 Changeset [57078] by karmatosed
WordPress 6.4.
17:31 Ticket #59827 (wp_save_post_revision() assumes ALL post meta is text! Fatal error in ...) created by jsmoriss
The wp_save_post_revision() function assumes that ALL post meta is …
16:17 Ticket #59314 (Cache the result of template file lookups) closed by joemcgill
wontfix: Going to go ahead and close this as a wontfix given the lack of …
15:04 Ticket #59813 (Terms need a rich text editor) closed by joostdevalk
duplicate: Duplicate of #59703. Well, yes :P
14:17 Ticket #59826 (WP breaks in PHP 8.0 when passing multiple terms of same hiearchichal ...) created by lxt
Using WC product_cat as an example here: …
13:44 Ticket #59825 (Add unit tests for wp_checkdate) created by pbearne
12:45 Ticket #43248 (wp_localize_script() and ultimately print_extra_script() not using ...) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: This is solved in WordPress 6.4 by [56687] / #58664 as …
11:08 Ticket #59536 (Navigation data persists even after deleting the navigation block) closed by hellofromTonya
invalid: Thank you @get_dave for sharing those insights and confirming it is …
10:53 Ticket #59822 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Updating Text colour in group blocks isn't working ...) closed by hellofromTonya
reported-upstream: Aha thank you @luminuu @onemaggie @wildworks. This is not a TT4 issue. …
07:53 Ticket #59824 (PHP Warning raised in pluggable.php when passing NULL instead of a string) created by budiony
The error message is related to the hash_equals(): Expected …
06:03 Ticket #59823 (Job Board Website with Location Sorting options) created by malikabdulkarim
Hi there, We are using Superio Theme for our job board wordpress …
02:22 Ticket #59822 (Twenty Twenty-Four: Updating Text colour in group blocks isn't working ...) created by rajinsharwar
Updating Text color in group blocks isn't working for the Heading …
00:12 Changeset [57077] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Use proper case for @todo tags. The correct tag is @todo, …


23:21 Ticket #59821 (Irrelevant comment for translators) created by kharisblank
While reviewing translation for WordPress 6.4.x. I found this string …
22:20 Ticket #59820 (test for wp_auth_check_load) created by pbearne
19:46 Ticket #59819 (Change CSS align-item from start / end to flex-start / flex-end for ...) created by hellofromTonya
During today's Dry Run npm run grunt prerelease step, …
17:51 Ticket #59817 (Update `$_old_files` for 6.4) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57076: […]
17:51 Changeset [57076] by hellofromTonya
Upgrade/Install: Update $_old_files for 6.4. Reviewed by …
17:48 Ticket #59817 (Update `$_old_files` for 6.4) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for 2nd committer sign-off to backport [57075] to 6.4 branch.
17:47 Ticket #59817 (Update `$_old_files` for 6.4) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57075: […]
17:47 Changeset [57075] by hellofromTonya
Upgrade/Install: Update $_old_files for 6.4. Props davidbaumwald. …
17:28 Ticket #59818 ([PHP 8.1] deprecated null in `explode()` for 'ping_sites' in ...) created by kitchin
When "Discourage search engines" is on, any update to Dashboard / …
17:00 Ticket #59315 (Merge consideration of block-templates with classic template hierarchy) closed by joemcgill
wontfix: Based on more exploration, the overall cost of file lookups for PHP …
16:35 Changeset [57074] by hellofromTonya
Post WordPress 6.4 RC4 version bump.
16:20 Changeset [57073] by hellofromTonya
WordPress 6.4 RC4.
16:17 Ticket #59817 (Update `$_old_files` for 6.4) created by davidbaumwald
Results of running commands on …
15:34 Ticket #58832 (Bump default theme versions for WordPress 6.4) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 57072: […]
15:33 Changeset [57072] by desrosj
Bundled Themes: Bump versions for WP 6.4 releases. Since every …
15:27 Ticket #59783 (Block Hooks: Mark and document publicly available global functions as ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57071: […]
15:27 Changeset [57071] by hellofromTonya
Blocks: Document Block Hooks functions as private. Documents the 4 …
15:22 Ticket #59812 (Twenty Twenty-Four: fixed contrast issues, improved documentations, ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57070: […]
15:22 Changeset [57070] by hellofromTonya
Twenty Twenty-Four: Bugfixes and refinement for 6.4 RC4. This update …
15:21 Ticket #58832 (Bump default theme versions for WordPress 6.4) reopened by desrosj
Reopening for second committer review and backport.
15:19 Ticket #58832 (Bump default theme versions for WordPress 6.4) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 57069: […]
15:19 Changeset [57069] by desrosj
Bundled Themes: Bump versions for WP 6.4 releases. Since every …
14:45 Ticket #59797 (Blocks: Add new global attribute `metadata`) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 57068: […]
14:45 Changeset [57068] by Bernhard Reiter
Block Types: Add metadata global attribute. Add a new global …
14:43 Ticket #59812 (Twenty Twenty-Four: fixed contrast issues, improved documentations, ...) reopened by hellofromTonya
14:41 Ticket #59812 (Twenty Twenty-Four: fixed contrast issues, improved documentations, ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57067: […]
14:41 Changeset [57067] by hellofromTonya
Twenty Twenty-Four: Bugfixes and refinement for 6.4 RC4. This update …
14:33 Ticket #59816 (Bump default theme versions for WordPress 6.5) created by mukesh27
All bundled themes from 2010 to 2024 will need a version bump for the …
13:54 Ticket #59815 (Measure translations performance in performance tests) created by swissspidy
This is a prerequisite for #59656 as we want to measure the impact …
13:37 Ticket #59783 (Block Hooks: Mark and document publicly available global functions as ...) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for 2nd committer sign-off to backport [57066] to the 6.4 branch.
13:36 Ticket #59814 (Breadcrumb enumerates domain name) closed by swissspidy
invalid: Hi there and welcome to WordPress Trac! WordPress does not have any …
13:35 Ticket #59783 (Block Hooks: Mark and document publicly available global functions as ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57066: […]
13:35 Changeset [57066] by hellofromTonya
Blocks: Document Block Hooks functions as private. Documents the 4 …
13:27 Ticket #59814 (Breadcrumb enumerates domain name) created by siggeste
I am the administrator of a website called "9e Kunst". The domain name …
12:42 Ticket #59813 (Terms need a rich text editor) created by joostdevalk
Both categories and tags (terms) can have "description" texts. …
11:33 Ticket #59812 (Twenty Twenty-Four: fixed contrast issues, improved documentations, ...) created by onemaggie
This PR includes the last fixes to the theme before the release: - …
10:37 Ticket #59811 (Remove suggestion to add tags and categories) created by joostdevalk
Right now, in the pre-publish screen, we suggest users to add tags and …
09:25 Changeset [57065] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Replace incorrect @private tags. The @private tag does not …
03:51 Ticket #59810 (Global styles revisions: add route for single styles revisions) created by ramonopoly
The …
02:11 Ticket #59809 (Inconsistent "ITEMS PER PAGE" across pagination pages in the Query Loop) created by rajinsharwar
There is an inconsistent behavior of the "ITEMS PER PAGE" across …


19:38 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57064: […]
19:38 Changeset [57064] by hellofromTonya
Editor: Update of npm packages after 6.4 RC3. This update includes …
18:54 Ticket #59808 (Custom fontSizes show up duplicated on the Editor along with default ...) created by autranalexandre
When setting up custom fontSizes on theme.json, they show up …
17:16 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) reopened by hellofromTonya
Re-opening for 2nd committer sign-off to backport [57063] to the 6.4 …
17:13 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57063: […]
17:13 Changeset [57063] by hellofromTonya
Editor: Update of npm packages after 6.4 RC3. This update includes …
16:20 Changeset [57062] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Fix typo in a function DocBlock in WP_Duotone tests. …
15:01 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening to address 2 newly reported regressions.
07:19 Ticket #59533 (The wrong preview/state is shown when resetting revisions back to defaults) closed by ramonopoly
reported-upstream: Hello! Thanks for creating this ticket. I've tested and I think I …


03:40 Ticket #59807 (Comments not shown for the "page" post type when using TT4) created by rajinsharwar
I am not sure if this is an intended thing, but when we switch to TT4, …
00:24 Changeset [57061] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove unnecessary ignore annotations in …


23:27 Ticket #59737 (test for wp_cache_set_last_changed) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 57060: […]
23:27 Changeset [57060] by peterwilsoncc
Build/Test Tools: Introduce tests for wp_cache_set_last_changed(). …
23:22 Changeset [57059] by peterwilsoncc
Build/Test Tools: Revert [57058]. Revert group name change in the 6.4 …
22:45 Changeset [57058] by peterwilsoncc
Build/Test Tools: Fix group for wp_unique_prefixed_id() tests. …
21:53 Changeset [57057] by peterwilsoncc
Build/Test Tools: Fix group for wp_unique_prefixed_id() tests. …
21:21 Ticket #59252 (is_front_page returns false when a static blog page has been set.) reopened by neo2k23
@jorbin my question was about. I asked why the moment you set a …
19:57 Ticket #58955 (Test tool and unit test improvements for 6.4) closed by jorbin
19:57 Ticket #59806 (Test tool and unit test improvements for 6.5) closed by jorbin
duplicate: Facepalm #59647
19:56 Ticket #59806 (Test tool and unit test improvements for 6.5) created by jorbin
Previously: - #58955 (6.4) - #57841 (6.3) - #56793 (6.2) - #55652
19:55 Ticket #58867 (GitHub Actions updates and improvements for 6.4) closed by jorbin
fixed: Closing in favor of #59805 for 6.5.
19:54 Ticket #59805 (GitHub Actions updates and improvements for 6.5) created by jorbin
This ticket is for various updates and improvements for Core's GitHub …
18:21 Ticket #59668 (Displaying Wp_pattern_cateogory for custom pattern name in the menu) closed by jorbin
worksforme: Testing with RC3, This seems to have been fixed from …
17:21 Ticket #59252 (is_front_page returns false when a static blog page has been set.) closed by jorbin
invalid: is_front_page and is_home date back to 2.5 and 1.5 respectfully, …
15:31 Changeset [57056] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove unnecessary ignore annotation in …
11:57 Ticket #59804 (Can we implement a manage status of taxonomy term ?) created by maheshpatel
Currently, within WordPress, there exists no built-in functionality to …
10:03 Ticket #59803 (Twenty Nineteen - PullQuote block having issue with border.) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce the issue:- 1. Activate Twenty Nineteen theme. 2. …
09:51 Ticket #59802 (Twenty Fifteen: Quote block citation text color does not change with ...) created by viralsampat
Hello Team, I have worked on the "Quote" block and found that its …
09:43 Ticket #59801 (Twenty Fifteen: Pullquote block issues with text color and border) created by viralsampat
Hello Team, I have worked on the "Pullquote" block into the …
09:13 Ticket #59800 (Twenty Fourteen: Pullquote block does not support custom font size) created by nidhidhandhukiya
Steps to reproduce the issue :- 1. Activate Twenty Fourteen theme. 2. …
02:27 Ticket #59799 (Post editor Galley size preview images select size default) created by Guillermo77
Dears I don't no if this is one bug, but this is what hapend to me: I …
00:22 Ticket #59798 (Schedule time is offset by 1 hour during switch to/from daylight ...) created by jtyner
In the United States, daylight saving time ends this weekend. When …


20:05 Ticket #59778 (remove not needed function call in wp_post_preview_js) closed by pbearne
maybelater: @westonruter, thanks for the feedback I agree on to closing this …
16:23 Ticket #59797 (Blocks: Add new global attribute `metadata`) created by Bernhard Reiter
For use cases such as allowing the user to …
15:00 Ticket #59289 (About Page for 6.4 Release) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57055: […]
15:00 Changeset [57055] by jorbin
Help/About: Update link to field guide for 6.4. Follow up to [56950]. …
14:56 Ticket #59289 (About Page for 6.4 Release) reopened by jorbin
14:55 Ticket #59289 (About Page for 6.4 Release) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 57054: […]
14:55 Changeset [57054] by jorbin
Help/About: Update link to field guide for 6.4. Follow up to [56950]. …
14:24 Ticket #59793 (UI suggestion for mobile device) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #54808.
14:19 Ticket #59796 (Undefined constant "SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE") closed by johnbillion
invalid: Thanks for the report @thdr. Looking at the stack trace for the error, …
14:15 Ticket #59796 (Undefined constant "SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE") created by thdr
Hello, I'm using php-fpm 8.2.7 nginx/1.22.1 and get the following …
10:31 Ticket #59795 (Private Information Exposure via redirect_guess_404_permalink()) created by FrancescoCarlucci
When guessing the proper URL to redirect a 404, WordPress only …
10:19 Ticket #59289 (About Page for 6.4 Release) reopened by afercia
I'm not sure whether it's a known issue or it's something that gets …
07:56 Ticket #59794 (the website does not work) closed by huzaifaalmesbah
invalid: I believe this issue is not directly related to the WordPress core, so …
07:37 Ticket #59794 (the website does not work) created by ibrahimtop
05:48 Ticket #59793 (UI suggestion for mobile device) created by sumitsingh
Hey, I believe this should be the next line of search text for mobile …
00:02 Changeset [57053] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Correct equals sign alignment in various files. …


21:27 Ticket #57407 (Placement of "view page" link after page/post update is wrong) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: The snackbar notice's problematic positioning is mentioned in …
20:55 Ticket #59792 (test for wp_auth_check_html) created by pbearne
20:41 Ticket #59415 (Post Content Block displays another Post's content when in a Query ...) closed by john809
worksforme: Retested with wordpress-6-4-beta-3 before reporting upstream. …
20:39 Ticket #59791 (test for get_tag_regex) created by pbearne
20:26 Ticket #59790 (test for mbstring_binary_safe_encoding) created by pbearne
20:19 Ticket #59789 (Fresh install WP 6.4-RC3 runs with trunk (6.5-alpha-57038)) closed by pbiron
fixed: When the SVN repo is branched (which happened just after RC1 for 6.4) …
19:29 Changeset [57052] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Increase the number of retries when restarting a …
19:19 Ticket #59789 (Fresh install WP 6.4-RC3 runs with trunk (6.5-alpha-57038)) created by CoachBirgit
While testing the WP 6.4.-RC3 on my local machine using the WP-CLI, …
19:14 Ticket #59788 (test for wp_delete_file) created by pbearne
19:14 Changeset [57051] by hellofromTonya
Post WordPress 6.4 RC3 version bump.
18:36 Changeset [57050] by hellofromTonya
WordPress 6.4 RC3.
18:09 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57049: […]
18:09 Changeset [57049] by hellofromTonya
Editor: 2nd update of npm packages for 6.4 RC3. This second update …
17:59 Ticket #59787 (Control-Z editing HTML erases all changes since last save) created by lmarks
I was directly editing the one line of the HTML in an HTML block and …
17:48 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for 2nd committer review and sign-off to backport [57048] to …
17:46 Ticket #59411 (Update Editor related npm packages to their latest versions for 6.4) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57048: […]
17:46 Changeset [57048] by hellofromTonya
Editor: 2nd update of npm packages for 6.4 RC3. This second update …
17:14 Ticket #59786 (add icon for tiktok to dashicons) closed by jorbin
wontfix: Dashicans is a completed project. See: …
17:04 Ticket #57704 (Add revisions to the links of the template and template part REST endpoint) closed by andraganescu
fixed: I believe this ticket can be close. Thank you for the work enabling this!
16:31 Ticket #59786 (add icon for tiktok to dashicons) created by brothman01
this is a minor ticket. A client has social media buttons placed with …
15:47 Ticket #59785 (Fatal error: Attempt to assign property “object_id” on bool in ...) created by Faar
The populate_terms() function in this class still throws a PHP fatal …
15:19 Ticket #59777 (WP admin : Use Yoda condition) closed by johnbillion
15:13 Ticket #59784 (Fix docblock formatting for 6.4) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 57047: […]
15:13 Changeset [57047] by johnbillion
Docs: Correct some docblock formatting errors. Reviewed by …
15:09 Ticket #59784 (Fix docblock formatting for 6.4) reopened by johnbillion
15:08 Ticket #59784 (Fix docblock formatting for 6.4) closed by johnbillion
fixed: In 57046: […]
15:08 Changeset [57046] by johnbillion
Docs: Correct some docblock formatting errors. Fixes #59784 See …
15:03 Ticket #59569 (wp_pattern_category is set public to true, when it should have been false.) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57045: […]
15:03 Changeset [57045] by hellofromTonya
Taxonomy: Set "public" to "false" for user pattern categories. …
14:50 Ticket #59569 (wp_pattern_category is set public to true, when it should have been false.) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for 2nd committer review to backport [57044] to the 6.4 branch.
14:48 Ticket #59569 (wp_pattern_category is set public to true, when it should have been false.) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 57044: […]
14:48 Changeset [57044] by hellofromTonya
Taxonomy: Set "public" to "false" for user pattern categories. …
14:46 Ticket #59784 (Fix docblock formatting for 6.4) created by johnbillion
Some docblock formatting errors were introduced during the 6.4 cycle.
13:54 Ticket #59783 (Block Hooks: Mark and document publicly available global functions as ...) created by hellofromTonya
This ticket is a follow-up to the …
12:44 Ticket #59669 (Block: Give `traverse_and_serialize_block(s)`' post-callback access to ...) closed by Bernhard Reiter
fixed: In 57043: […]
12:44 Changeset [57043] by Bernhard Reiter
Blocks: During traversal, allow post callback to modify block. Both …
11:49 Ticket #59745 (Docblock update for `wp_calculate_image_sizes` hook) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57042: […]
11:49 Changeset [57042] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct the type for optional parameters in a few media …
11:20 Changeset [57041] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update some reusable block references to synced patterns. In …
11:18 Ticket #59388 (Add `sync patterns` into docs where reusable block(s) are mentioned) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 57040: […]
11:18 Changeset [57040] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update some reusable block references to synced patterns. In …
08:15 Ticket #59669 (Block: Give `traverse_and_serialize_block(s)`' post-callback access to ...) reopened by Bernhard Reiter
Re-opening for potential inclusion in 6.4. Requesting another …
07:44 Ticket #59245 (Unknown format specifier "�" on non-english site) closed by ocean90
reported-upstream: I have approved the pending translation.
07:21 Ticket #59782 (PHP deprecation error in WP_Image_Editor_Imagick) created by skithund
When cropping and saving an image it throws an deprecation error when …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.