Make WordPress Core



22:46 Ticket #55571 (Gallery block fixtures in phpunit tests need updating) created by glendaviesnz
In 5.9 the Gallery block was updated to use nested image blocks, and …
16:12 Changeset [53174] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in …
15:56 Ticket #55565 (clipboard script does not register with a version) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 53173: […]
15:56 Changeset [53173] by desrosj
Script Loader: Specify the version of the clipboard library included …
15:25 Ticket #55570 (How to remove WordPress blog) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @bc8888, Welcome to Trac! I'm sorry that you're having issues with …
15:04 Ticket #55570 (How to remove WordPress blog) created by bc8888
Need help ASAP! I am using Elementor for my website. How do I get rid …
14:31 Ticket #54742 (Fix GHA on first runs for new branches) closed by desrosj
fixed: This looks confirmed as fixed, so closing out. Since the workflow …
12:31 Ticket #55569 (Fix Blog Post Text Color) created by ugyensupport
Issue: Unable to change the blog Post title text color. …
09:45 Ticket #55568 (design menu - entries missing) created by herrdeh
This to me looks like a bug: My cleanly installed WP (no plugins …
07:47 Changeset [53172] by gziolo
Tests: Add unit tests for rendering in Comment Template block …
07:41 Ticket #55567 (Editor: Backport bug fixes for WordPress 6.0 from Gutenberg) created by gziolo
This is the follow-up for #55505 where we backported all necessary …
07:04 Changeset [53171] by gziolo
REST API: Fix incorrect casing of patterns endpoint schema properties …
03:02 Ticket #53212 (add post_type-specific version of the register_post_type_args filter) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53170: […]
03:02 Changeset [53170] by peterwilsoncc
Docs: Improve doc blocks for hooks added in [53126]. Fix a variable …
02:55 Ticket #55460 (Improve cache key generation in WP_Comment_Query) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53169: […]
02:55 Changeset [53169] by peterwilsoncc
Cache API: Improve cache key generation in WP_Comment_Query. …


20:27 Ticket #55566 (Start value in List block doesn't work) created by kacper3355
Hi. I just noticed that "Start value" option in List block doesn't …
19:35 Ticket #48030 (HTML5 input types are not being reset when submitting the addtag form) closed by davidbaumwald
fixed: In 53168: […]
19:35 Changeset [53168] by davidbaumwald
Taxonomy: Only reset non-button form field values after adding a tag. …
19:03 Changeset [53167] by SergeyBiryukov
Post WordPress 6.0 Beta 1 version bump.
18:13 Changeset [53166] by SergeyBiryukov
WordPress 6.0 Beta 1.
17:35 Ticket #55547 (Minor external library updates for 6.0) closed by desrosj
fixed: [53165] did not make its way over here, but fixes the remaining items.
17:33 Changeset [53165] by desrosj
External Libraries: Update polyfill libraries. This updates two …
17:15 Changeset [53164] by desrosj
External Libraries: Update some external libraries. This updates …
17:11 Ticket #55565 (clipboard script does not register with a version) created by desrosj
Introduced in [45044]. Currently, the clipboard script handle that …
16:50 Changeset [53163] by desrosj
External Libraries: Update moment to version 2.29.2. See #55547.
16:48 Ticket #30154 (Improve Media Modal UI at small-screen sizes: Redux) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53162: […]
16:48 Changeset [53162] by joedolson
Media: Fix editing controls covering image edit region. Move the …
16:48 Ticket #55564 (Twenty Twenty-One: edit translator comment in Continue Reading text) created by sabernhardt
In twenty_twenty_one_continue_reading_text(), the translator comment …
16:14 Ticket #28277 (Add ability to apply image edits to custom image sizes) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53161: […]
16:14 Changeset [53161] by joedolson
Media: Enable edits to custom image sizes. Add a filter …
15:59 Changeset [53160] by gziolo
Editor: Use block settings to pass assets for the iframed editor …
15:59 Ticket #55078 (Remove hardcoded check for edit-tags.php from lib/ajax-response.js) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53159: […]
15:59 Changeset [53159] by joedolson
Administration: Add unit test for term supplementary notice. Adds a …
15:38 Ticket #54561 (Avoid translating several times widget media default strings) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53158: […]
15:38 Changeset [53158] by audrasjb
Widgets: Avoid 27 duplicate translations in Media Widgets constructor. …
15:10 Ticket #55505 (Update @wordpress packages and backport changes from Gutenberg plugin ...) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 53157: […]
15:10 Changeset [53157] by gziolo
Editor: Update WordPress packages based based on Gutenberg v13.0 RC3 …
13:41 Ticket #46057 (Remove self-references ("we") in text in core) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53156: […]
13:41 Changeset [53156] by audrasjb
Administration: Clarify some sentences after [53131]. Props …
12:58 Changeset [53155] by gziolo
Editor: Remove block patterns from server-generated settings …
12:46 Changeset [53154] by gziolo
REST API: Use snake case convention for field names in Block Patterns …
12:03 Ticket #53212 (add post_type-specific version of the register_post_type_args filter) reopened by dlh
Apologies for reopening this ticket, but as @pbiron noticed, I …
10:19 Ticket #55563 (The function get_allowed_mime_types should check wp_get_current_user) created by giuse
The function get_allowed_mime_types checks if the function …
09:38 Changeset [53153] by gziolo
Tests: Improve test cleanup for block supports Let's unregister the …
09:24 Changeset [53152] by gziolo
REST API: Bring new endpoints for Block Patterns from Gutenberg plugin …
08:49 Ticket #55562 (NOt open) closed by costdev
invalid: Hi @debu45221 , welcome to Trac! Sorry to hear that you're having …
08:46 Ticket #55562 (NOt open) created by debu45221
There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about …
08:32 Ticket #55561 (Twenty Seventeen: Blurry header image on mobile) created by robertghetau
Steps to reproduce - Add a custom header image via the Customizer on …
06:05 Ticket #45438 (All Settings page (options.php), message when saved) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53151: […]
06:05 Changeset [53151] by peterwilsoncc
Options: Show error when updating all options exceeds …
05:54 Ticket #55395 (Update Twemoji for 6.0) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53150: […]
05:54 Changeset [53150] by peterwilsoncc
Emoji: Update the Twemoji to version 14.0.2. This version introduces …
05:16 Ticket #55510 (The `wp_content_img_tag` filter can appear to run twice when used to ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53149: […]
05:16 Changeset [53149] by peterwilsoncc
Media: Run the wp_content_img_tag filter once per image. Prevent …
01:45 Changeset [53148] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Remove wp-config.php file name from translatable strings. …
00:59 Ticket #46057 (Remove self-references ("we") in text in core) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Thanks everyone! I think some of the new sentences can be improved a …
00:27 Ticket #55560 (Remove unused 'data' property from the Ajax response when adding a new term) created by SergeyBiryukov
Background: #42937, #54955, #55078. As part of the changes in [52170]


23:36 Ticket #51859 (Add filter to get_the_author_link) closed by davidbaumwald
fixed: In 53147: […]
23:36 Changeset [53147] by davidbaumwald
Formatting: Make get_the_author_link pluggable. Adds a new filter …
23:29 Ticket #55078 (Remove hardcoded check for edit-tags.php from lib/ajax-response.js) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Thanks everyone! I don't see a reason for 'data' => $message to …
21:46 Changeset [53146] by audrasjb
Docs: Misc. docblock fixes in wp-admin/includes/mic.php, as per …
21:32 Ticket #45915 (Update "New Admin Email Address" Email Wording) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53145: […]
21:32 Changeset [53145] by audrasjb
Users: Improve wording of the "New Admin Email Address" email. This …
19:58 Ticket #55399 (esc_xml() removes valid XML input ( input that is empty() )) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53144: […]
19:58 Changeset [53144] by audrasjb
Formatting: Avoid escaping valid XML values in esc_xml(). This …
19:08 Changeset [53143] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Update generated CSS files after [53141]. This …
18:57 Ticket #55559 (Update the `caniuse` data for 6.0) created by desrosj
[53141] updated the caniuse database to the latest version. This …
16:33 Changeset [53142] by gziolo
Editor: Update build_comment_query_vars_from_block from Gutenberg …
16:23 Changeset [53141] by gziolo
Build: Bring caniuse-lite to the latest version This ensures that …
16:08 Changeset [53140] by gziolo
Build: Enable React Fast Refresh for block development Brings the …
15:46 Ticket #55551 (WP FANZONE) closed by johnbillion
invalid: @garytexas This really isn't the right place, sorry. Please direct …
15:35 Changeset [53139] by gziolo
REST API: Fix the wrong name in the comments controller It should be …
15:20 Changeset [53138] by gziolo
Editor: Add changes for new Comments Query Loop blocks Backports …
14:23 Ticket #55551 (WP FANZONE) reopened by garytexas
Would you know of a website developer with WordPress that could …
14:19 Changeset [53137] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in …
12:06 Changeset [53136] by audrasjb
Administration: Replace "can not" with "cannot" after [53131]. …
12:02 Ticket #51750 (Update webpack to version 5.x) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 53135: […]
12:02 Changeset [53135] by gziolo
Build: Update webpack to v5.x Update webpack version to latest …
11:53 Changeset [53134] by audrasjb
Administration: Revert unwanted spaces found in theme.json after …
11:51 Changeset [53133] by audrasjb
Administration: Revert accidental changes made to theme.json in …
11:48 Changeset [53132] by audrasjb
Administration: Replace "can not" with "cannot" after [53131]. …
11:40 Ticket #46057 (Remove self-references ("we") in text in core) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53131: […]
11:40 Changeset [53131] by audrasjb
Administration: Remove self-reference ("we") in WordPress Admin. This …
10:59 Changeset [53130] by gziolo
Editor: Add missing defaultDutone changes Follow-up for [53129]. …
10:36 Changeset [53129] by gziolo
Editor: Add functionality required for theme export in the site editor …
10:12 Changeset [53128] by gziolo
Tests: Improve code comments for block supports tests Follow-up for …
09:37 Ticket #55558 (Hide/show password on new user, missaligned) created by kebbet
On small screens the button for showing the password as an incorrect …
09:03 Ticket #55557 (Reduce CSS-float in admin) created by kebbet
Improve the CSS-code with less floating, as float never was intended …
08:36 Ticket #55556 (WP cron daily issue) created by liedekef
In wordpress, a day is defined as having 24 hours: …
08:24 Ticket #55555 (List tables: edit Comments column header) created by sabernhardt
#24766 suggests removing the title attribute from this icon. And …
07:08 Ticket #55554 (Block heading disappears when it's white color) created by mehedi890
Block heading disappears when it's white color and gives a bad …
06:16 Ticket #51861 (Introduce "theme deleted" action) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #16401. Thanks for the ticket and the patch! The …
06:16 Ticket #37587 (Inconsistency on deleting plugin/theme on WP 4.6) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #16401. Thanks for the ticket and the patch! The …
05:14 Ticket #53141 (Improve permalinks settings error messages) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53127: […]
05:14 Changeset [53127] by peterwilsoncc
Permalinks: Improve settings page error messages. Props sabernhardt. …
05:09 Ticket #53212 (add post_type-specific version of the register_post_type_args filter) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53126: […]
05:09 Changeset [53126] by peterwilsoncc
Posts, Post Types/Taxonomies: Add object type specific registration …
05:01 Ticket #54703 (Remove comment feed link if get_post_comments_feed_link() returns empty) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53125: […]
05:01 Changeset [53125] by peterwilsoncc
Feeds: Remove comment feed HTML headers when empty. Remove the …
04:49 Ticket #55316 (Counter for total plugins is not updated after a plugin is deleted) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53124: […]
04:49 Changeset [53124] by peterwilsoncc
Plugins: Update item count when plugin deleted. Update the item …
04:35 Ticket #55078 (Remove hardcoded check for edit-tags.php from lib/ajax-response.js) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53123: […]
04:35 Changeset [53123] by peterwilsoncc
Administration: Remove term page check from ajax-response.js. …
04:27 Tickets #52086,​53974 batch updated by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53122: […]
04:27 Changeset [53122] by peterwilsoncc
Upgrade/Install/Users: Prevent JS bug filling new passwords. A …
02:06 Ticket #54370 (Add an option to configure the site icon in general settings) closed by peterwilsoncc
reported-upstream: The [ Gutenberg pull …


22:27 Ticket #53589 (Twenty Twenty One: Translation file loaded twice) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53121: […]
22:27 Changeset [53121] by audrasjb
Twenty Twenty One: Prevent loading translation file twice. This …
21:22 Ticket #55553 (update_blog_option should accept autoload parameter) created by giuse
The function update_blog_option doesn't accept any autoload parameter, …
20:34 Ticket #53115 (Twenty Twenty: number inputs have too much padding) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53120: […]
20:34 Changeset [53120] by audrasjb
Twenty Twenty: Improve padding for number input type. This changes …
20:06 Ticket #54219 (Updated 'screen-per-page' padding for better navigation appearance on ...) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53119: […]
20:06 Changeset [53119] by audrasjb
Administration: Improved padding for pagination setting fields. This …
19:47 Ticket #55552 (Status of skip-link bug unclear) created by Clarus Dignus
== Core Relevance Skip-links are part of WordPress core. See …
19:45 Ticket #54437 (Warning not in bold?) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53118: […]
19:45 Changeset [53118] by audrasjb
General: add missing strong tag to some error messages. Props …
16:14 Ticket #55551 (WP FANZONE) closed by Presskopp
invalid: Hi @garytexas , welcome to Trac! Sorry to hear that you're having …
16:00 Ticket #55551 (WP FANZONE) created by garytexas
My website "" is TOTALLY down. It has been down for …
14:27 Changeset [53117] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in …
09:32 Ticket #55550 (I CANNOT ACCESS MY SITE - PROBABLY SSL OR HOST PROBLEM) closed by costdev
invalid: Hi @burakbener, welcome to Trac! Sorry to hear that you're having …
09:27 Ticket #55550 (I CANNOT ACCESS MY SITE - PROBABLY SSL OR HOST PROBLEM) created by burakbener
Hello, I can't access my own site, because of db, I think. When I try …


22:42 Ticket #55549 (I can't open any article with Gutenberg with this editor) created by srdjanrad
After the latest update 5.9.3. WordPress will not open an article with …
20:36 Changeset [53116] by SergeyBiryukov
Code Modernization: Rename parameters that use reserved keywords in …


21:08 Ticket #55508 (Floating links in Save postbox) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53115: […]
21:08 Changeset [53115] by joedolson
Media: Align username and post title in Save postbox. Remove the …
21:02 Ticket #55548 (Unchecked "Uncategorized" checkbox re-checks itself upon publish or ...) created by rcwatson
A WordPress-based news website's editorial team has problems with the …
20:36 Ticket #54811 (Complete media url is not showing.) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53114: […]
20:36 Changeset [53114] by joedolson
Posts, Post Types: Make permalink fully visible on mobile. Set …
20:15 Ticket #55547 (Minor external library updates for 6.0) created by desrosj
There are several external libraries that have updates that should be …
20:05 Changeset [53113] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Update some NPM dependencies to the latest versions. …
19:17 Ticket #55546 (It is unclear what the two URL settings mean.) created by billpg
There are two settings that accept a URL on the General Settings
18:37 Changeset [53112] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Update all 3rd party actions to their latest …
17:38 Tickets #43886,​52714 batch updated by joedolson
fixed: In 53111: […]
17:38 Changeset [53111] by joedolson
Users: Use autocomplete values on user profiles. Assign appropriate …
17:27 Ticket #54015 (Unable to pass _embed param to enveloped REST API requests) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 53110: […]
17:27 Changeset [53110] by spacedmonkey
REST API: Use rest_parse_embed_param function in WP_REST_Server
17:03 Ticket #35483 (Accessibility improvements for the Bulk Edit form) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53109: […]
17:03 Changeset [53109] by joedolson
Quick/Bulk Edit: Fix padding in term quick edit. Fix missing padding …
13:57 Changeset [53108] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Improve the accuracy of “fixed” Slack notifications. …
13:41 Ticket #35483 (Accessibility improvements for the Bulk Edit form) reopened by afercia
Noticed that this change affects the Categories / Tags quick edit …
06:34 Ticket #55226 (Update class-wp-site-query.php - Change function parse_orderby()) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53107: […]
06:34 Changeset [53107] by peterwilsoncc
Networks and Sites: Increase sort options in WP_Site_Query. Add …
06:29 Ticket #55528 (Register a oEmbed handler for YouTube Shorts) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53106: […]
06:29 Changeset [53106] by peterwilsoncc
Embeds: Add YouTube shorts to the allow list. YouTube shorts URLs …
06:24 Ticket #38741 (Introduce the concept of a large site in order to speed up the Users ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53105: […]
06:24 Changeset [53105] by peterwilsoncc
Users: Prevent author changes in bulk editor on large sites. On large …
06:15 Changeset [53104] by peterwilsoncc
Administration: Allow floats for menu positions. Permit plugin …
05:58 Ticket #55544 (Script loader: Add `wp-a11y` as depenency of `wp-ajax-response`.) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53103: […]
05:58 Changeset [53103] by peterwilsoncc
Script loader: Add wp-a11y as dependency of wp-ajax-response. …
04:46 Ticket #55545 (Twenty Fourteen: featured posts slider not working with an odd number ...) created by robertghetau
Hi there, I was able to replicate a bug on mobile where the featured …
00:34 Ticket #55544 (Script loader: Add `wp-a11y` as depenency of `wp-ajax-response`.) created by peterwilsoncc
In [52170] for #42937 some wp.a11y.speak() calls were added to …
00:01 Changeset [53102] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Add missing translator comment for application password helper …


23:14 Ticket #53234 (Application password access text is misleading for Super Admins) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53101: […]
23:14 Changeset [53101] by audrasjb
Application Passwords: Use a more appropriate helper text message for …
23:00 Ticket #55543 (`add_menu_page` incorrectly requires SVG icon data URIs be base64 encoded) created by peterwilsoncc
To determine if a developer is using an SVG in a menu, add_menu_page
22:12 Ticket #54447 (Site Icons on My Sites in multisite network causing performance issue) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 53100: […]
22:12 Changeset [53100] by audrasjb
Toolbar: Add a filter to help remove site icons from toolbar for large …
18:07 Ticket #36907 (Improved sticky post query) closed by spacedmonkey
18:00 Ticket #55542 (Customiser using wrong dashicon for external links) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53099: […]
18:00 Changeset [53099] by SergeyBiryukov
Customize: Use correct dashicon for external links in the Additional …
17:58 Ticket #55461 (Improve cache key generation in WP_Network_Query) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 53098: […]
17:57 Changeset [53098] by spacedmonkey
Networks and Sites: Improve cache key generation in WP_Network_Query
17:44 Ticket #55462 (Improve cache key generation in WP_Site_Query) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 53097: […]
17:44 Changeset [53097] by spacedmonkey
Networks and Sites: Improve cache key generation in WP_Site_Query
17:27 Ticket #55542 (Customiser using wrong dashicon for external links) created by pross
To reproduce: Open Customiser, click Additional CSS, outbound links …
16:45 Ticket #55540 (Heading block takes extra padding while adding a background) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Thanks for opening the issue! I'll close this ticket then.
16:42 Ticket #35483 (Accessibility improvements for the Bulk Edit form) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 53096: […]
16:42 Changeset [53096] by joedolson
Quick/Bulk Edit: Fix initial focus and keyboard operability. Fix the …
13:51 Changeset [53095] by gziolo
Editor: Remove loading remote patterns from editor pages Stops …
13:38 Changeset [53094] by gziolo
Editor: Update preload paths for post, site and widgets editors …
13:33 Changeset [53093] by gziolo
Site Editor: Resolve homepage template on server-side Backports …
12:52 Ticket #55539 (add_menu_page no longer renders base64 encoded SVG icon) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 53092: […]
12:52 Changeset [53092] by SergeyBiryukov
Administration: Restore the correct escaping function for …
11:57 Tickets #54647,​55513 batch updated by gziolo
fixed: In 53091: […]
11:57 Changeset [53091] by gziolo
Editor: Allow registration of blocks that include assets from within a …
11:14 Changeset [53090] by gziolo
Editor: Add localAutosaveInterval preference to editor settings …
10:58 Ticket #55541 (Update the styling for invalid form fields) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #47018. In a few places in the admin, a red …
10:58 Ticket #55540 (Heading block takes extra padding while adding a background) created by kmadhak
Then we try to add a background colour in heading block in H1 then the …
10:05 Ticket #47018 (No error message provided upon incomplete input in Tags Administration ...) reopened by afercia
@peterwilsoncc thanks for your review and commit. I'm going to reopen …
08:01 Ticket #55536 (Make sure wp_generate_password() never generates a string containing ...) closed by ReneHermi
invalid: > is this issue occurring on the current release of mod security? I …
04:04 Ticket #55052 (The tag field hangs the browsers when you have a bunch of tags) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53089: […]
04:04 Changeset [53089] by peterwilsoncc
Editor: Limit display of tags on classic editor. On the classic …
03:48 Ticket #47018 (No error message provided upon incomplete input in Tags Administration ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53088: […]
03:48 Changeset [53088] by peterwilsoncc
Taxonomy: Show error message for terms without a name. Display an …


18:38 Ticket #55539 (add_menu_page no longer renders base64 encoded SVG icon) created by KProvance
Regarding the add_menu_page() API. Passing a base64 encoded string …
15:31 Changeset [53087] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Adjust DocBlock formatting for wp_robots_*() and related …
15:18 Changeset [53086] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Adjust some deprecated function DocBlocks per the …
15:14 Ticket #55538 (Image Alt Tags for template images don't work) closed by artisanmarketingco
invalid: Replying to artisanmarketingco: > If I add image alt …
15:06 Ticket #55538 (Image Alt Tags for template images don't work) created by artisanmarketingco
If I add image alt tags in the media library and then use the images …
13:51 Ticket #55537 (Pair wpAjax admin notices with accessible audible messages) created by afercia
Splitting this out from #47018. Amongst other things, the …
13:32 Ticket #55536 (Make sure wp_generate_password() never generates a string containing ...) created by ReneHermi
A string/password that is generated by wp_generate_password() can lead …
11:39 Changeset [53085] by gziolo
Editor: Update layout handling for block supports Backports changes …
09:45 Ticket #55531 (Editor: Make block type aware of ancestor prop) closed by gziolo
fixed: In 53084: […]
09:45 Changeset [53084] by gziolo
Editor: Make block type aware of the ancestor field The ancestor
05:36 Ticket #55105 (Introduce a polyfill for `array_is_list()`.) closed by costdev
maybelater: Yeah, let's close this one as maybelater so it can be picked up, …
04:33 Ticket #42070 (Remove networks_have_paths cache key) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 53083: […]
04:33 Changeset [53083] by peterwilsoncc
Networks and Sites: Remove duplicate cache entry. Remove the …
04:23 Changeset [53082] by peterwilsoncc
Editor: Soft deprecate block supports functions. Reinstate the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.