Make WordPress Core



22:57 Ticket #54652 (Hitting Backspace In the Reusable Block Naming Modal Deletes Modal and ...) created by jeffr0
In WordPress 5.9 beta 3, I discovered the following bug. When …
20:15 Ticket #53765 (Media Library shows only the selected image) closed by antpb
fixed: In 52384: […]
20:15 Changeset [52384] by antpb
Media: Fix selections in Media Library Featured Image modal on open. …
18:03 Ticket #54651 (Twenty Twenty-Two: Site Title heading levels do not change size) created by alanjacobmathew
version: 5.9-beta3 theme: Twenty Twenty-Two, TT1 blocks plugins: none …
17:37 Ticket #54650 (ALL MY REQUESTED USERS WERE ACCEPTED IN MY WOOCOMERCE) closed by hellofromTonya
invalid: Hello @juanito123, Welcome to WordPress Core's Trac! Please note that …
16:34 Ticket #49569 (Found Horizontal Scroll Issue in WordPress Core Version 5.3.2 on desktop) closed by joedolson
worksforme: Since nobody in the accessibility team has been able to reproduce …
16:30 Ticket #54649 (Twenty Twenty-Two with 5.9-beta3, gets heading 5 and heading 6 auto ...) closed by kjellr
wontfix: @joyously is correct. The all-caps text is the intended design for …
16:27 Ticket #54650 (ALL MY REQUESTED USERS WERE ACCEPTED IN MY WOOCOMERCE) created by juanito123
I enter my woo commerce and all pending users were accepted. Maybe it …
16:24 Ticket #54649 (Twenty Twenty-Two with 5.9-beta3, gets heading 5 and heading 6 auto ...) created by alanjacobmathew
Version: 5.9-beta3 Theme: Twenty Twenty Two Plugins: None Issue: …
16:19 Ticket #54648 (Improve filter to enable setting quality for each subsize image) created by Mte90
Talking with we was …
16:02 Ticket #54570 (Improve accessibility for WordPress with NVDA) closed by ryokuhi
invalid: Hello @hnm1969, welcome on WordPress Trac and thank you for opening …
15:44 Ticket #54647 (Blocks: Add support for themes to block API v2 with assets in block.json) created by whoisnegrello
Issue When you register blocks with block.json in your theme, yo …
14:29 Ticket #54646 (Unbekanntes Zeichen in der Überschrift) closed by Presskopp
invalid: Bitte wende dich an Hier ist der …
14:15 Ticket #54646 (Unbekanntes Zeichen in der Überschrift) created by bandit1250
Beim erstellen der Überschrift wird ein unsichtbares Zeichenangehängt …
14:06 Ticket #54645 (Allow numeric theme name) created by alvastar
What steps should be taken to consistently reproduce the problem? * …
12:35 Ticket #54644 (In 5.9-beta3 with Twenty Twenty two theme, code block text colours not ...) created by alanjacobmathew
WP version : 5.9-beta3 Theme: Twenty Twenty-Two Plugins Installed: …
12:20 Ticket #54643 (5.9 string changes from Gutenberg backports (after Beta 3)) created by get_dave
This ticket tracks all string changes from Gutenberg backports. Each …
10:56 Ticket #53658 (Display a user-facing message when the application passwords ...) reopened by david.binda
Testing the 5.9 beta version, I have noticed the new message about …
09:08 Ticket #54641 (My elementor pro crashed afterwhich the site sort of crashed) closed by costdev
invalid: Hi @digitalmarketer15, welcome to Trac! Sorry to hear that you've had …
09:07 Ticket #54642 (Add prepared query builder support for `$wpdb` to build prepared ...) created by vedjain
This requests scopes adding a query builder like API to WordPress, so …
08:57 Ticket #54641 (My elementor pro crashed afterwhich the site sort of crashed) created by digitalmarketer15
Yesterday I was working on elementor pro and suddenly it got crashed …
08:11 Ticket #54638 (Incorrect use of _n() in new strings for 5.9) closed by ocean90
reported-upstream: Closing as reported-upstream after moving the issue to the WordPress …
07:46 Ticket #54640 (Backport: Add support for nameless font sizes) created by ntsekouras
We need to backport the recent changes from this Gutenberg PR: …
07:25 Ticket #54639 (Update Query Loop patterns with less posts per page) created by ntsekouras
I think we need to 'lighten' the Query Loop patterns regarding the …


23:49 Ticket #54638 (Incorrect use of _n() in new strings for 5.9) created by tobifjellner
The new code for WordPress contains three instances where the …
23:27 Ticket #44632 (Properly enqueue wp-embed) reopened by westonruter
It turns out that the approach taken here doesn't work with …
19:21 Ticket #54637 (wp_read_image_metadata() sends `false` instead of `array` for `$iptc` ...) created by volodymyrkolesnykov
According to the documentation …
19:00 Ticket #54625 (Comments markup differs in trunk from the markup provided with the ...) closed by hellofromTonya
reported-upstream: Thanks @kjellr. As this is now reported upstream in Gutenberg and will …
18:58 Ticket #54575 (Provide guidance to users seeking to preview block themes on WordPress ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: I can confirm the "Live Preview" button was removed in #54460 / …
18:33 Ticket #54635 (Previewing single post changes frontend doesn't work on block based themes) closed by hellofromTonya
reported-upstream: Thank you @walbo! I'll close this ticket as reported upstream. Once …
16:06 Ticket #54636 (Incomplete revert of HTTP API) closed by schlessera
16:03 Ticket #54636 (Incomplete revert of HTTP API) created by schlessera
The changeset in …
15:42 Ticket #53839 (Add rel="noopener" to output of wp_list_bookmarks() when target is set ...) reopened by david.binda
Sorry for re-opening the ticket, but I have found out that the PHPUnit …
14:45 Changeset [52383] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Add unit tests for theme features that block themes should …
10:51 Ticket #54635 (Previewing single post changes frontend doesn't work on block based themes) created by walbo
The preview functionality on block based themes doesn't work. Steps …


19:59 Changeset [52382] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Mock the HTTP request response in download_url() tests. This …
18:06 Ticket #53516 (Add unit tests for `WP_REST_Server->add_site_logo_to_index()`.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 52381: […]
18:06 Changeset [52381] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Add an assertion to test the …
16:41 Ticket #54634 (Database access on potentially missing table during WP installation) created by schlessera
When installing a multisite, there is a potential access to a …
13:44 Ticket #54633 (Updating permalinks with .htaccess non writable : the message to copy ...) created by Valer1e
Here is the message, when we register the permalinks in the back …
13:17 Ticket #54632 (Search widget placeholder text not visible when resizing field in editor) created by multidots1896
In Twenty Twenty One theme search widget placeholder text not visible …
11:55 Ticket #54631 (Auto updates should be able to be switched off) created by sunflower99
When admin configures WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE it should have effect at the …
10:23 Ticket #54597 (Featured Image section missing on Posts and Pages) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening to address the follow-up comments.
10:19 Ticket #54629 (Invalid link found in dashboard - beta 3 5.9) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome back to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket, …
10:09 Ticket #54630 (How to add site icon?) closed by kafleg
duplicate: Duplicate of #54370.
09:29 Ticket #54630 (How to add site icon?) created by kafleg
From WordPress 5.9, we won't have a customizer and we'll not have the …
09:09 Ticket #54629 (Invalid link found in dashboard - beta 3 5.9) created by bijayyadav
* WordPress 5.9 beta 3 installed. * Windows PC The dashboard inside …
04:06 Changeset [52380] by isabel_brison
Fix deprecated usage of passing null to explode() As of PHP 8.1, …
00:25 Ticket #54628 (Third-Party API Integrations) created by bhubbard
I have had to write many integrations with Third-Party APIs for …


23:54 Ticket #54627 (Adding More Timestamp columns to database) created by bhubbard
I would love to see 'created_at' and 'updated_at' as new columns to …
23:42 Ticket #54626 (Custom Objects) created by bhubbard
Custom Post Types are great, but it has been used for many things …
21:23 Changeset [52379] by SergeyBiryukov
Post WordPress 5.9 Beta 3 version bump.
20:24 Changeset [52378] by SergeyBiryukov
WordPress 5.9 Beta 3.
19:43 Ticket #54596 (Block theme with period in name causes blank editor) reopened by hellofromTonya
Replying to TimothyBlynJacobs: > The single …
19:37 Ticket #54623 (Block Patterns: "Featured" category & patterns missing from inserter) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 52377: […]
19:37 Changeset [52377] by hellofromTonya
Editor: Add "Featured" patterns from pattern directory to Patterns in …
18:22 Ticket #54596 (Block theme with period in name causes blank editor) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 52376: […]
18:22 Changeset [52376] by hellofromTonya
REST API: Add block theme support for valid non-alphanumeric …
17:09 Changeset [52375] by jffng
Twenty Twenty-Two: Sync updates from GitHub for Beta 3. This commit …
17:03 Ticket #54625 (Comments markup differs in trunk from the markup provided with the ...) created by kjellr
When testing the 5.9 Beta, the comments markup outputted by the "Post …
16:43 Ticket #54624 ("Automated update failed" notice breaks Site Health styling) created by johnjamesjacoby
When an automated update fails, a notice is shown in WordPress Admin. …
16:29 Ticket #54595 (The get_theme_item method should respect fields param) closed by spacedmonkey
fixed: In 52374: […]
16:29 Changeset [52374] by spacedmonkey
REST API: Ensure that the get_theme_item method should respect fields …
16:22 Changeset [52373] by johnbillion
Database: Correct and improve documentation for properties and …
16:21 Ticket #54623 (Block Patterns: "Featured" category & patterns missing from inserter) created by ryelle
In Gutenberg 11.8, the block patterns were updated to also show a …
16:12 Ticket #54517 (The naming of some of the WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver's methods is not optimal) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 52372: […]
16:12 Changeset [52372] by hellofromTonya
Themes: Rename public static functions in WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver to …
15:33 Ticket #54622 (Add pre_get_alloptions filter) created by spacedmonkey
Add a new filter to the wp_load_alloptions function, to allow for …
15:31 Ticket #54549 (It's possible to switch to a block theme from within Customizer) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 52371: […]
15:31 Changeset [52371] by hellofromTonya
Customize: Overlay incompatible banner for block themes. Starting in …
14:59 Ticket #54160 (sanitize_key() / _wp_customize_include() is not able to handle ...) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 52370: […]
14:59 Changeset [52370] by hellofromTonya
Formatting: Use is_scalar() in sanitize_key(). This is a …
14:42 Ticket #54621 (Unsaved comment warning without any changes made when click on ...) created by askaryabbas
Hi Team, I got unsaved comment changes warning without any changes …
14:38 Ticket #54618 (Pattern Previews are not displaying correctly in Pattern Explorer in ...) closed by hellofromTonya
reported-upstream: Appears this issue was fixed in Gutenberg …
14:28 Ticket #54619 (Attempt to read property "post_type" on null) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome back to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, …
10:44 Ticket #54620 (Customizer settings enabled and not working with Twenty Twenty Two theme) created by kafleg
* WordPress version: 5.9 Beta 2 * Theme: Twenty Twenty-Two Twenty …
09:47 Ticket #54597 (Featured Image section missing on Posts and Pages) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 52369: […]
09:47 Changeset [52369] by audrasjb
Editor: Activate missing default theme features for block themes. By …
09:07 Ticket #54611 (Missing context on Full Site Editing new post types translatable strings) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 52368: […]
09:07 Changeset [52368] by audrasjb
Posts, Post Types: Add missing translation context on FSE related post …
09:06 Ticket #54619 (Attempt to read property "post_type" on null) created by Grzegorz.Janoszka
In PHP 8 we get: PHP message: PHP Warning: Attempt to read property …
08:42 Ticket #54610 (Update wording in regards to MySQL database) closed by audrasjb
fixed: In 52367: […]
08:42 Changeset [52367] by audrasjb
Docs: Use generic references to "Database" in wp-config-sample.php. …
08:28 Changeset [52366] by audrasjb
Docs: Typo correction in TinyMCE related JS file. Follow-up to …
02:44 Changeset [52365] by noisysocks
Filter custom block templates with PHP This method calls …
01:55 Changeset [52364] by noisysocks
Update @wordpress packages Update packages to include these bug fixes …
00:23 Ticket #54593 (JS error in the new theme editor when using Navigation Block) closed by hellofromTonya
reported-upstream: Hello @Boniu91, Welcome back to WordPress Core's Trac! Thank you for …


19:41 Ticket #54573 (Reserved color slugs in theme.json?) closed by ndiego
reported-upstream: This issue has been resolved in Gutenberg, so I am closing this …
19:37 Ticket #54618 (Pattern Previews are not displaying correctly in Pattern Explorer in ...) created by ndiego
Was testing the latest version of Twenty Twenty-Two with 5.9 Beta 2. …
16:22 Ticket #54616 (Admin Side Menu Overlapped Issue) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Thanks for reporting the issue! We're already tracking it in #32747, …
16:22 Ticket #54608 (Tablet menu on the sidebar) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Hi and welcome to Trac! Thanks for reporting the issue. We're already …
15:19 Changeset [52363] by spacedmonkey
REST API: Ensure that the parent link, uses the …
13:52 Ticket #54617 (Add more details when site health checks fail) created by dingo_d
I encountered a notice that said: […] Now, I can see that it's …
12:48 Ticket #54613 (Provide information about the "Navigation Menus" admin screen) closed by hellofromTonya
reported-upstream: The Navigation Menus item will be removed in 5.9 Beta 3. I just …
12:00 Ticket #54616 (Admin Side Menu Overlapped Issue) created by aezazshekh
Right now my WordPress version is 5.8.2 If the screen size is less …
10:19 Changeset [52362] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Capitalize "ID", when referring to a widget ID or sidebar ID, in …
10:12 Ticket #54615 ([PHP8.1] Deprecated notices) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, thanks for the ticket! Looking at the log, all of these …
09:17 Ticket #54615 ([PHP8.1] Deprecated notices) created by sebastienserre
Hello, I'm trying PHP 8.1 and got some deprecated notices in my …


18:59 Changeset [52361] by audrasjb
Docs: Capitalize "ID", when referring to a sidebar ID in a more …
17:55 Changeset [52360] by audrasjb
Docs: Document the global used in upgrade_590() function. Follow-up …
16:33 Ticket #54614 (no_texturize_shortcodes filter broken in WP 5.9 beta 1 and 2) created by pgn4web
Hello, my wordpress plugin embed-chessboard uses the code below to …
15:46 Ticket #54612 (Disable WP_CRON when installing PHPUnit tests) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 52359: […]
15:46 Changeset [52359] by SergeyBiryukov
Build/Test Tools: Disable WP Cron when installing PHPUnit tests. …
14:56 Changeset [52358] by SergeyBiryukov
General: Mark the recommended MariaDB version number in readme.html
14:51 Changeset [52357] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Capitalize "ID", when referring to a post ID, term ID, etc. in a …
14:50 Changeset [52356] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update a comment in wp-admin/load-styles.php per the …
14:36 Ticket #53575 (Filename creation with special characters fails) reopened by mac79
Hi again, ok, I understand why there should be a sanatize …
08:35 Ticket #54613 (Provide information about the "Navigation Menus" admin screen) created by audrasjb
On a fresh install of WP 5.9 Beta 2, the "Navigation Menus" screen is …


22:10 Ticket #54328 (Post by email) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to Trac! Sorry to hear that you are having trouble …
22:08 Ticket #54612 (Disable WP_CRON when installing PHPUnit tests) created by Chouby
While running PHPunit tests for one of my plugins with PHP 8.1, I …
19:49 Changeset [52355] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update some @var tags per the documentation standards. …
16:40 Ticket #54601 (wp_insert_post function removes backslashes) closed by ocean90
invalid: Hello @sweetheatmn, by default wp_insert_post() doesn't add slashes …
13:22 Ticket #54611 (Missing context on Full Site Editing new post types translatable strings) created by audrasjb
The following bundled post types were added to handle Full Site …
11:14 Changeset [52354] by audrasjb
Docs: Docblock adjustments in some 5.9 block related functions. Adds …
10:46 Ticket #54610 (Update wording in regards to MySQL database) created by Ov3rfly
Since a while WordPress is also able to work with MariaDB. People now …
08:38 Ticket #54601 (wp_insert_post function removes backslashes) reopened by sweetheatmn
I don't think your decision is correct at least what you state will …


20:31 Ticket #54578 (Live Preview Button showing issue) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: In 52353: […]
20:31 Changeset [52353] by hellofromTonya
Themes: Show only "Customize" or "Activate" button in block theme's …
20:28 Changeset [52352] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct the format of some comments per the documentation …
16:07 Ticket #54609 (wp_unique_filename issue/bug) created by ultravibe
Upgraded recently from much older version (5.4) to 5.8.1 - image …
11:06 Ticket #54608 (Tablet menu on the sidebar) created by fellyph
I was navigating at the dashboard at tablet version and I saw the …
08:45 Ticket #54607 (Attempt to read property "comment_ID" on null) created by Grzegorz.Janoszka
PHP 8 reports warning when we try to access properties of null object. …
05:02 Ticket #54606 (The selectControl component has margin bottom 0 in label of selectControl.) created by smit08
I am using latest wp version 5.8.2 I created 1 custom gutenberg block …
00:04 Changeset [52351] by peterwilsoncc
Upgrade/install: Revert upgrader rollback features. Revert the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.