Make WordPress Core



22:24 Ticket #54139 (wordpress classic editor changes code and breaks code) created by devrekli
Hello. I saw that some pictures on website are wrong. Example wrong …
21:30 Ticket #54127 (Twenty Twenty-One: Missing esc_html__() in functions.php) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51820: […]
21:30 Changeset [51820] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Twenty-One: Add missing escaping for the "Secondary menu" …
21:12 Ticket #54134 (Translations of several buttons lost after upgrade to WP 5.8.1) closed by tobifjellner
worksforme: > If you like, I can share with you credentials Please never ask for …
20:19 Ticket #54138 (wp_strip_all_tags should remove scripts/styles content recursively) created by wppunk
If we try to run the next code …
19:18 Ticket #54136 (Slideshow gallery shown as a tiled gallery when using shortcode with ...) created by muffinpeace
The issue is happening with the Gallery Block, …
19:16 Ticket #54135 (`nav_menu_meta_box_object` filter doesn't work on taxonomies) created by papazetis
I am trying to remove the pagination on main category taxonomy but it …
18:03 Changeset [51819] by jorgefilipecosta
Block editor: Cache global stylesheet by theme key. Global styles are …
16:02 Ticket #53745 (Have to click twice to type in fields) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: Thanks for reporting it to WooCommerce! It seems the problem is with …
14:30 Ticket #54089 (block editor styles enqueued during ajax requests) closed by desrosj
duplicate: Duplicate of #53741.
14:28 Ticket #53858 (PHP 8.1: syntax error due to new 'readonly' property) closed by desrosj
fixed: We can close it out. The needs-dev-note keyword will flag flag the …
14:18 Ticket #54134 (Translations of several buttons lost after upgrade to WP 5.8.1) created by haipo
Hi Team After the upgrade to 5.8.1 several buttons lost their …
11:49 Ticket #54133 (Insert/edit link bug) created by praveen93h
When I putting the internal link in between posts, when there is an …
10:56 Ticket #54132 (get_calendar functions depends on gmdate instead of date) created by voregnev
include/general-template.php When we use get_calendar() - its generate …
09:56 Ticket #54131 (Mi sitio de WPss colapso el hosting o dominio) closed by sabernhardt
invalid: Hi and welcome to Trac! For help with your site, please visit the …
05:44 Ticket #54131 (Mi sitio de WPss colapso el hosting o dominio) created by tutiendavirtualecuador
El sitio aparece con un error que impide …
03:08 Ticket #54130 (force_balance_tags breaks new gallery block) created by glendaviesnz
The refactored gallery block uses a nested …


22:18 Changeset [51818] by hellofromTonya
Options, Meta APIs: Fix "passing null to non-nullable" deprecations to …
21:50 Ticket #54129 (Undefined index 'posts_per_page' in ajax-actions.php) created by davidwebca
This is a follow-up to #53773. The fix was unsifficient to prevent …
21:21 Changeset [51817] by hellofromTonya
Build/Test Tools: Reworks …
19:19 Ticket #53749 (Double copying) closed by skorasaurus
reported-upstream: Hi, Thanks for reporting. This appears to be an issue that is …
19:05 Changeset [51816] by hellofromTonya
Media: Fix $content parameter default value in …
18:56 Ticket #53249 (author list limited in post.php) closed by skorasaurus
worksforme: Hi, Thanks for reporting. This was reported to have been fixed in …
18:39 Changeset [51815] by SergeyBiryukov
Upgrade/Install: Create a temporary backup of plugins and themes …
16:44 Ticket #54128 (Consider caching the outputs for label arrays in get_post_type_labels ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the ticket, we're …
16:31 Ticket #54128 (Consider caching the outputs for label arrays in get_post_type_labels ...) created by kavelach
Currently, each time something calls get_post_type_labels or …
13:35 Ticket #54127 (Twenty Twenty-One: Missing esc_html__() in functions.php) created by teucrium
The escaping function esc_html__() is missing in Twenty Twenty One …
11:47 Ticket #54110 (Translation note requested for a block to avoid mistranslations.) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51814: […]
11:47 Changeset [51814] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Add a translator comment to clarify the "Block HTML" string in …
09:19 Ticket #54126 (Twenty Twenty: Left and right image alignment issue in front side) created by aezazshekh
In the twentytwenty theme, when we give alignment left and right to …
07:10 Ticket #54121 (Cannot change to Classic paragraph when in paragraph mode) closed by audrasjb
invalid: As said by @knutsp this block is not provided by WordPress Core :) …
07:02 Ticket #54125 (Rest API tax_relation=OR doesn't seem to work correctly) created by roverlap
Let's say we have posts of a custom post type. Post 1 has custom-tax1 …
06:55 Ticket #54124 (Suddenly Some plugin, Customize, Elementor are not working) closed by knutsp
invalid: Hello @titosfashionhouse, welcome to Trac and thank you for the …
01:20 Ticket #54124 (Suddenly Some plugin, Customize, Elementor are not working) created by titosfashionhouse
Hello, Please note, I’m trying to customize my theme. When I click on …


23:10 Ticket #54062 (Blocks) closed by sabernhardt
reported-upstream: I moved the report to GitHub: …
20:46 Ticket #54082 (Unable to Delete Themes / Update Plugins - Additional commonL10n Issues) closed by codesmith32
invalid: Confirmed: After the SSL issues were resolved, and things loaded …
20:24 Ticket #54123 (Problem with the pptx file if I activate the "open in new tab" option.) closed by audrasjb
worksforme: Hello, welcome to WordPress Core Trac and thank you for opening this …
18:52 Changeset [51813] by hellofromTonya
Build/Test Tools: Expect an absolute path in …
18:47 Changeset [51812] by hellofromTonya
Build/Test Tools: Improve messaging when PHPUnit Polyfills do not …
18:40 Changeset [51811] by hellofromTonya
Build/Test Tools: Improve messaging when PHPUnit Polyfills cannot be …
18:32 Changeset [51810] by hellofromTonya
17:30 Ticket #53413 (Update the docs for $wp_version) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51809: […]
17:30 Changeset [51809] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update description for the $wp_version global. In addition to …
14:58 Ticket #54123 (Problem with the pptx file if I activate the "open in new tab" option.) created by michalrama
Hello, I uploaded a pptx file to the web. Then I inserted a link to …
14:22 Ticket #54122 (Action hook transition_post_status not properly working in Block Editor) created by vinoth06
Hi, Scenario: We have to get the post category/terms on post …
13:55 Ticket #54121 (Cannot change to Classic paragraph when in paragraph mode) created by richardurban
When you hover over the change selections, you can select other types, …
12:49 Ticket #54118 (gutemberg + Material Design GoogleVersion: 0.3.1) closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @claude61340, Welcome to Trac! This Trac instance is for tickets …
10:44 Ticket #54120 (Twenty Fifteen: Fixed table layout) created by Roenbaeck
The CSS for Twenty Fifteen contains a line forcing fixed layout for …
10:17 Ticket #43628 (Twenty Seventeen: Post title's margin-bottom on front page is too large) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51808: […]
10:17 Changeset [51808] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Seventeen: Make blog header margin more specific on front page. …
06:58 Ticket #54119 (Customize: Always Show Homepage Settings) created by donalirl
== Summary The options at Appearance → Customize → Homepage Settings …
06:25 Ticket #54118 (gutemberg + Material Design GoogleVersion: 0.3.1) created by claude61340
I installed the theme: by Material Design GoogleVersion: 0.3.1 as …


20:40 Ticket #40398 (Twenty Eleven: Searchform collides with menu on small screens) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51807: […]
20:40 Changeset [51807] by SergeyBiryukov
Twenty Eleven: Set a fixed height for search form when header image is …
18:53 Changeset [51806] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix "passing null to non-nullable" deprecation …
11:22 Ticket #54117 (Changing memory limit descriptions) created by fyremoon
Hi, A couple of things that stand out, WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT is for the …
08:52 Ticket #54116 (Check ImageMagick version 6/7) created by JavierCasares
From #52654 Context WordPress uses ImageMagick to create, edit, …


19:23 Ticket #54115 (Mise ajour wordpress 5.8.1) closed by audrasjb
invalid: Hello and welcome to WordPress Core Trac, Please note that this …
18:54 Ticket #54115 (Mise ajour wordpress 5.8.1) created by suptvshop
Bonjour après mise a jour wordpress écran noir quand je clicke sur un lien
17:55 Ticket #54114 (paginate_links() ajax) created by Tkama
paginate_links() may not work incorrectly for AJAX requests and …
17:34 Ticket #54113 (Override core/gallery block) created by lohic
Hello, I did override the core block for the gallery using in my …
17:28 Ticket #54112 (Remove the phpunit container from the local environment) created by johnbillion
Slack discussion: …
10:08 Changeset [51805] by SergeyBiryukov
Site Health: Move the Imagick entry higher in the list of recommended …
07:49 Ticket #54023 (Enhancing Code Editor in WordPress Editor (Gutenberg)) closed by akash.sahay1
reported-upstream: Hi Theotheo, Yes actually it is a good idea, we will be adding that …


18:19 Ticket #52654 (Check and recommend intl extension in Site Health) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51804: […]
18:19 Changeset [51804] by SergeyBiryukov
Site Health: Add Intl to the list of recommended PHP extensions. …
16:01 Ticket #54111 (Delete attachment with sizes not working on Windows file system) created by kybernetikservices
I wrote a custom plugin for importing data, including media files, …
11:45 Ticket #54108 (Dismiss Full Screen Editor Forever) closed by Clorith
reported-upstream: This is an understandable point of frustration, and generally comes …
10:59 Ticket #54110 (Translation note requested for a block to avoid mistranslations.) created by NekoJonez
07:55 Ticket #54109 (Classic Editor - Image edit popup toolbar no longer appears when image ...) created by ahortin
After inserting an image into the Classic Editor, you can click on it …
06:17 Ticket #54108 (Dismiss Full Screen Editor Forever) created by mitchellk
Gutenberg is great but I absolutely detest the Full Screen Editor …
00:52 Changeset [51803] by desrosj
Tag 5.3.9
00:26 Changeset [51802] by desrosj
Block Editor: Additional package updates.


17:42 Changeset [51801] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix "passing null to non-nullable" deprecation …
17:26 Changeset [51800] by hellofromTonya
Tests: Fix "null to non-nullable" deprecation notice in …
16:35 Changeset [51799] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix "passing null to non-nullable" deprecation in …
16:29 Changeset [51798] by hellofromTonya
Tests: Add tests for wpdb::_real_escape(). Adds a new dedicated …
15:59 Changeset [51797] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix null to non-nullable deprecations in …
15:02 Changeset [51796] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix null to non-nullable deprecation in …
14:47 Ticket #24442 (Visit theme/plugin/author homepage vs Visit theme/plugin/author site) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51795: […]
14:47 Changeset [51795] by SergeyBiryukov
Accessibility: Administration: Improve aria-label on network admin …
14:23 Ticket #54107 (Multisite: "My Sites" option list can get unwieldy if user has many sites) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Thanks! We're already tracking the My Sites menu issue on #15317. …
09:58 Ticket #54107 (Multisite: "My Sites" option list can get unwieldy if user has many sites) created by henry.wright
Attached is an image of the option list for a user with many sites in …
08:34 Ticket #54106 (wp_nonce_field in get forms) created by msolution
hey, while testing one of plugins came across this issue. recreate …
05:50 Ticket #54105 (Legacy widget: reorder the widgets alphabetically) created by robertghetau
Right now we have this(see below) order for the legacy widget list and …
00:01 Changeset [51794] by azaozz
External Libraries: Update jQuery UI to 1.13.0-rc2. The final release …


22:55 Changeset [51793] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix null to non-nullable deprecation in …
22:43 Changeset [51792] by hellofromTonya
Tests: Add more invalid IP test cases and @covers to …
21:39 Changeset [51791] by hellofromTonya
Widgets: Revert [51705]. While the new name is much better, it …
20:38 Changeset [51790] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
20:29 Ticket #54104 (Media Library thumbnails broken with PHP 8) created by knieriemrt
WordPress 5.8.1 PHP 8.0.10 All plugins disabled Default Theme I …
20:12 Changeset [51789] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
19:41 Changeset [51788] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
19:20 Changeset [51787] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
18:35 Changeset [51786] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
15:17 Changeset [51785] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatch with parent in …
14:47 Changeset [51784] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
14:31 Changeset [51783] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
14:04 Ticket #54103 (Google Ads has disapproved our website due to malicious or unwanted ...) closed by fierevere
invalid: Please note: This trac is for reporting bugs in WordPress core and …
13:58 Changeset [51782] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix parameter name mismatches for parent/child …
13:47 Changeset [51781] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix reserved keyword and parameter name mismatches …
13:02 Changeset [51780] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix reserved keyword and parameter name mismatches …
12:38 Changeset [51779] by hellofromTonya
Code Modernization: Fix last parameter name mismatches for …
12:38 Ticket #54103 (Google Ads has disapproved our website due to malicious or unwanted ...) created by tanvirnabil
We run our website in wordpress betheme. We are trying to put AdSense …
12:12 Ticket #54099 (Broken Link in WordPress 5.8.1) closed by swissspidy
duplicate: Thanks for your report! As mentioned on #54101, this is due to a …
11:01 Ticket #54102 (Users with email address's containing & shows up as HTML &amp breaking ...) created by waynep16
The email address is set to tes&123@… but WordPress back …
10:56 Ticket #54101 (broken link of license in "about wordpress" section) closed by fierevere
reported-upstream: Should have been fixed in en_GB translation and updated language packs …
10:10 Ticket #54101 (broken link of license in "about wordpress" section) created by jabbarbakhshande
hi By changing the language to UK and clicking 'about WordPress' > …
10:01 Ticket #54100 (Hotkeys for Headings) created by immwac
Converting Para to heading or anything else take too much time We …
10:00 Ticket #54099 (Broken Link in WordPress 5.8.1) created by muhammadfaizanhaidar
Just a small thing, when I click on the link to visit the GPL License …
09:45 Ticket #54098 (WordPress 5.8 - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'clientId')) created by ahsynv
Hi, We updated our wordpress to 5.8 (we also tried 5.8.1 today), and …
07:58 Ticket #54097 (Menu Dividers) created by rti451
On the Menus page — along with Pages, Posts, Categories, Custom Links …
04:08 Ticket #54094 (Echo local wp-env URL when running env:start) closed by mukesh27
duplicate: Duplicate of #54095.
03:14 Changeset [51778] by desrosj
Post WordPress 5.8.1 version bump. The 5.8 branch is now 5.8.2 alpha.
02:49 Milestone 5.8.1 completed
02:49 Milestone 5.7.3 completed
02:19 Changeset [51777] by desrosj
Tag 5.2.12
02:18 Changeset [51776] by desrosj
Tag 5.4.7
02:18 Changeset [51775] by desrosj
Tag 5.5.6
02:17 Changeset [51774] by desrosj
Tag 5.6.5
02:17 Changeset [51773] by desrosj
Tag 5.7.3
02:17 Changeset [51772] by desrosj
Tag 5.8.1
02:11 Changeset [51771] by desrosj
WordPress 5.8.1.
01:59 Ticket #53762 (Replace the remaining references to wp.editor with wp.oldEditor) closed by azaozz
fixed: In 51770: […]
01:59 Changeset [51770] by azaozz
Editor: Revert [51748] and [51649]. They intorduced a bug where …
00:42 Ticket #54090 (block editor styles enqueued during ajax requests) closed by sabernhardt
duplicate: Duplicate of #54089.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.