Make WordPress Core



22:56 Ticket #52689 (Error with `npm run build` as `verify:source-maps` task runs in ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 51173: […]
22:56 Changeset [51173] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Ignore sourceMaps for non WordPress Core files. If …
18:06 Ticket #53434 (Reusable Blocks - raised a ticket in March (now closed) but still have ...) created by hicklingadmin
Hi! #52873: Reusable Blocks I raised an issue about this in March but …
17:35 Ticket #53433 (The New Widgets in 5.8 compatibility issue) created by oglekler
The New Widgets with WooCommerce 5.1.0. are not showing up at all. …
17:30 Changeset [51172] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Make some optional parameters required in unit tests for …
17:28 Ticket #53274 (Update sodium_compat to v1.16.1) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51171: […]
17:28 Changeset [51171] by SergeyBiryukov
Upgrade/Install: Update sodium_compat to v1.16.1. The latest version …
17:26 Ticket #53430 (Update PHPMailer to 6.5.0 security release) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51170: […]
17:25 Changeset [51170] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.5.0. Release …
17:02 Ticket #53430 (Update PHPMailer to 6.5.0 security release) reopened by SergeyBiryukov
Reopening for 5.7.3 consideration.
17:01 Ticket #53430 (Update PHPMailer to 6.5.0 security release) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51169: […]
17:01 Changeset [51169] by SergeyBiryukov
External Libraries: Upgrade PHPMailer to version 6.5.0. Release …
16:42 Ticket #53432 (Fatal error during update to 5.8 of a site with an active Gutenberg ...) created by oglekler
Versions of Gutenberg less than 10.7.4 have WP_Block_Template which is …
16:29 Ticket #53431 (Tests: Reset global $current_screen between tests to avoid cross-test ...) created by hellofromTonya
As discovered in #52607, the global state of current_screen is not …
16:20 Ticket #53430 (Update PHPMailer to 6.5.0 security release) created by ayeshrajans
PHPMailer 6.5 is released a few minutes ago, and contains fixes for an …
14:38 Ticket #52941 (Remove `@babel/polyfill` in favor of `core-js/stable`.) reopened by gziolo
@jeherve, I think the same issue was raised in #core-editor channel on …
14:21 Ticket #52607 (Investigate why the ms-excluded test group fails when run on its own) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: Closing this ticket as the original reported issue is resolved. Moving …
14:11 Ticket #53429 (Twenty Twenty-One: Dark mode in the new Widgets makes impossible to read) created by oglekler
If on the frontend Dark Mode is active (On), it's also active in the …
11:51 Ticket #53428 (Twenty Nineteen: Polish new blocks added in 5.8) created by AlePerez92
This is a continuation of #53389 for Twenty Nineteen issues only.
11:42 Ticket #53427 (Widget preview not working if widget registered via a instance) created by spacedmonkey
While testing the current WordPress 5.8 beta 2, I found an issue with …
10:06 Ticket #53426 (Escaping function missing.) created by chintan1896
Escaping function missing which is use admin url function.
09:41 Changeset [51168] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update syntax for some multi-line comments per the documentation …
09:38 Ticket #53425 (Allow meta_input to be updated through user input) created by freepius
Hi everyone! This is my first ticket on WordPress trac! Since 2 years …
06:15 Ticket #53424 (remove_theme_support doesn't restore back to classic widgets editor) created by kevin940726
Originally reported in this Slack thread: …
05:16 Ticket #53423 (Not getting correct version on About page, after Upgrade) created by malavvasita
Howdy, I have just checked and came to know that version on the About …
04:11 Ticket #53388 (Block widgets in the editor are not reflecting how they will look on ...) closed by noisysocks
duplicate: I'm going to close this ticket in favour of smaller tickets for each …
04:09 Ticket #53422 (Bundled Themes: Minor styling issues with blocks in widget areas) created by noisysocks
Some of the WordPress bundled themes have minor styling issues when …
01:43 Ticket #53420 (Add support of oEmbed for NFTNDX.IO) closed by peterwilsoncc
wontfix: Hi apolikamixitos and welcome to trac. WordPress has a …
01:17 Ticket #53421 (Media: Empty library triggers loading spinner to spin constantly.) created by peterwilsoncc
Visiting the WP Admin > Media page will show as constantly loading in …
01:06 Ticket #53420 (Add support of oEmbed for NFTNDX.IO) created by apolikamixitos
oEmbed doesn't support NFTNDX.IO in order to embed NFT Cards. …
00:12 Ticket #53419 (Media: Links to individual media items don't work) created by ryelle
It looks like links to individual media items have stopped working …


23:42 Ticket #53418 (Post Status Transition missing Hook) created by brettrans
REF: So I have …
23:20 Ticket #53417 (The revisions endpoints provide an incorrect JSON schema) created by johnbillion
The schema provided by the REST API endpoints for revisions at …
21:36 Ticket #53416 (block.json without a `supports` key throws notice) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51167: […]
21:36 Changeset [51167] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor: Check if supports metadata key is defined before migrating …
20:54 Ticket #53416 (block.json without a `supports` key throws notice) created by walbo
When WordPress converts typography keys declared under supports.* to …
19:48 Ticket #53415 (Filter API to edit footer content) created by codemilitant
Just like "the_content", a filter that allows the footer content to be …
19:33 Ticket #50533 (Different hover color on WordPress Version 5.4.2) closed by sabernhardt
fixed: The hover/focus color matches the admin menu blue background since …
19:30 Ticket #53414 (Add how to run php coverage reports to created by pbearne
With the@Covers getting added in #39265 we need to make it easy to …
19:09 Ticket #52603 (Inconsistent doc for return value of wp_generate_attachment_metadata) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51166: […]
19:09 Changeset [51166] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update syntax for multi-line comment in …
18:08 Ticket #52603 (Inconsistent doc for return value of wp_generate_attachment_metadata) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for a small coding standards follow-up to [51162]. Patch …
18:04 Changeset [51165] by desrosj
Post WordPress 5.8 Beta 2 version bump.
18:04 Ticket #53413 (Update the docs for $wp_version) created by azaozz
In addition to holding the version number the WordPress version string …
17:39 Changeset [51164] by desrosj
WordPress 5.8 Beta 2.
17:03 Changeset [51163] by SergeyBiryukov
Quick/Bulk Edit: Ensure that $post_ids variable is initialized ahead …
16:51 Ticket #52603 (Inconsistent doc for return value of wp_generate_attachment_metadata) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51162: […]
16:51 Changeset [51162] by SergeyBiryukov
Media: Make sure wp_generate_attachment_metadata() always returns an …
16:50 Ticket #53411 (Incorrect isset check in media bulk actions) closed by davidbaumwald
fixed: In 51161: […]
16:50 Changeset [51161] by davidbaumwald
Media: Ensure $post_ids is evaluated properly when processing bulk …
16:24 Ticket #53378 (Two regressions in the UI color control) closed by desrosj
fixed: #53397 is now fixed. @nosolosw if you could, please just double check …
16:23 Ticket #53397 (Update the WordPress Packages with the Gutenberg fixes during the 5.8 ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: I believe this is now resolved. If that's not the case, feel free to …
16:15 Changeset [51160] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Remove redundant default text domain parameter in some __()
16:03 Changeset [51159] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Add missing documentation for …
15:49 Changeset [51158] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Use consistent formatting for …
15:37 Changeset [51157] by SergeyBiryukov
I18N: Use consistent pattern for placeholder references in translator …
15:33 Ticket #53412 (Consider allowing themes to include block directory block references) created by helen
Important note: this is not a plugin dependencies ticket!! But maybe a …
15:29 Ticket #53411 (Incorrect isset check in media bulk actions) created by david.binda
After r51111 which makes sure that the $post_ids variable is always …
15:28 Changeset [51156] by youknowriad
Block Editor: Second batch of fixes for 5.8 beta 2 This includes: - …
15:23 Ticket #53410 (Provide better guidance for users looking to test FSE themes) created by desrosj
If a user activates a Full Site Editing theme and the Gutenberg plugin …
15:23 Changeset [51155] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove a one-time $message variable in WordPress …
15:21 Changeset [51154] by SergeyBiryukov
Coding Standards: Remove a one-time $message variable in some …
14:01 Changeset [51153] by SergeyBiryukov
Editor, I18N: Remove code from a translatable string in …
11:58 Ticket #53409 (WordPress 5.8 - widgets as blocks - max-width is missing for custom icons) created by harmr
With our plugin we use a custom block which with WP …
11:27 Ticket #53408 (png images bit depth is modified in resized images) created by wpfed
Hi, When I upload a 8 bit png image graphic, WordPress resizes as …
11:23 Changeset [51152] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the VALID_ORIGINS constant in WP_Theme_JSON. …
10:23 Ticket #52628 (Docblock improvements for WP 5.8) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51151: […]
10:23 Changeset [51151] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the usage of $wp_embed global in …
10:20 Changeset [51150] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the usage of $_wp_current_template_content global in …
09:40 Ticket #53407 (Widgets editor: HTML entities appear in Legacy Widget's description) created by ramonopoly
HTML entities appear in Legacy Widget's description. For example: …
09:18 Ticket #53406 (Custom css) created by lupussolaris
Hi, I am relatively new to WP development and am helping out on …
08:50 Changeset [51149] by youknowriad
Block Editor: Update the WordPress packages with the fixes for 5.8 …
07:50 Ticket #53405 (short circuit before current filters for get_edit_user_link) created by shawfactor
currently the function get_edit_user_link can be filtered BUT it is …
05:06 Ticket #53404 (Replace http with https entering a video link) created by Presskopp
Using the classic editor / classic block: 1) Add Media 2) Insert …
03:04 Ticket #53403 (Query block: Notice thrown if template includes post content.) created by peterwilsoncc
== Including the post content block within a query block will cause a …
02:16 Ticket #53344 (Add editor styles to the widgets block editor) reopened by isabel_brison
Reopening this to try adding theme styles in the Widgets editor.
01:06 Ticket #53402 (Uniform Hashed User Naming Schema for Cross-Domain Interoperability ...) created by anonymized_16965431's Single SignOn plugin was presented at the special session …
00:18 Ticket #53401 ( Embeds) created by gbynumbain
Hi, I’m an employee at Would it be possible for us …


23:43 Ticket #53369 (Remove gutenberg plugin function in favor of WP's own function in ...) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 51148: […]
23:43 Changeset [51148] by desrosj
Editor: Replace a Gutenberg specific function with the Core …
23:41 Changeset [51147] by desrosj
Coding Standards: Apply some alignment fixes. Follow up to [51145]. …
23:16 Ticket #52941 (Remove `@babel/polyfill` in favor of `core-js/stable`.) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 51146: […]
23:16 Changeset [51146] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Replace the deprecated @babel/polyfill. This …
23:03 Ticket #52111 (Classic Editor - TinyMCE Visual Page editor not working correctly ...) closed by azaozz
invalid: Thanks for posting the js errors. Replying to spikeuk1: …
20:49 Ticket #50105 (Remove infinite scrolling behavior from the Media grid) closed by joedolson
fixed: In 51145: […]
20:49 Changeset [51145] by joedolson
Media: Restore AJAX response data shape in media library. Restore the …
20:38 Ticket #53280 (Incorrect use of WP_Query::get_posts in new get_block_template and ...) closed by jorbin
fixed: In 51144: […]
20:38 Changeset [51144] by jorbin
Block Editor: Prevent duplicate queries When passing args to …
18:58 Ticket #53022 (List the supported file types for the active image editor) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 51143: […]
18:58 Changeset [51143] by desrosj
Site Health: Display a list of file formats supported by the GD …
16:57 Ticket #53400 (Widgets block editor: Top toolbar in Customizer closes when clicking ...) created by omarsp123
Using FireFox 78.11.0esr (64-bit) on Mac, I am able to reproduce the …
15:19 Ticket #53399 (Docblock improvements for WP 5.9) created by desrosj
Previously: * #52628 (5.8) * #51800 (5.7) * #50768 (5.6) * #49572
15:15 Changeset [51142] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Update documentation for some WP_Customize_Widgets methods per …
14:02 Ticket #53398 (Twenty Twenty-One: Polish new blocks added in 5.8) created by desrosj
This is a continuation of #53389 for Twenty Twenty-One issues only.
13:36 Ticket #53397 (Update the WordPress Packages with the Gutenberg fixes during the 5.8 ...) created by youknowriad
Just a ticket to trac the weekly package update backports. These …
13:15 Ticket #53396 (Lighthouse detects 1 vulnerability) closed by ocean90
duplicate: Hello @priyankac, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report. …
13:00 Ticket #53396 (Lighthouse detects 1 vulnerability) created by priyankac
Hello, Our WordPress website when testing in the lighthouse its shows …
11:01 Ticket #53394 (@global $wp_widget_factory is used but not define in documentation of ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
fixed: In 51141: […]
11:01 Changeset [51141] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Document the usage of $wp_widget_factory global in …
10:31 Ticket #53395 (Cannot use wp_is_mobile() in Network activated plugins) created by promz
Steps to reproduce - Create a network site - Create and activate a …
09:15 Ticket #53394 (@global $wp_widget_factory is used but not define in documentation of ...) reopened by jontyravi
09:14 Ticket #53394 (@global $wp_widget_factory is used but not define in documentation of ...) closed by jontyravi
invalid: Hi @audrasjb, I have applied the thing that you have mentioned.
06:22 Ticket #53394 (@global $wp_widget_factory is used but not define in documentation of ...) created by jontyravi
@global $wp_widget_factory is used but not define in documentation of …
01:18 Ticket #53393 (Latest version of PHPMailer no longer attaches files to emails) created by threeatetwo
I've been trying to track down why my s3 bucket files are no longer …


16:42 Ticket #53392 (add a filter for the arguments of `the_posts_pagination()`) created by pbiron
It would be really helpful if there were a hook to filter the …
16:27 Changeset [51140] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Fix typo in a retrieve_widgets() test name. Correct …
12:52 Ticket #53391 (Block editor Code and Preformatted failing to accept text) created by seasoned_geek
This file …


17:14 Ticket #53390 (Unfreeze the code of is_serialized()) created by whitewinterwolf
The code of …
15:47 Changeset [51139] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Fix typo in a get_bookmarks() test name. Follow-up to …
02:34 Ticket #53022 (List the supported file types for the active image editor) reopened by adamsilverstein
@desrosj in 53022.4.diff I added support for GD image …


21:36 Ticket #44649 (Update logs from plugins) closed by SergeyBiryukov
wontfix: Closing due to lack of traction, it does not look like there are any …
20:40 Ticket #53389 (Bundled Themes: Add styling for blocks added in 5.8) created by desrosj
In testing the new blocks added in 5.8, I've found that a lot of them …
20:25 Ticket #53388 (Block widgets in the editor are not reflecting how they will look on ...) created by desrosj
While editing block widgets, many blocks do not accurately reflect how …
20:15 Ticket #53387 (Carry "dates" and times over to Plugins/Themes so you can see when it ...) created by starcrescendo
It would be great to have some sort of administration "activity log" …
18:36 Ticket #53386 (Multisite is_super_admin call during app password validation can lead ...) created by chrisvanpatten
In multisite, the following code sample leads to an infinite loop when …
14:08 Ticket #53385 (When adding a plugin/theme via "add new plugin/theme" it should show ...) created by NekoJonez
When you add a new plugin via the plugin menu and click on "Add new …
13:57 Ticket #53384 (External plugins who can auto-update are always listed under ...) created by NekoJonez
On my site, I have four plugins who can auto-update yet in the plugin …
13:22 Ticket #53383 (bug: pre_get_posts modify vs posts (pages, etc) found numbers) created by err
Dear WP! I'm pretty sure I've just found a bug. I want to hide …
12:34 Changeset [51138] by SergeyBiryukov
Docs: Correct DocBlock formatting for some revision tests. Follow-up …
11:54 Ticket #53382 (media and text article title option is not compatible with WordPress ...) created by ugyensupport
Full Site Editing - not giving proper image result as it is when using …
02:12 Ticket #53381 (Events and News Widget: Multi-day event placeholders are not replaced ...) created by Nao
When the user profile language is set to Korean or Japanese, the …


23:14 Ticket #53376 (Use of removed function set_magic_quotes_runtime on line 72 in file ...) closed by SergeyBiryukov
duplicate: Hi there, welcome to WordPress Trac! Thanks for the report, we're …
19:55 Ticket #53380 (WordPress Update Email Notification) closed by jorbin
invalid: Hi @guardian88, welcome to trac. Please note that this Trac is used …
19:35 Ticket #53380 (WordPress Update Email Notification) created by guardian88
When we auto update a site we get notifications via email like the …
19:18 Changeset [51137] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Use assertSameSets() in some newly introduced tests. This …
19:12 Ticket #53379 (PHP-Warnung: Invalid String-Offset 'custom_css_post_id") closed by desrosj
invalid: Hi @kreativstattandrea, Welcome to Trac! I apologize in advance if …
18:10 Ticket #53379 (PHP-Warnung: Invalid String-Offset 'custom_css_post_id") created by kreativstattandrea
Hallo, ich kann im Customizer keine Änderungen im Header mehr …
11:10 Ticket #53378 (Two regressions in the UI color control) created by oandregal
There's a couple of regressions related to the UI control control in …
09:57 Ticket #53377 (WebPI parameters.xml whitespace) created by fusecp
The wordpress wp-config.php file was updates to include spaces in the …
04:09 Ticket #53376 (Use of removed function set_magic_quotes_runtime on line 72 in file ...) created by 0xcrypto
In PHP 7+, the function set_magic_quotes_runtime has been removed. …
00:36 Ticket #53344 (Add editor styles to the widgets block editor) closed by noisysocks
reported-upstream: Closing this in favour of …


23:50 Ticket #53278 ([PHP 8] RSS Widget has infinite loop for instances with an undefined URL.) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: In 51136: […]
23:50 Changeset [51136] by peterwilsoncc
Widgets: Improve unit tests for RSS Widget. Prevent unit tests from …
21:52 Ticket #53375 (Loading separate core block assets tries to load stylesheets on blocks ...) created by walbo
In [51102] support for adding inline styles for all blocks was added, …
21:43 Ticket #53374 (Log in process reveals if an email address exists in the database) closed by jorbin
duplicate: As mentioned on #53373, This is by design. There is a balance to be …
21:42 Ticket #53373 (Reset password process reveals if an email address exists in the database) closed by jorbin
duplicate: This is by design. There is a balance to be made between security and …
21:24 Ticket #53374 (Log in process reveals if an email address exists in the database) created by henry.wright
If an email address doesn't exist, this message is given when log in …
21:15 Ticket #53373 (Reset password process reveals if an email address exists in the database) created by henry.wright
If an email address doesn't exist, this message is given when a …
20:56 Ticket #51754 (Add a copy-link button at the media upload page) reopened by Presskopp
@antpb looks like this patch has an unwanted side effect showing error …
19:41 Changeset [51135] by SergeyBiryukov
Tests: Ignore EOL differences in some tests using multiline string …
18:51 Ticket #53372 (Loose type check against dates in rest_validate_value_from_schema ...) created by jonmcpartland
When validating dates, rest_validate_value_from_schema assumes a …
18:47 Ticket #53371 (Transparent header appears as a white bar on desktop; menu appearing ...) closed by hellofromTonya
invalid: Hello @ellielox, Welcome to WordPress Core Trac! Thanks for the …
18:02 Ticket #53371 (Transparent header appears as a white bar on desktop; menu appearing ...) created by ellielox
Hello, I am completely new to WordPress and website builing. I don't …
17:38 Ticket #53370 (Theme thumbnail/screenshot does not contain version string) created by codente
As a result, if you change it, it's cached by the browser. I propose …
16:20 Changeset [51134] by desrosj
Upgrade/Install: Built files should not be included in the …
15:53 Ticket #53367 (Update the $_old_files array for 5.8) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 51133: […]
15:53 Changeset [51133] by desrosj
Upgrade/Install: Update the $_old_files list for 5.8. Follow up to …
15:32 Ticket #53366 (The default font-size of the paragraph in Media Text blocks should not ...) closed by desrosj
reported-upstream: I'm going to close this out as reported-upstream. If somethign comes …
14:30 Ticket #53369 (Remove gutenberg plugin function in favor of WP's own function in ...) created by walbo
In [51089] wp_migrate_old_typography_shape was added, but it used …
14:12 Ticket #53278 ([PHP 8] RSS Widget has infinite loop for instances with an undefined URL.) reopened by hellofromTonya
Reopening for follow-up to add the unit tests that were not committed …
08:25 Ticket #53368 (Auto-generated skip-link gets added in classic templates and not just ...) created by aristath
In we introduced the …
06:44 Ticket #46328 (Long spam link mobile view) closed by sabernhardt
fixed: Long links wrap to the next line, apparently since WordPress 5.4 with …
02:39 Changeset [51132] by desrosj
Post WordPress 5.8 Beta 1 version bump.
02:20 Ticket #53367 (Update the $_old_files array for 5.8) created by desrosj
The $_old_files array needs to be updated for 5.8. While updating …
02:01 Changeset [51131] by desrosj
WordPress 5.8 Beta 1.
01:40 Ticket #53366 (The default font-size of the paragraph in Media Text blocks should not ...) created by no249a002
As referred in this issue …
01:35 Ticket #52860 (Ignore jquery migrate console warnings when running e2e tests) closed by desrosj
fixed: In 51130: […]
01:35 Changeset [51130] by desrosj
Build/Test Tools: Silence jQuery Migrate console warnings when running …
01:34 Ticket #44314 (`user_confirmed_action_email_content` filter run on two different strings) closed by antpb
fixed: In 51129: […]
01:34 Changeset [51129] by antpb
Privacy: Improve naming of user confimed action email filters. The …
00:33 Ticket #52076 (Checking anonymous user's exist capability returns inconsistent ...) closed by peterwilsoncc
fixed: Per discussion in today's 5.8 Beta 1 release bug scrub in #core, …
00:30 Ticket #52991 (Editor: Update WordPress packages to use with WordPress 5.8) closed by desrosj
fixed: I believe everything here has been addressed. Please open a new …
00:29 Ticket #53175 (Block Editor: Include the theme.json infrastructure code and support) closed by hellofromTonya
fixed: As 5.8 Beta 1 is today and it looks like all work is done on this …
00:28 Ticket #52625 (Test tool and unit test improvements for 5.8) closed by desrosj
fixed: I've opened #53365 for 5.9. Going to close this out. Test changes can …
00:27 Ticket #53365 (Test tool and unit test improvements for 5.9) created by desrosj
Previously: * #52625 (5.8) * #51802 (5.7) * #51344 (5.6) This ticket …
00:20 Ticket #52905 (Add e2e tests for Quick Draft section in Dashboard) closed by desrosj
fixed: This was fixed in [51128].
00:19 Changeset [51128] by desrosj
Tests: Introduce some E2E tests for the Quick Draft dashboard widget. …
00:12 Ticket #52482 (Tests: Reduce usage of assertEquals() for 5.8) closed by desrosj
fixed: I've opened #53364 to continue this during the 5.9 cycle. If there are …
00:11 Ticket #53364 (Tests: Reduce usage of assertEquals for 5.9) created by desrosj
Follow-up to: * #52482 for 5.8 * #38266 for 5.7 The assertEquals()
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.